
nínɡ jí
  • clumping
  • agglutinate;gather;accumulate
凝集 [níng jí]
  • [agglutinate] 凝结;聚集

  1. 吸附IgG的致敏红血球在小鹅瘟病毒作用下能发生特异性凝集。

    These IgG-adsorbed red cells were found to agglutinate together when mixed with the gosling pest virus .

  2. 结果:检出一株生化试验符合阴沟肠杆菌,与沙门菌F群血清发生强凝集反应的阴沟肠杆菌。

    Results : One strain separated can agglutinate serum of Salmonella F group , but has the same biochemical characterization with Enterobacter cloacae .

  3. 在这种聚合之后,副粘液病毒能使凝集的细胞发生融合。

    After this aggregation , paramyxoviruses effect fusion of the agglutinated cells .

  4. 此书凝集着他毕生的心血。

    This book is his life 's work .

  5. 有些人的血清能引起别人的红血球的凝集。

    The serum of some human beings caused agglutination of the red blood corpuscles of other human beings .

  6. 猪瘟病毒SPA协同凝集试验及双夹心ELISA检测方法的建立

    Establishment of Detection Methods for Hog Cholera Virus with SPA-COA and ELISA

  7. 结果表明HBsAg全血凝集试剂盒的检测敏感性为1μg/L;

    The sensitivity of the kits is 1ng / ml HBsAg .

  8. 基于PEG凝集的压电免疫传感器用于日本血吸虫抗体的测定

    Piezoelectric Immunosensor Based on the Agglutination of PEG for Determination of S. Japonicum Antibody

  9. AD脑组织易损区存在着DNA断裂损伤,凋亡小体,染色质凝集及凋亡相关的基因表达改变。

    There existed DNA breakage , apoptotic body , chromosome aggregation and the changes of related apoptotic gene expression in the AD brain .

  10. 取鼠血清用间接血球凝集实验检测鼠疫F1抗体。

    We took rats serum and had indirect agglutination test F1 antibody .

  11. 中间体和目标化合物都经过元素分析,~1H-NMR确证,部分化合物经IR确证,并参照Born比浊法进行体外抗血小板凝集实验。

    All compounds were first reported and all intermediates and title compounds were confirmed by element analysis , 1H-NMR , and IR .

  12. 方法用微量凝集试验(MAT)检测抗体。

    Method A microscopic agglutination test was used .

  13. 精子凝集试验、固相酶法和ELISA法检测不孕症夫妇血清抗精子抗体的分析

    Determination of Antisperm Antibody in Serum of Infertile Couples by Sperm Agglutination Test , Solid Phase Enzyme Method and ELISA

  14. 200份阴性血清在平板凝集试验和试管凝集试验中均为阴性,在ELISA试验中有1份为阳性。

    The 200 negative sera were negative in plate agglutination text and SAT , and one was positive in ELISA .

  15. 结果表明,经3种疫苗浸泡接种后的鱼体血清中凝集抗体效价与对照组鱼没有显著差别(P>0.05);

    The results indicated that serum of three kinds of vaccinated mandarinfish had no significant difference in compared with the control group ( P > 0.05 ) in agglutination titer .

  16. 柞蚕微粒子病血清学诊断的研究&玻片凝集法及SPA法

    Serological Diagnosis of Pebrine in Oak Silkworm & Methods of Slide Agglutination and SPA

  17. 性质研究发现TDA具强的兔血细胞凝集素活性,在浓度为0.95μg/ml时仍能凝集兔红细胞;

    TDA could agglutinate rabbit erythrocytes and the lowest agglutination concentration was 0.95 μ g / ml ;

  18. 应用颗粒凝集法测定两组患儿MpIgM。

    The MP-IgM of children in both groups were tested by the granule agglutinating method .

  19. 目的探讨应用柱凝集技术进行Rh血型抗原分型的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the application of column agglutination technology in Rh blood group gene identification .

  20. 虽然非伤寒患儿肥达反应可呈假阳性反应,但O、H抗体凝集效价极少达到1∶800。

    Although non typhoidal febrile children manifested false positive Widal test , agglutinin level at titre of 1 ∶ 800 was only found in a few patients .

  21. 采用乳胶凝集法(LA)检测LTA;

    The latex agglutination ( LA ) assay was performed to detect LTA .

  22. 阳性培养物用生化反应、协同凝集试验、代谢抑制试验、聚合酶链反应和DNA序列测定等方法进行鉴定。

    Biochemical reaction , coagglutination test , metabolism inhibition test , polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) assay , and DNA sequencing were employed to identify the isolated microorganisms .

  23. 方法采用皮内试验(ID)和间接红细胞凝集试验(IHA)检测感染旋毛虫病豚鼠。

    Methods : By intradermal test ( ID ) and indirect hemagglutination test ( IHA ) .

  24. 方法:对162例肝硬化腹水合并感染患者在治疗前和感染控制后应用C反应蛋白乳胶玻片凝集试验检测,并进行自身对照;

    Methods One hundred and sixty-two cases of ascites due to cirrhosis complicated with infection were detected CRP with lactoprene coagulant glass test method and compared the results before and after treatment .

  25. 病毒对1%的鸡红细胞无凝集作用,并在鸡胚内干扰了B1系新城疫病毒的血凝素的形成;

    The virus could not agglutinate 1 % of the chicken erythrocytes and interfered with the development of the hemagglutinins by the B-1 strain of Newcastle disease virus in the chicken embryos .

  26. 方法用琼脂平板筛选法和MRSA胶乳凝集试剂盒鉴定MRSA;

    Methods MRSA were identified by agar selecting method and latex coagulation method ;

  27. 我们从病死猪的病料中成功分离到三株猪链球菌分离株,经革兰氏染色、生化试验、血清凝集试验和PCR鉴定,最终证实为猪链球菌Ⅱ型。

    Three bacterial isolates from clinical samples were diagnosed as Streptococcus suis type ⅱ based on Gram staining , biochemical character , agglutination and PCR test .

  28. 对分离的病原株进行了电镜形态学观察、保存期试验、微量凝集试验(MAT)和SDS&聚丙烯酰铵凝胶电泳试验(SDS-PAGE)等研究。

    Strains isolated were analysed by electron-microscopic observation , preservation period test , microagglutination test , and SDS-PAGE .

  29. 转化细胞可被低浓度conA凝集,并在软琼脂内生长。

    The transformed cells could be agglutinated by low concentration of Con A and grow in semisolid agar .

  30. 方法采用血清学凝集方法对329名RhD阴性献血者的Rh表现型、MN及P血型进行分型。

    Methods It was used by the routine serological methods to Rh-phenotype , MN and P blood group of 329 RhD negative donors .