
bīng qí lín
  • ice cream
冰淇淋 [bīng qí lín]
  • [ice cream] 一种冷冻食物,含有奶油、调味香料、调味甜料,并常加有蛋类;特指在冰结过程中加以搅拌使成润滑糕状

冰淇淋[bīng qí lín]
  1. 那小男孩吃了好几满盘冰淇淋。

    The boy ate several dishfuls of ice cream .

  2. 我吃了两碟冰淇淋。

    I ate two dishes of ice cream .

  3. 就我来说,我根本不在乎冰淇淋是意大利产的,还是英国产的。

    Personally , I couldn 't have cared less whether the ice-cream came from Italy or England

  4. 他用麦杆吸冰淇淋汽水。

    He sucked ice-cream soda through a straw .

  5. 孩子们聒噪不休,吵着要吃冰淇淋。

    The children clamoured for ice-cream .

  6. 这个男孩跑上来,要了一份冰淇淋。

    The boy charged up and asked for an ice cream .

  7. 甜点你可以选冰淇淋或苹果派。

    For dessert , you can have ice cream or apple pie .

  8. 这里的冰淇淋有十种味道。

    Ice cream is made in ten flavours here .

  9. 这样做出来的柔滑的"软冰淇淋"甜点马上就可以吃了。

    Out comes a " soft-serve " creamy dessert , to be eaten right away .

  10. 在我们带您游览旧金山品尝免费冰淇淋的时候,您可以欣赏有趣的历史。

    Enjoy fun history as we take you through San Francisco for a free taste of ice cream .

  11. 这对于一个儿童聚会来说是一个有趣的活动;他们喜欢把水果和冷冻香蕉放进机器的顶部,然后看着下面的冰淇淋出来。

    This makes a fun activity for a children 's party ; they love feeding the fruit and frozen bananas into the top of the machine and watching the ice cream come out below .

  12. 例如,一辆卡车可能先运鸡蛋,然后运冰淇淋。

    For example , a truck might carry eggs and then ice cream .

  13. 热土豆馅饼配玉米面包,感恩节汤,新鲜蔬菜沙拉,三种水果口味的冰淇淋

    Hot Potato Pie with Cornbread Topping Thanksgiving Soup Fresh Vegetable Salad Trinity Fruit Ice-cream

  14. 如果装冰淇淋的卡车没有经过清洁,就可能会使人生病。

    The ice cream could make people sick when the truck isn 't cleaned before carrying it .

  15. 当他们收到一个冰淇淋、一个球甚至一个吻时,我无法用言语来形容他们的快乐。

    I couldnt find words to describe their joy when they received an ice-cream , a ball or even a kiss .

  16. 罗杰斯计划将“零度之下”冰淇淋机卖给那些想给顾客带去惊喜的酒吧和酿酒厂。据《Metro》杂志报道,冰淇淋机的定价约为6000美元(约合人民币3.9万元)。

    The American inventor plans to sell Below Zero ice cream machines to bars and breweries reports that machines will sell for about $ 6000 .

  17. 例句今日小常识鸡蛋含有大量的蛋白质、碘和维生素A,B2和D。鸡蛋也是组成很多种食物的重要原料,如淡黄酱mayonnaise,慕思mousse和冰淇淋icecream。

    Eggs are a good source of protein , iodine4 and vitamins A , B2 and D. They are an important ingredient in many kinds of food , including mayonnaise , mousse and ice cream .

  18. 冰淇淋特价优惠,只限本周!

    Ice cream is on special this week only !

  19. 冰淇淋开始变软并开始融化。

    The ice cream softened and began to melt .

  20. 小男孩不住地吵着要买冰淇淋

    The little boy teases for ice-cream .

  21. 我也喜欢吃巧克力冰淇淋。

    I also like chocolate ice cream .

  22. 妮可的男朋友离开她之后,她就通过狂吃冰淇淋来安慰自己。

    When Nicole 's boyfriend left her , she pigged out on ice cream to comfort herself .

  23. 男孩舔了舔冰淇淋然后答道:“因为等我拿走了美元,这个游戏就结束了。”

    The boy licked his cone and replied , " Because the day I take the dollar , the game is over ! "

  24. 谷歌公司的员工可以无限量地取用免费冰淇淋,医疗巨头强生公司为员工付干洗费。

    Google gives its staff unlimited1 free ice cream , while drugs giant Johnson & Johnson pays for its workers ' dry cleaning .

  25. 这个名为“Solein”的细菌食品可作为许多食物中大豆的替代品,如馅饼、冰淇淋、面包和蛋糕。

    The bacteria food , Solein , can be used as a substitute for soya in a host of foods , such as pies , ice creams , breads and cakes .

  26. 罗杰斯发明的“零度之下”冰淇淋机采用独特的技术来冷冻酒精饮料,让你可以将啤酒、鸡尾酒甚至烈酒变成口感柔软的冰淇淋。

    The Below Zero ice cream machine uses a unique technique to freeze alcohol , which allows you to turn beers , cocktails and even spirits into delicious soft-serve ice cream .

  27. 有一天霍华德下班刚刚到家,想要放松一下,其实他想做的全部事情也就是吃碗冰淇淋、坐下歇会儿看看今天的报纸。

    Howie had just come home from work and was looking for a bit of relaxation3 . All he wanted to do was get a bowl of ice cream , sit down and read the newspaper .

  28. 威尔·罗杰斯称,啤酒从液态变成冰淇淋大概需要30分钟时间,但是烈酒转化为冰淇淋需要的时间更长一些。

    Even though Below Zero changes the texture in liquid form . Will Rogers claims that it takes around 30 minutes for beer to go from liquid to ice cream form , but higher alcohol content drinks take longer .

  29. HACCP法对冰淇淋生产中卫生质量的控制

    Control of Hygiene Quality of Ice Cream by HACCP

  30. 在Abracadabra冰淇淋工厂(AbracadabraIceCreamFactory),这就是低温巫师的表演。

    At Abracadabra Ice Cream Factory , it 's a cryogenic wizard 's show .