
bīng diǎn
  • freezing point;freezing temperature;ice point
冰点 [bīng diǎn]
  • [freezing point] 水的凝固点

冰点[bīng diǎn]
  1. 固体和液体的平衡点叫做冰点。

    The point at which the solid and the liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point .

  2. 低冰点推进剂1N单组元发动机技术研究

    Research on 1N mono-propellant rocket engine with low freezing point propellant

  3. 今天下午的阳光可使温度达到冰点以上。

    This afternoon 's sunshine could nudge the temperature above freezing .

  4. 今夜温度将远降至冰点以下。

    Tonight temperatures will fall well below freezing .

  5. 气温一整天都保持在冰点以下。

    The temperatures remained below freezing all day .

  6. 气温在冰点上下徘徊。

    Temperatures hovered around freezing .

  7. 对冰点的下降和其它数据的解释通常是复杂的。

    Interpretation of the cryoscopic and other data is often complicated .

  8. 盐水冰点温度比淡水冰点温度低。

    Salt water freezes at a lower temperature than fresh water .

  9. 气温在冰点以上(以下)。

    The air temperature is above ( below ) freezing .

  10. 温度低于冰点。

    The temperature is below freezing .

  11. 近冰点下牛骨骼肌糖原、pH值、失水率变化及相关性研究

    Correlation study on the Glycogen , pH , and water loss rate of longissimus dorsi muscles of cattle at a temperature close to cryoscopic point

  12. 冰点渗透压仪测定血浆、尿液渗透压,放射免疫法检测血清抗利尿激素(ADH)、血清及尿液β2微球蛋白(β2M);

    ADH and β 2 microglobulin ( β 2 M ) in serum and urine were detected by radioimmunoassay .

  13. 随着NaCl添加量的增加,脆肉鲩的相变温区向低温方向移动,表观比热峰值下降,冰点的热焓值下降。

    As the contents of the NaCl increased , the phase-transition temperature shifted to the lower temperature range , meanwhile both the apparent specific heat and enthalpy at the freezing point decreased .

  14. 根据两种测量水合物分解动力学的方法&恒压分解方法和恒容分解方法,研究了在阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)体系中,乙烯水合物在冰点以下的分解动力学规律。

    Both the constant pressure dissociation method and the constant volume dissociation methods have been used to study the law of the dissociation kinetics of ethylene hydrate beneath freezing point in SDS System .

  15. 这三周中,他每次在近1.7°C(28.94°F)温度的水中游大概20分钟,再少0.3°C就是海水的冰点。

    During each of the swims that were spread over three weeks , Pugh spent about 20 minutes in water temperatures as low as minus 1.7 ° C ( 28.94 ° F ) , just 0.3 ° C shy of the freezing point of salt water .

  16. 抗冻蛋白(AFPs),也称热滞蛋白,具有降低溶液的冰点,抑制重结晶的能力。

    Antifreeze proteins ( AFPs ), known as thermal hysteresis proteins have the ability to inhibit ice nucleators and ice recrystallization .

  17. 在做CG特效之前,为了模拟丽根房间的冰冷,布景温度被设置到冰点以下,工作人员的汗水都结成了冰。

    These being before the days of CG , for the effect of Regan 's cold room , the stage was chilled below freezing , causing the crew members ' perspiration to freeze .

  18. 20世纪20年代Birdseye利用冷藏技术使食品温度降至冰点以下。

    The use of refrigeration to reduce the temperature of food below the point of ice crystallization was developed by Birdseye in the 1920s .

  19. 研究了4个龙眼品种果实的结冰点及其影响因素,比较了-1℃冰温和3℃低温贮藏对石硖龙眼贮藏效果的差异,探讨了冰温贮藏龙眼时SO2缓释剂的最适用量。

    The freezing point of longan fruits and its affecting factors were determined in four cultivars . The effects of ice temperature ( - 1 ℃) storage and normal low temperature ( 3 ℃) storage and different dosage of SO_2 Releaser on fruit quality were investigated in this paper .

  20. 实验测定了使用不同冰点调节剂的鸡肉的冰点,研究了鸡肉冷藏及冰温贮藏时,细菌总数和大肠菌群MPN值随时间的变化特性。

    The experiment has determine the freezing-point of chicken by using different regulators and study the change identities of aerobic bacterial counts and coliforms , analysis and compared with the chicken by using cold storage and freezing storage .

  21. 本文运用NTC-TD热敏电阻法测定了桑螟越冬幼虫的过冷却点、冰点。

    NTC-TD heat-sensitive resistance is used to measure the super cooling-point ( SCP ) and freezing point of over-wintering larvae of Diaphania pyloalis ;

  22. 然后对JP-10,四环庚烷进行分子动力学模拟,计算了燃料的密度、扩散系数、内聚能密度、冰点及粘度,模拟结果与文献值基本相符。

    After that the density , diffusion coefficient , cohesive energy density , freezing point and viscosity of JP-10 and quadricyclane were simulated . The results show good agreements with literature data .

  23. 方法140例标本配对用UF-100尿沉渣分析仪测定电导率和冰点渗透压计测定渗透压。两法也同时用于尿崩症患者的禁水-加压素试验。

    Methods The conductivities of 140 random urine samples and 23 urine samples from a patient with diabetes insipidus was examined by UF-100 urine sediment automated analyzer , and the osmotic pressure of these urine samples was examined by micro-cryoscopic osmometer .

  24. 利用HP34970A数据采集仪和计算机联用,测定了13种蔬菜活组织的冰点温度,利用PR-101型折光仪测定了蔬菜可溶性固形物含量。

    The freezing points of13 cultivars of vegetables were measured using a HP34970A data collector and contents of soluble solids were measured using a PR-101 ( 0-45 % ) refractometer .

  25. 采后板栗冰点及呼吸强度变化研究

    A Study on Ice Point and Respiration Rate of Picked Chestnut

  26. 冷冻法测定流体包裹体冰点方法的研究

    Study on cooling method for determining ice point of fluid inclusion

  27. 人们知道在冰点以下好多度鱼仍能生存。

    Fishes are known to survive conditions well below freezing point .

  28. 新疆四种瓜果冰点的测定

    The Freezing Points Measurement of Four Melons and Fruits in Xinjiang

  29. 今夜的温度将降至冰点下3度。

    Tonight the temperature will fall to 3 degrees below freezing .

  30. 中国青年报《冰点》周刊教育类报道研究

    China Youth Daily " Freezing Point " Reports Education Week Study