
  • 网络rural market
  1. 然后分析研究了河北XX通信公司在农村市场的发展现状、存在的问题以及原因。

    Then analyzed the development , problems and causes of Hebei XX in the rural market .

  2. 提出了加大在OTC市场的投入;进入农村市场的战略重点,同时,还提出了一些战略的组合。

    Proposed to increase investment in OTC market inputs ; into the rural market , strategic focus , while also raised a number of strategic combinations .

  3. 同时采用红桃K公司成功开发农村市场的案例对本文观点进行了论证。

    The paper then chooses to study the case of Red K Company which has successfully developed rural medicine market .

  4. 对彩电行业拓展农村市场的思考

    Consideration over Exploring Rural Market by Industry of Color TV Sets

  5. 乡村城镇化:农村市场开拓的新视角

    Rural urbanization : New Angles of View of Rural Market Exploitation

  6. 已开始应用于生产。药品生产企业开发农村市场的策略研究

    Research of strategies of pharmacy production enterprises exploiting rural area market

  7. 农村市场是一个广阔的市场。

    Rural market is a great market in our country .

  8. 工业企业开拓农村市场的分销策略研究

    On Distribution Strategy of Industries and Businesses ' Rural Marketing

  9. 西部农村市场的现状及开拓

    The Present Situation and Exploitation of the West Rural Market

  10. 近代甘宁青农村市场研究

    A Study of Rural Markets in Modern Gansu , Ningxia and Qinghai

  11. 赣南农村市场中的非正式制度与近代社会变迁

    Informal Systems and Social Changes in Gannan Rural Markets in Modern Times

  12. 农村市场青睐的稻田杀虫剂调查

    Investigation of Pesticides Used for Rice Plant in Rural Market

  13. 黑龙江省农村市场潜力分析

    Analysis of the countryside market potential of Heilongjiang province

  14. 信息不对称条件下的农村市场问题及对策研究

    The Question and Countermeasure Research of Rural Market Under the Information Asymmetry Condition

  15. 农村市场急待开发。

    The village market is waiting for the development .

  16. 农村市场的现状与未来

    The Present and Future Situation of the Rural Markets

  17. 农村市场经济下传统伦理调控力辩证

    Analysing Classic Ethics ' Energy of Adjusting and Controlling in Countryside Market Economy

  18. 按照市场经济规律办事积极开拓农村市场

    Do According to the Law of Market Economy and Actively Develop Rural Market

  19. 浅析信息不对称对农村市场的影响

    Of the Impact of Information Asymmetry in Rural Market

  20. 略论农村市场的开拓与农民收入的提高

    Rural Market Opening and Peasants ' Income Raising

  21. 农村市场对耐用消费品的需求不断增长。

    The need of rural market for consumption goods is in a constant increase .

  22. 中国农村市场化进程中的农民合作组织研究

    A Study of the Rural Cooperative Organizations in the Course of Marketization in China

  23. 中国农村市场问题研究

    A Study of the Rural Market in China

  24. 加快农村市场体系建设;

    Quickening the construction of rural market system ;

  25. 包括农村市场机制论、农村市场功能论和农村市场发育论。

    It involves rural market mechanism , rural market function and rural market development .

  26. 也正因为如此,许多国外强势品牌都在千方百计围绕中国农村市场大做文章。

    That is the reason why many well-known brands are heading to Chinese countryside .

  27. 农村市场发育与村庄经济研究

    Rural Market Development and Village Economies Approach

  28. 太原刚玉集团进军农村市场

    Taiyuan Corundum Group Marching into Rural Markets

  29. 邮储银行将分羹农村市场

    Post Savings Bank Shall Share Rural Market

  30. 开拓农村市场扩大国内需求

    Expand rural markets and extend domestic demands