
  • 网络naming right
  1. 第二,分析了冠名权的法律性质。

    Secondly , analyzed the nature of naming right .

  2. 国家体育场“鸟巢”的冠名权正在出售中。

    The naming right of the National Stadium & " bird 's nest " are for sale .

  3. 该跑步机以美国当红喜剧明星StephenColbert的名字命名。他的粉丝在网络竞选中获得了冠名权。

    That was named after Comedian Stephen Colbert who won it in online contest .

  4. 据昌荣传播说,中国最大的家电零售商之一国美电器(GomeElectricalAppliancesHoldingLtd.)以人民币1.31亿元获得央视春晚相关冠名权。

    Gome Electrical Appliances Holding Ltd. , one of China 's largest home-appliance retailers , pledged 131 million yuan to become the sole sponsor of the Spring Festival gala , according to Charm .

  5. 体育冠名权同时具有人格权和财产权的双重属性。

    It possesses twofold attributions : personality right and property right .

  6. 体育冠名权是体育领域内一项重要的无形资产。

    Sports Naming Rights is an important intangible asset in sports field .

  7. 体育冠名权的商业利用与法律保护研究

    The Research on Commercial Utilization and Legal Protection of Sport Naming Right

  8. 体育冠名权有关法律问题的研究

    Research on Relevant Legal Problems of Sports Denomination

  9. 我国体育冠名权的法律性质分析

    Legal Nature Analysis on Sports Denomination in China

  10. 姚明现象已经令赞助费和冠名权身价大增。

    The " yao factor " is already driving up prices for sponsorships and naming rights .

  11. 冠名权的形式与内容

    Forms and Contents of Denomination Right

  12. 他在网络竞赛中赢得了冠名权。

    He won an online contest .

  13. 18%的读者认为,赞助商只是花钱买下了文章旁边的冠名权。

    Eighteen percent think the sponsor merely paid for its name to be next to the article .

  14. 体育冠名权是一项无形财产权,属于知识产权,是商品化权的一种;

    Sport naming right is a kind of property right that is invisible and belongs to intellectual property .

  15. 体育冠名权的商业根源是体育产业、大众传媒、广告业的发展。

    Sport naming right is originated commercially from thedevelopment of sport industry , mass medium and advertisement industry .

  16. 体育冠名权民事责任存在着违约责任和侵权责任两种。

    The civil liabilities of sport naming right include liability for violation of contract and liability for infringement .

  17. 然而,对体育冠名权的研究却显得极为滞后,更谈不上给予理论上的支持。

    Nevertheless , the research on sports naming rights lags far behind and says nothing of giving theory support .

  18. 中观因素:这是指非营利组织提供的公共品的质量与数量以及它的募捐策略:包括捐赠方式、返还保证、底线水平、奖励水平、冠名权等;

    The middle-level factors include the quantity and quality of nonprofit organization output , the fundraising strategy of nonprofit organization .

  19. 体育冠名权的开发与利用是我国体育体制改革和体育产业化发展的关键。

    Its exploitation and utilization is the linchpin to the reform of our sports institutions and the development of our sports industry .

  20. 体育场馆冠名权已经是大型体育场馆一项重要的收入来源。体育场馆冠名权经营管理在我国是一个新的概念,特别是在体育场馆冠名权开发战略研究方面仍是一项空白。

    The of the sports rights to name has been the main income source of the large sports stadiums and it is a new concept in China .

  21. 冠名权法律属性独特鲜明,具备统一抽象化为一种独立的人格权类型的经济和法理基础。

    In addition , it has distinct legal nature , and is provided with economic and jurisprudential foundation to be abstracted as an independent type of personal right .

  22. 合作方式:各场馆的冠名权转让、业配套的转让或出租、宾包厢使用权出让。

    Cooperation method : title rights transfer of each stadium or hall , transfer or lease of commercial supplementaries , transfer of honored guest balconies ' use rights .

  23. 从其签订的目的而言,体育冠名权合同类似于广告合同,是具有物权效力的名称许可使用合同。

    From the view of signing , such a contract is similar to advertisement contract granted with effect of real right of the permission of the name right .

  24. 盖尔布说,随着筹款活动的进行,如果出现巨额捐款,大都会歌剧院将考虑给予整座剧院的冠名权。

    Mr. Gelb said that as the fund-raising campaign proceeded , the Met would consider offering naming rights to the theater as a whole if a large enough donation were made .

  25. 在俱乐部证实他们计划利物浦丢弃安菲尔德称号以出售斯坦利公园新球场的冠名权之后,利物浦被认为这是一个‘最严重的自残’。

    Liverpool were accused of'the biggest act of self-destruction'after the club confirmed they plan to ditch Anfield 's heritage and sell the naming rights for a new stadium at Stanley Park .

  26. 节目第二季的冠名权售价是3.12亿元(约0.5亿美元),比第一季的高出了十倍。

    Sponsorship rights for the shows second season sold for 312 million yuan ( about $ 50 million ), more than ten times higher than the rights to the first season .

  27. 作为一种无形资产,体育冠名权是职业俱乐部的一项主要收入来源,并已发展成为经营城市的重要手段,以及现代企业新型高效的营销手段。

    As a kind of intangible asset , sports naming rights is a main income of professional club and a main way of city management and modern enterprises operating and marketing .

  28. 同时,两家买主还将为这一办公空间寻找新的租客,并可能为规模足够大的租客提供大楼的冠名权。

    In the meantime , the two buyers will seek new tenants for the space - and may offer a big enough tenant the chance to have its name on the building .

  29. 体育场馆冠名权在国外已经是大型体育场馆一项重要的收入来源。

    The Rights to name the stadium building is a new concept in our country , it is still a blank on the stadium building rights to name of development research aspect especially .

  30. 前往机场搭乘飞往北京的航班,接到来自梅赛德斯-奔驰的电话,该公司将投资1亿多美元以获得世博演艺中心10年的冠名权。

    Heading to the airport for a flight to Beijing , I take a call from Mercedes-Benz , which will be investing more than $ 100m in 10-year naming rights to the Expo arena .