- 名winter solstice

Dec. 21 , 2012 , won 't be the end of the world as we know , however , it will be another winter solstice .
THE world is definitely not coming to an end today , the winter solstice .
In this study , 6 typical terrain areas within China were selected and their spatial distributions of sunlit time on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes , the Summer Solstice and midwinter day in two different resolutions ( 500m and 1km ) were calculated using the developed model .
The is a big night . It 's over 14 hours in Southern California .
Twenty century followers of ancient mystical beliefs are sure that Stonehenge has a connection with summer and winter solstices .
For example , Chinese designers derive new applications for Bamboo or North European designers create light installation to combat short days during the winter solstice .
Many peoples rejoiced during the winter solstice , when the worst of the winter was behind them and they could look forward to longer days and extended hours of sunlight .
It is believed that the monument was built around 4900 BC by Neolithic peoples , and that the three openings correspond to the direction from which the sun rises on the winter solstice .
Meanwhile , taking the mutual shading effect of the neighboring spans into account , the direct solar radiation of arc vault of both east-west and south-north oriented multi-span greenhouse at noon on the day of winter solstice was calculated using the curvilinear integral method .
The painstaking design needed to guarantee that the yearly solstice event occurs suggests that the site was held in high regard , but other than the obvious hypothesis that the sun featured prominently in the mythology of the builders , scientists are at a loss to describe the true reason for Newgrange 's construction .
After a long-time observation , the ancient people not only figured out that at mid-noon the length of the gnomon 's shadow was the shortest within a day , but also that at mid-noon of the summer solstice and the winter solstice the gnomon 's shadow was the shortest and longest respectively within a year .