
  1. 冬雪蜜桃果心褐变主要与果实的衰老有关,GA3和钙处理明显地减少贮藏期间果心的褐变程度。

    Senescence may be a major factor inducing flesh browning of peaches . Ca ~ ( 2 + ) and GA_3 treatments could effectively reduce flesh browning during storage .

  2. 冬雪蜜桃’是1986年从‘青州蜜桃’实生苗中发现的实生变异。

    Dongxue Mitao'was a mutant from the seedling of'Qingzhou Mitao'in1986 .

  3. 冬雪蜜桃早期丰产栽培技术研究

    Study on Snow Peach Cultivation Technique for High Yield in Early Period

  4. 冬雪惊雷就发生在他们眼前。

    Thundersnow was happening right in front of their eyes .

  5. 当冬雪皑皑的时候,他们是绿的。

    They 're green when winter snow is white .

  6. 极晚熟桃新品种&冬雪蜜桃

    New Late Peach Variety & ' Dongxue Mitao '

  7. 最重要的是我们都年轻,郁冬雪说。

    The most important point is that we are young , says Yu .

  8. 很快,那把铁锹就成了冬雪中最有用的工具。

    Many people hold the tools to shovel snow .

  9. 一旦冬雪掩上你秀发的乌黑。

    When winter snows upon thy sable hairs .

  10. 气象专家解释,冬雪惊雷的发生可能意味着更大的降雪。

    Weather experts noted that the occurrence of thundersnow likely means more heavy snowfalls .

  11. 到春天,冬雪一化,大江小河奔流而下。

    When the snow melted in the spring , great rivers and streams cascade downward .

  12. 飘融在轻柔无语的冬雪中。

    A gentle snowfall in the winter .

  13. 几天之后,最后的冬雪将会融化。

    The last of the winter snow would be melting away in a few days .

  14. 好比春雨流过冬雪

    Like vernal waters springing up through snow

  15. 春季夏初,冬雪融化,这正是阿隆.柯普兰的音乐和威廉.惠特曼的诗歌中所赞美的时节。

    THE melting snows of spring and early summer are justly celebrated by Aaron Copland and Walt Whitman .

  16. 冬雪惊雷形成的内部机制与普通的雷暴相似,都是湿润空气上升而成。

    Thundersnow mimics the inner workings of a normal thunderstorm by forming through the upward movement of humid air .

  17. 信徒也像香柏树一样满了汁水,就是在冬雪之中也有常青的充足活力。

    Like cedars , believers are full of sap , having vitality enough to be ever green , even amid winter 's snows .

  18. 我仍然天真地痴想着与他一起的时光,那未曾破坏的瞬间如上天的礼物,像未遭践踏的冬雪,胜过人间所有美景。

    I still think of my time with him fondly because the unspoiled moment was a gift with all the beauty of un-trampled snow .

  19. 用一缕春风,两滴夏雨,三片秋叶,四朵冬雪,做成五颜六色的礼盒;

    With a ray of spring , two drops of summer rain , three autumn , 4 winter snow , made of colorful gift box ;

  20. 降雪期间,近地面的气温通常不会太高,正因如此,冬雪惊雷才如此罕见。

    This is exactly why thundersnow is so rare , seeing as how warm lower ground temperatures aren 't usually present while it 's snowing .

  21. 源于春季冬雪大量融化的趋势和此地区风力发电量的大幅度增长,人们已经预计出清洁能源产出会过剩。

    The clean-energy glut was predictable , given the tendency of snow to melt in the spring and given whopping increases in the region 's wind-generating capacity .

  22. 为使这一品种得到推广,自1995年春开始,进行了冬雪蜜桃早期丰产优质栽培技术的研究。

    To spread this plant , since the spring of 1995 , the author conducted the study on snow peach cultivation technique for high yield in early period .

  23. 在它的栖息地大草原上,它是最早在春天开花的植物之一,常常是在冬雪融化前就绽放了。

    In its tallgrass prairie habitat , it is one of the first plants to bloom in the spring , often before the late winter snows have thawed .

  24. 冬雪蜜桃具有成熟晚、耐贮藏、效益高的特点,是一种较好的水土保持经济植物。

    Snow peach , with the characteristic of late mature , easy hoard and higher benefit , is a kind of good economic plant for soil and water conservation .

  25. 珍惜每一天,每一缕春风、每一次秋雨、每一场冬雪,只有和平,才有了这一切,只有和平才能享有这一切。

    We should treasure our daily life then , every ray of spring , each autumn rain and winter snow , only peace can bring us all of these .

  26. 新的一年即将到来,愿你能春色迷人,夏露清凉,秋风潇洒,冬雪皎洁。

    The new year just around the corner , you would like to be able to charming Spring , Summer Lu cool , cool autumn wind , bringing a winter snows .

  27. 阳光、云、雾、冬雪在黄山之巅一起参与一场宇宙舞蹈,岩石和树木则是他们的永久舞伴。

    Sunshine , clouds , rain , mists and winter snows are all engaged in a kind of cosmic dance atop the mountain , with the rocks and trees their eternal partners .

  28. 生命是什么?它浸染在五彩缤纷的秋色里,飘融在轻柔无语的冬雪中,撒落在阵阵春雨里,交织在绚丽夏日中。

    Life * What is it ? See it in the colors of autumn , A gentle snowfall in winter , A sudden shower in spring , The radiance of a summer day .

  29. 色彩单调的冬季里,京都传统的日式糕点制作似乎也很偏爱用冬雪般的白色。

    In winter , a time of year when there are few colors in nature , it appears even Kyoto-style traditional confectioneries like to use the color white , the color of snow .

  30. 我不愿失去春风、夏雨、秋霜、冬雪的一切记忆,更不会忘掉在人生路上我们絮絮的笑语。

    I am not ready to lose every memory of spring breeze , summer rain , autumn frost , and winter snow , still more unlikely to forget cheerful talks of our life all the way .