- 网络okinawa;okinawa island;okinawan;Island of Okinawa

In1945 , the world war two battle for Okinawa officially ended ; 12520 Americans and110000 Japanese were killed in the81-day campaign .
Chinese submarine was spotted near Okinawa in2004 , and last year Chinabriefly deployed warships near its controversial gas-drilling rigs in the East China Sea .
There is a proximate cause . Mr Hatoyama 's new government has annoyed Washington by reopening negotiations over the relocation of a marine base on the Japanese island of Okinawa .
Exactly a year ago both allies agreed to push ahead with the plan to shut down the Futenma airbase in a dangerously overcrowded part of Okinawa and rebuild it in a less populated area , by the beach at Henoko ( see map ) .
The US lorded it over the island until 1972 .
A typhoon is battering the Japanese island of Okinawa .
It 's about 20 times bigger than the entire island of Okinawa .
He also promised to move the US marines ' base on Okinawa .
And the Japanese Island of Okinawa is dealing with a massive one .
And the D.P.J. has ed an agreement about an American Marine base on the island of Okinawa .
Japan 's southern regions of Okinawa , Shikoku , and Kyushu are home to the highest concentrations of centenarians .
Americans are conditioned to keep eating until they 're stuffed , but residents of Okinawa eat until they're80 % full .
Japan was bracing for destructive winds and huge waves as a powerful typhoon moved towards its southern island of Okinawa .
A typhoon has triggered a landslide , warning on the island of Okinawa in direct track to hit more populous areas .
Many locals resent the American bases , so they welcomed Mr hatoyama 's pledge to reduce the burden on the island .
But he could not desert the men whose stories needed telling , so he headed to the Pacific for the invasion of Okinawa .
Northern revelers swimming the balmy seas off Okinawa just before typhoon Haiyun struck the Philippines must have noticed the waters were warmer this year .
Okinawans living near Kadena stridently oppose the marines , but the senators say the idea could free up land and reduce noise levels around Kadena .
Local police on the southern island of Okinawa say 3 airmen were swept up to sea while they 're taking photograph along the island 's coast .
Presumably that too was to avoid offending China , even though it would have helped Okinawans to understand why the new facility is deemed so important .
The island , which is closer to Shanghai and Taipei than to Tokyo , is as cut off as is possible to imagine from the mainstream of Japanese academia .
And in geopolitics , China is disputing Japan 's sovereignty over some uninhabited rocks in the East China Sea - and soon , perhaps , over Okinawa Island too .
The American navy gained control of the Island continuing its " island-hopping " strategy form Guam to Saipan to Iwo Jima to Guadalcanal to Okinawa and finally into to Tokyo .
The results show that Kuroshio intrudes onto the continental shelf of East China Sea in large scale and during its flow water is exchanged ceaselessly with outer sea along Ryukyu Island .
Variability of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea and the currents east of Ryukyu Islands ⅱ . Variability of the currents and the meso-scale eddies in the region southeast of Okinawa Island
In Sardinia and Okinawa , where people live the longest , hard work is important , but not more so than spending time with family , nurturing spirituality , and doing for others .
At the end of the war , in the infamous Battle of Okinawa , or Typhoon of Steel , up to 200,000 people were killed and a quarter of Okinawa 's civilian population wiped out .
" It would be bad if I get infected myself and then pass it on to older people with weaker immune systems ," said Tamaki , whose home island of Okinawa has been hit hard by the flu .
In the cruise of March 1994 , the northeastward current southeast of Amami-Oshima is stronger than that southeast of Oki nawa-jima , and their northeastward volume transports are 20.8 × 106 and 7.2 × 106m3 / s , respectively ;
Vongfong weekend , before it hit the southern Japanese island of Okinawa , it 's still blasted the area with powerful winds and heavy rainfall , things made worse by the fact that the storm is large and it moved slowly .