
nínɡ jí fǎn yìnɡ
  • agglutination reaction
  1. 牛初乳富含Ig(主要为IgG抗体)、生长因子等活性功能组分,能攻击侵入机体的致病原,与细菌或病毒发生凝集反应,从而抑制细菌和病毒的生长和繁殖;

    Colostrums was rich in active function components , such as immunoglobulin ( mainly IgG ) and growth factors , which could attack virulence pathogen and take agglutination reaction with germs or virus , so that it inhibited the growth and production of germs and virus .

  2. 结果眼镜蛇毒与0.5EU/ml鲎试剂产生凝集反应的浓度在5.0μg/ml以上;

    Results The concentration for cobratoxin to produce agglutination reaction is above 5.0 μ g / ml in action with 0.5EU/ml 1 limulus reagent .

  3. 结果:检出一株生化试验符合阴沟肠杆菌,与沙门菌F群血清发生强凝集反应的阴沟肠杆菌。

    Results : One strain separated can agglutinate serum of Salmonella F group , but has the same biochemical characterization with Enterobacter cloacae .

  4. 病程1周左右支原体PCR均为阳性,血清冷凝集反应90%阳性。

    Mycoplasma PCR was positive in all patients about one week after the onset . Serum cold agglutination was positive in 90 % cases .

  5. 用凝集反应检测伤寒抗体效价,MTT法检测B淋巴细胞的增殖能力。

    Serum and splenocytes were collected , to detect the antibody titer by agglutination , to detect the proliferation ability of B cell by MTT assay .

  6. 采用兔抗魏氏梭菌α-毒素IgG致敏马红细胞建立了反向间接血凝试验,该诊断试剂与魏氏梭菌标准株的培养上清液发生特异的凝集反应;

    A reverse indirect hemoagglutination test was first established by using the rabbit anti - α toxin IgG sensitizing horse red blood cells .

  7. 对ConA有高凝集反应。

    The reaction to ConA was been high .

  8. 大鼠淋巴细胞对绵羊红细胞的破坏作用在6h内,未见体外溶血和红细胞凝集反应;

    Rat lymphocytes causing destruction of sheep erythrocytes The haemolytic effect on human erythrocyte was not observed in 6 hours .

  9. 介绍了两种常用的检测HbA1c的方法:胶乳凝集反应法和离子交换高压液相色谱法。

    Two assays of the HbA1c detection was introduced : latex agglomeration tests and high pressure liquid chromatography .

  10. 采用红血球凝集反应(HA)测定疫苗的效价,考察制备过程中各工艺因素对疫苗活性的影响。

    Hemagglutination reaction ( HA ) is used to determine the titer of Newcastle vaccine , which can be used to investigate the influences of different factors on activity of the vaccine in the process .

  11. 结果:盐酸洛美沙星葡萄糖注射液对鲎试剂的凝集反应有干扰作用,调节药液pH值至68~72可消除干扰,用灵敏度为025EU/ml的鲎试剂可进行细菌内毒素检查。

    RESULTS : Lomefloxacin and glucose injection could interfere with limulus test , however , the interference could be eliminated after adjusting the pH of injection to 6.8 ~ 7.0.The proper concentration of limulus test agent of bacterial endotoxin test was 0.25EU/ml .

  12. 在较大剂量时,中度抑制小鼠血清及脾细胞免疫溶血反应,对小鼠血清凝集反应及小鼠移植物抗宿主反应(GVHR)无影响。

    It moderately inhibited both serum and spleen cell immuno-hemolytic reactions in Swiss mice but exerted no significant influence on serum hemagglutinin titre and graft versus host reaction .

  13. 从腹泻病人和猪各分离出1株O:15型小肠结肠炎耶氏菌,它们含有毒力质粒(45megadaltons)、VW抗原和Vi抗原,并与毒力因子血清发生凝集反应,在小鼠体内能大量繁殖。

    Two strains of Yersinia enterocolitica O : 15 were isolated from diarrheal patient and pig . They contain virulent plasmid ( 45 megadaltons ), Vi antigen , and VW antigen , and can be agglutinated by antiserum against virulent factors of Yersinia enterocolitica .

  14. 结果:复方利多卡因注射液对鲎试剂的凝集反应无干扰作用,用灵敏度0.5EU/ml的鲎试剂检查细菌内毒素的方法可行有效。

    Results : The test using limulus agent with a sensitivity of 0.5 Eu / m showed that the reaction was not interfered by compound lidocaine injection .

  15. 结果:将己酮可可碱葡萄糖注射液稀释2倍后对鲎试剂凝集反应没有干扰作用,用标示灵敏度为0.25EU/mL的鲎试剂检测细菌内毒素是有效的。

    Results : The tachypleus amebocyte lysate has no interfered by the pentoxifylline glucose injection diluted 2 times in the coagulate reaction , so it is valid to use the sensitivity of TAL 0.25EU/mL to test bacterial endotoxin .

  16. 间接红细胞凝集反应检测中华鳖血清抗体的方法

    A method of detection of antibody in Trionyx sinensis by indirect

  17. 赤血球凝集反应对日本血吸虫病的诊断价值

    The Value of Haemagglutination Reaction in the Diagnosis of Schistosomiasis Japonica

  18. 并与传统血清学方法凝集反应进行了比较。

    And improved ELISA was compared with traditional serum method-agglutination .

  19. 在试管凝集反应中,水浴温度为40℃,可延缓自凝现象的出现。

    So did it in tube agglutination conducted in bath at40 ℃ .

  20. 协同凝集反应定量检测苏云金杆菌晶体蛋白

    Quantitate the soluble crystal protein of Bacillus thuringiensis by coagglutination

  21. 经微量凝集反应和琼脂双扩散血清学试验,25菌株至少有3个不同的血清型。

    There were at least three serotypes in 25 strains of E. chrysanthemi .

  22. 血清与副溶血弧菌凝集反应,阳性率95%。

    The agglutinative test of serum were 95 % positive with V. P. isolate .

  23. 特异性凝集反应检查钩端螺旋体病抗体的研究

    Study on specific agglutination to examine leptospirosis antibody

  24. 结果:肝脑清注射液不干扰鲎试剂与细菌内毒素的凝集反应。

    Result : There was not interference between the sample and the relative TAL .

  25. 问号状钩端螺旋体外膜单克隆抗体凝集反应特性的研究

    Study on the Characteristics of Agglutination Reaction of McAb with Leptospira Interrogans Outer Envelope

  26. 苏云金杆菌OH-抗原、O-抗原与OH-抗血清、H-抗血清之间凝集反应的关系

    Relationship in agglutination of oh-antigen , O-antigen with oh-antisera , H-antisera of Bacillus thuringiensis

  27. 间接凝集反应的模拟方法

    Methods of simulating the indirect agglutination

  28. 在显微镜下观察微粒凝集反应对猪地方性肺炎的诊断和鉴定猪肺炎支原体的研究

    Microagglutination test for the diagnosis of swine mycoplasmal pneumonia and the identification of mycoplasmas count pigs

  29. 本试验进行了诊断液活力和特异性的检查,结果表明:正向间接血凝诊断液特异性好,只与同型阳性血清发生凝集反应。

    The result showed that the activity and speciality of the reverse indirect hemagglutination diagnostic preparation is good .

  30. 多糖成份在菌株间的交叉反应有限,可能受弧菌自身表面抗原复杂性的影响,凝集反应结果与免疫印迹试验结果不完全一致。

    Affected by surface antigen complexity of Vibrio itself , agglutination reaction were not all identical with Western-blot reaction .