
  • 网络the keynesian revolution
  1. 由此引发了关于凯恩斯革命的新争论。

    As such , it has led to fresh controversy over the Keynesian Revolution .

  2. 最后要说的是,凯恩斯革命并不是优秀的科学战胜了愚昧的科学,而是良好的判断战胜了糟糕的判断。

    Ultimately , the Keynesian revolution was a triumph not of good science over bad science , but of good judgment over bad judgment .

  3. 经济学又回到了新古典实物分析,凯恩斯革命被完全逆转了。

    Thus , economics returned back to the new classical real analysis .

  4. 《通论》的研究主题是在20世纪20年代中期确立的,凯恩斯革命在1924年就已经启动。

    He theme of A GENERAL SURVEY was decided in mid 1920s , and 1924 saw the start of the Keynes Revolution .

  5. 对于绿色产业的研究和拓展的意义不亚于斯密的“看不见的手”和“凯恩斯革命”,不亚于工业革命带来的作用。

    The meaning of the study of green industry is no less important than that of Smith 's " invisible hand "," Keynesian Revolution " and Industrial Revolution .

  6. 凯恩斯革命、货币主义反革命和理性预期革命等重大经济学事件构成了20世纪西方宏观经济学发展的主线。

    The major events in economics , the Keynesian Revolution , Monetarist Counterrevolution , Rational Expectation Revolution , etc. , made up main path of development of modern macroeconomics .

  7. 始于20世纪20年代的关于计划经济是否可行的大论战、随后发生的世界经济大萧条及凯恩斯革命、市场失灵的有关理论,都是对市场机制作用的证伪。

    Among them are the heated debate on the feasibility of planned economy beginning in the 1920s , and theories related to the subsequent depression of the world economy , the Keynesian Revolution and market failure .

  8. 凯恩斯革命后,资本主义国家开始对国民经济进行大规模干预,西方国家从自由竞争的市场经济发展到有国家宏观调控的现代市场经济,宏观调控的主要手段有经济计划、财政货币政策。

    After the Keynes Revolution , a capitalist country began to interfere national economy at large-scale , the west countries has developed from free-compete market economy to modern market economy with state macro-control , main macro-control means are economic plan , optimal fiscal and monetary policies .

  9. 凯恩斯革命产生了现代意义上的宏观经济学,凯恩斯经济学批判了传统经济理论中的萨伊定律,在三大心理规律的基础上发展了有效需求不足的理论,并提出了政府干预的政策主张。

    Keynesian revolution brought hot the macroeconomics in modern sense . Keynesian econonmics criticized the Say Law in the traditional economic theories , and developed the " effective demand insufficiency " theory on the basis of three main psychological regulations , and put forward the policy advocates of governmental interferences .

  10. 后凯恩斯经济学是自凯恩斯革命以来,一直致力于完成流产的凯恩斯革命,并以反新古典主流面目存在的一支异端经济学流派,它是对凯恩斯经济学范式的恢复和拓展。

    Post Keynesian Economics is a school of thought in heterodox economics , which has turned against neo-classical mainstream theories and has applied itself to finishing abortive Keynesian Revolution since Keynesian Revolution . It represents both a recovery and an extension of the economic paradigm developed by Keynes .

  11. 现代总量理论是在争论中发展的,争论的主要问题是如何正确阐释和发展凯恩斯的总量理论,并继承凯恩斯革命的成果。

    Modern aggregate theory has being developed in controversy , the issue is how to explain and develop the Keynesian aggregate theory correctly , and succeed to the result of the Keynesian revolution .