
lěnɡ sè
  • cold/cool color
  1. 选择冷色系,比如乳白色。

    Choose a cool colour such as cream

  2. 各种蓝、绿色调都属于冷色。

    Blues and greens are cold colours .

  3. 暖色如黄色使食物显得更开胃,而冷色则使我们不那么饥饿。

    Warm colors like yellow make food appear more appetizing , while cold colors make us feel less hungry .

  4. 蓝色、紫色和绿色等冷色是令人放松的颜色。

    Cool colors such as blue , purple , and green are relaxing colors .

  5. 冷色的肤色有蓝色的基调。

    Cool skin types have a blue undertone in their skin .

  6. 绿、蓝、紫都是冷色。

    The cool colors are green , blue , and violet .

  7. 凡是在冷色的环境里,人们通常都很安静。

    Where there are cool colors , people are usually quiet .

  8. 这幅画里既有冷色又有暖色。

    There are both warm and cold colors in this picture .

  9. 绿色是冷色,是春季草坪的颜色。

    Green is the cool color of grass in spring .

  10. 冷色系就是小居室的必备,占40%。

    Cold color is an essential small room , accounting for40 % .

  11. 冷色对于关键信息量较少的站点比较合适。

    Cool colors are well suited for conveying a lower key message .

  12. 你更喜欢灰色、蓝色此类冷色系?

    Do you prefer those cold colors such as grey and blue ?

  13. 蓝色、紫色和灰色等冷色系的颜色能抑制食欲。

    Cool colors such as blue , violet and gray suppress appetite .

  14. 冷色与暖色不同,会使人心情轻松。

    These colors , unlike warm colors , are relaxing .

  15. 冷色,包括绿、蓝和紫。

    Cold colours including green , blue and purple .

  16. 颜色分三类:暖色、冷色和中性色。

    Color has three classifications : warm colors , cool colors and neutrals .

  17. 暖色和冷色都会影响到人的感觉。

    Warm and cool colors affect how people feel .

  18. 暖色/冷色;

    ⑵ warm color / cold color ;

  19. 小贴士:冷色和闪光的眼影和镜框搭配会不和谐。

    Tip : Frosty or shimmery eye shadow can detract from or compete with frames .

  20. 配合一个合适的字体颜色,冷色会提供一种鲜明的颜色对照和颜色变化。

    With a complimentary font color , they offer an effective combination of contrast and color variation .

  21. 总的来说,人们谈论的是两大类颜色:暖色和冷色。

    In general , people talk about two groups of colors : warm colors and cool colors .

  22. 暖色会吸引人来商店,冷色会刺激更多注视和消费。

    Warm colors attract people to a store . Cool colors encourage more contemplation and higher sales .

  23. 也许暖色能使人们想起温暖的日子,而冷色使人想起冷的日子。

    Perhaps warm colors remind people of warm days and the cool colors remind them of cool days .

  24. 至于墙,用暖色涂料和白色跟淡暖色相结合的涂料比冷色系的更讨人喜欢。

    For walls , warm paint colors and whites with warm undertones are more flattering than cool-family colors .

  25. 冷色系用在朝西的厨房、门厅和其他地方,下午的热量是个问题。

    Use cool colors in west-facing kitchens , porches and other areas where afternoon heat is a problem .

  26. 采用冷色系列中较浅的色调,可营造明朗、爽快、开阔的空间效果。

    In introducing cool color series more shallow tonal , can build Anacreontic , frank , open space effect .

  27. 五彩斑斓的网站往往是访问时间最短的,因为暖色和冷色的交叉使用会让用户变的迷茫。

    Multi-colored sites have the lowest visitation time , as a combination of warm and cool colors confuses the user .

  28. 在非常暖和的气候里,使用白色和冷色完全能使整个房子看上去更加的舒适。

    In very warm climates , using white and cool colors exclusively can make an entire house seem more comfortable .

  29. 男性眼睛还经常被冷色系颜色吸引,像银、蓝、黑色、灰色和棕色。

    The male eye is also drawn to cooler colors like silver , blue , black , grey , and brown .

  30. 如果人们在办公室或工厂上班,都希望时间过得很快,那么把环境弄成冷色就比较好。

    Cool colors are better for offices or factories if the people who are working there want time to pass quickly .