
  • 网络rural non-point source pollution
  1. 环鄱阳湖区农村面源污染成因及控制对策研究

    Study on the Reasons and Controlling Countermeasures of Rural Non-point Source Pollution Around Poyang Lake

  2. 鄱阳湖区农村面源污染现状及成因分析

    Analysis of the Status Quo and Reasons of the Rural Non-point Source Pollution in Poyang Lake Area

  3. 制度空缺背景下的农村面源污染治理

    On Rural Non-point Source Pollution Governance Under the Lack of System

  4. 农村面源污染的社会成因探讨

    The Research on Social Causes of Non-point Pollution of Villages

  5. 发展有机食品,减少农村面源污染

    Develop Organic Food and Control Widespread Pollution in Rural Area

  6. 甘肃省农村面源污染现状分析及节能减排对策研究

    Study on Rural Area Non-Point Pollution in Gansu and the Saving Countermeasures

  7. 太湖地区农村面源污染控制技术与对策

    Technologies of NPS pollution control in Taihu Basin and countermeasures

  8. 农村面源污染治理建议与对策

    On dealing with Rural Plan Pollution Sources and Relevant Countermeasures

  9. 滇池流域农村面源污染状况分析

    Analysis on Current Status of Rural Area Non-Point Pollution in Dianchi Lake Basin

  10. 用于控制太湖流域农村面源污染的透水坝技术试验研究

    Experimental study on permeable dam technique to control rural non-point pollution in Taihu basin

  11. 三明市饮用水源地农村面源污染的防治措施

    Prevention Measures for Rural Surface Pollution of Ground Drinking Water Sources in Sanming City

  12. 运用循环经济理念控制农村面源污染

    Using the Concept of Circular Economy to Control the Non-point Source Pollution of Countryside

  13. 农村面源污染控制的政策研究

    Strategy Research on Rural Surface Pollution Control

  14. 分析结果表明:点源污染、农村面源污染是中小城镇水体污染的主要原因。

    The results reveal that domestic sewage and rural diffused pollution are the main causes of water pollution .

  15. 我们要采取综合的措施加强农村面源污染治理。

    We will take comprehensive measures to control the widespread pollution from the overuse of fertilizers and pesticides in rural areas .

  16. 畜禽养殖污染是造成我国农村面源污染的主要原因之一。

    The wastewater from the livestock farm is one of the most important pollution sources , which causing non-point pollution in Chinese country .

  17. 近年来随着工业点源污染的有效治理,农村面源污染逐渐成为河流水环境另一主要污染来源。

    In recent years , rural non-point source pollution is becoming another major river water pollution after the effective treatment of industrial point source pollution .

  18. 我国的农村面源污染日趋严重,由于农户环境意识淡薄,因而难以形成环境友好的生产、生活行为。

    As non-point source pollution mounts up in China as a result of lacking environmental awareness , peasants in China were difficult to cultivate friendly environmental acts .

  19. 化肥的大量施用已成为农村面源污染的一个重要来源,直接影响到农村村镇地表饮用水安全。

    A lot of fertilizer applications have become an important source of non-point source pollution in rural area , which affects the safety of surface water for drinking .

  20. 浙江省地表水受污染的影响因素多,城镇生活污水和工业废水排放及农村面源污染均造成了较严重的水环境污染。

    There are many factors pollute the surface water in Zhejiang province , daily sewage of town , industrial sewage and contamination of rural areas lead to serious water pollution .

  21. 为了控制太湖流域农村面源污染,结合人工湿地原理和快速渗滤机理,开发了透水坝技术并进行了运行试验。

    In order to control rural non-point pollution in Taihu basin , the permeable dam ( PD ) technique which combines constructed wetlands principles and rapid filtration mechanics was designed .

  22. 地表水资源干流水质总体稳定,部分流域水质有所改善,主要污染由工业污染向生活污染、农村面源污染转化;

    The water quality of main streams of surface water resource is stabilized in general , with improvement in some valleys , changing from industrial pollution to residential and farm area-source pollution ;

  23. 在江西省鄱阳湖区,农村面源污染对湖体水质造成的危害显然与鄱阳湖区的生态经济发展战略相悖。

    In Poyang Lake region in Jiangxi , the harm to the lake water quality which caused by the rural NPS pollution is against the ecological & economic development strategy in Poyang Lake region .

  24. 与此同时,还讨论了农村面源污染的管理对策、管理模式与相关政策法规等,可为农村面源污染的控制、农村生态与环境的改善提供借鉴。

    Discussions are mainly on managerial measures , management mode and legislation and policies for NPS pollution control , which is of reference value for NPS pollution control and improvement of rural ecosystem and environment .

  25. 农村面源污染中的畜禽养殖污染治理工作一直是南湖区环境整治的重中之重,而畜禽养殖又以生猪养殖占比最多,污染最重。

    Point source pollution in rural areas livestock pollution control work has been the South Lake District , the most important environmental improvement , while the proportion of pig breeding livestock is the largest most polluted .

  26. 开展“千乡万村环保科普行动”对提高农民的环保意识,控制农村面源污染,改善农村生态环境,改变农民的生活方式将起到积极的促进作用。

    " action of environmental protection general knowledge in thousands of villages " can improve the environmental protection consciousness of the farmers , and control non-point pollution in the villages , and perfect rural ecological environment , and change the life style of the farmers .

  27. 文章对农村面源污染进行了简要介绍,综述了抚顺县农村面源污染现状、存在的主要问题及产生的原因。并对如何缓解目前农村面源污染提出了合理化建议与对策。

    Based on the introduction of the status of rural plane source pollution in FuShun county main problems and the cause of formation were analyzed further some countermeasures against plane source pollution and rational suggestions in dealing with rural pollution were put forward in this paper .

  28. 然而,近年来,由于旅游开发、农村面源污染、违法捕捞等原因,抚仙湖受到了污染,加上没有健全的法律法规和严格的管理体制,抚仙湖水域的污染情况也日益严重。

    But , nearly years , it was polluted because of the traveling , countryside dirt and illegal fishing . Because there is no sound legal and there is no strict management , the lake polluted by the growing . Is law form , value or social facts ?

  29. 渭河水污染防治工作在水质改善、污水处理率、限建限排、农村面源污染治理以及饮用水水源地保护等方面取得了一定的成效。

    Secondly , Water Pollution Control in Weihe River has achieved some results in many aspects , such as water quality improvement , swaging treatment rate , limiting construction and pollution discharge , management of point source pollution in rural areas and taking care of drinking water sources .

  30. 当前国家十分重视环境监测与信息管理和农村面源污染防治问题,已将其列入《国家环境保护十一五科技发展规划》发展计划当中。

    Chinese government has attached great importance to the issues of environmental monitoring , information management and the controlling of rural area non-point source pollution at present . These issues and how to solve them have been involved in the 11th Five-Year Science and Technology Planning for National Environmental Protection .