
  • 网络Metallurgical furnace;furnaces in metallurgical industry;LMF
  1. 基于OpenGL的铜冶金炉快速热修机器人数控作业仿真系统

    Research of NC working simulative system based on OpenGL fast-hot-repair robot for copper metallurgical furnace

  2. 在给定边界条件和初始条件下,用大型商业软件ANSYS计算了冶金炉用特型碳化硅砖内热应力和机械应力场分布。

    Given the boundary and initial conditions , thermal field and structure field of sic in metallurgy furnace are computed using ANSYS .

  3. 该系统以Visualc++6.0为开发工具,采用OpenGL技术,对铜冶金炉快速热修机器人数控作业进行了仿真。

    This system which is developed using visual C + + 6.0 and OpenGL technology , and simulates copper metallurgy furnace fast hot repair robot ' NC working .

  4. 铜冶金炉快速热修机器人运动轨迹的实现

    Implementation of motion locus for fast-hot-repaired robot of copper metallurgical furnace

  5. 冶金炉用特型碳化硅砖热应力和机械应力场数值模拟

    Thermal and structural stress numerical simulation of especial SiC in metallurgy furnaces

  6. 冶金炉热工基础课程建设回顾

    Review of course construction in metallurgical furnace hot working basis

  7. 有色冶金炉余热锅炉设计原则及应用

    The Principle and Application in Designing Waste Heat Boiler of Non-ferrous Metallurgical Furnace

  8. 一种用于冶金炉前快速分析中的新仪器&激光诱导击穿光谱仪

    Laser-induced breakdown spectrometer-a new tool for fast analysis of on-the-spot sample in metallurgy

  9. 对流换热系数是换热器(如电厂锅炉中的省煤器、空预器,冶金炉中的各种换热设备及其日常生活中的各种热水器等)设计和校核的重要参数。

    The coefficient of convective heat transfer is important to design a heat exchanger .

  10. 冶金炉用喷补料的发展趋势

    Development trend in gunning mix for metallurgical furnace

  11. 冶金炉烟囱的计算机辅助设计

    Computer Assisted Design for Furnace Chimney

  12. 冶金炉用填充球蓄热室传热过程的数值模拟及热工特性

    Numerical simulation to heat transfer process and thermal performance of ball packed - bed regenerator used in metallurgy furnace

  13. 截止1998年底,中国大陆铝加工行业约有12600台各类冶金炉,这些炉的单位产品能耗约为工业发达国家的2.2倍。调整与完善行业结构、提高装备水平与加强管理是节能降耗的途径。

    The per unit product energy consumption of these furnaces is 2.2 times as much as the industrialized countries .

  14. 在分析铜冶金炉热修补工艺过程的基础上,设计了机器人的机械系统。

    Based on the analysis of the hot patching craft for copper smelting furnace , gives the design of mechanism .

  15. 电极糊电极糊主要供铁合金炉、电石炉和其它冶金炉作自焙电极用。

    Electrode Paste The electrode paste is used as the electrode for self-roasting in the iron-alloy furnace the acetylene furnace .

  16. 工业硅生产,矿石,冶金炉材料等购销。煤、石油和矿产品都是工业原料

    Industrial silicon production , ore , metallurgical furnace materials procurement . Coal , oil and mineral be the raw material of industry

  17. 介绍冶金炉热工基础课程的体系、内容、特点及十年来的发展。

    This paper introduced the system , content and characteristic of metallurgical furnace hot working basis and its development in recent ten years .

  18. 对富氧顶吹炼铅冶金炉的结构、耐火材料使用情况以及生产实践中暴露出来的问题进行分析探讨,提出了解决问题的建议。

    This paper analyses and discusses the structure , refractory material and the problems of oxygen-enriched air & top-blown metallurgical furnace , proposes the ideas to solve problems .

  19. 冶金炉内高温凝结物的拆除爆破。采用橡胶石棉或矿渣棉隔热是难以满足安全要求的。

    It is difficult to use rubber asbestos or stag wool as insulating material to meet the safety requirements in the blasting of removing high temperature clinker in metal furnace .

  20. 我国铝加工业冶金炉能耗现状与展望(1)冶金厂区电网外绝缘污闪分析及对策

    Status and prospects for the Energy Consumption of Metallurgic Furnaces for Aluminium Fabrication in China Analysis of Flash Over due to Dirt of Insulation Outside the Electric Network of a Metallurgic Plant and the Countermeasures

  21. 奥钢联同约翰尼斯开普勒大学实验物理研究所联合开发了一种可以连续分析各种冶金炉中钢水化学成分的新型系统并命名为VAI-CON○RChem,已在真空脱气设备上成功进行了工业试验。

    VAI , in cooperation with the Institute of Experimental Physics of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz , Austria , has developed a new system which enables the continuous analysis of the chemical composition of steel baths in all metallurgical vessels .

  22. 结合冶金工业炉生产中烟气回收控制的特点,分析了数字PID和模糊神经网络在系统中的应用及其特点。

    Linking to the controlling character of collecting fume in the production , the application and character of the digital PID and the fuzzy neural network is analyzed .

  23. 研究指出,蓄热式HTAC技术在冶金工业炉上的应用节能效益显著,环保性能优异;加热炉热效率可增加20%以上,产品质量提高。

    It is indicated that regenerative HTAC technology applying on heating furnace and kiln of metallurgical industry obviously energy saving efficiency not only increases by more 20 % and improves product quality .

  24. 基于动态数学模型的冶金加热炉实时仿真器的研究

    Research on reheating furnace simulator based on dynamic mathematical model

  25. 冶金高炉炉体横环缝自动化焊接技术及设备的研究与应用

    Automatic welding technology and equipment of transverse girth seam for metallurgical blast-furnace body

  26. 真空炉、受控环境冶金熔化炉和铸造用炉

    Vacuum or controlled environment metallurgical melting and casting furnaces

  27. 冶金加热炉内衬损伤及保温效果红外热像评估

    The Infrared Estimation on Lining Damage and Heat Preservation Effect of Metallurgy Stove

  28. 冶金工业炉燃煤技术的应用用与探讨

    The Application and the Discussion of Coal - Burning Technology to Metallurgical Industrial Furnaces

  29. 对某冶金工业炉地基基础的评价

    Evaluation on ground foundation of an industrial furnace

  30. 单片系统机在高温步进梁式粉末冶金烧结炉中的应用

    The Application of One-piece System Machine in Walking Beam Type of PM Sintering Furnace