
dōnɡ zhì rì
  • winter solstice
  1. 2012年12月21日不是世界末日,它只是另一个冬至日。

    Dec. 21 , 2012 , won 't be the end of the world as we know , however , it will be another winter solstice .

  2. 世界绝对不是在今天冬至日走向终结。

    THE world is definitely not coming to an end today , the winter solstice .

  3. 并在此基础上,计算了全国6个典型地貌类型区,在春秋分日、夏至日和冬至日,两个空间分辨率下(500m和1km)地面日照时间的空间分布。

    In this study , 6 typical terrain areas within China were selected and their spatial distributions of sunlit time on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes , the Summer Solstice and midwinter day in two different resolutions ( 500m and 1km ) were calculated using the developed model .

  4. 冬至日的夜晚才叫大,在南加利福尼亚一共有整整14小时呢!

    The is a big night . It 's over 14 hours in Southern California .

  5. 古代密教的世纪追随者则确信不疑:巨石阵与夏至、冬至日有关。

    Twenty century followers of ancient mystical beliefs are sure that Stonehenge has a connection with summer and winter solstices .

  6. 譬如,中国的设计师会替竹竿寻求更多的用处,而南欧的设计师会创建特别灯光装置,以抗冬至日短的局势。

    For example , Chinese designers derive new applications for Bamboo or North European designers create light installation to combat short days during the winter solstice .

  7. 许多人在冬至日欢欣鼓舞,因为冬天最糟糕的日子即将过去,他们可以期待更长的白天和更充足的阳光。

    Many peoples rejoiced during the winter solstice , when the worst of the winter was behind them and they could look forward to longer days and extended hours of sunlight .

  8. 人们认为戈瑟克圈大约是在公元前4900年由新石器时代的人建造的,这三个门与冬至日日出方向一致。

    It is believed that the monument was built around 4900 BC by Neolithic peoples , and that the three openings correspond to the direction from which the sun rises on the winter solstice .

  9. 对东西走向和南北走向的华东型连栋塑料温室采用曲线积分的方法,在考虑相互遮荫的情况下,模拟计算了在冬至日正午时各种拱顶切角双圆弧屋面的采光性能。

    Meanwhile , taking the mutual shading effect of the neighboring spans into account , the direct solar radiation of arc vault of both east-west and south-north oriented multi-span greenhouse at noon on the day of winter solstice was calculated using the curvilinear integral method .

  10. 为了确保每年冬至日出现奇观,需要高难度的设计,表明建造过程中墓室受到了高度重视。除了对建筑师所刻画出的,神话中的太阳,有明显的假设,科学家们依旧对纽格莱奇墓建造的真正原因困惑不解。

    The painstaking design needed to guarantee that the yearly solstice event occurs suggests that the site was held in high regard , but other than the obvious hypothesis that the sun featured prominently in the mythology of the builders , scientists are at a loss to describe the true reason for Newgrange 's construction .

  11. 经过长期观测,古人不仅了解到一天中表影在正午最短,而且得出一年内夏至日的正午,表影最短;冬至日的正午,表影则最长。

    After a long-time observation , the ancient people not only figured out that at mid-noon the length of the gnomon 's shadow was the shortest within a day , but also that at mid-noon of the summer solstice and the winter solstice the gnomon 's shadow was the shortest and longest respectively within a year .