
nónɡ yè shè huì zhǔ yì
  • agricultural socialism
  1. 俄国所有各派别即最广义民粹主义的共同特征,是信仰和崇尚人民,以平民化崇拜反对文化崇拜;民粹主义是利用村社这种农业社会主义形式去超越工业资本主义的历史阶段的思潮与运动。

    The common character-istic of Populism in broad sense was to believe and advocate " people ", fight against worship of cul-ture with " worship of common people " . Based on village commune , Russian populism affirmed that industrial capitalism ought to be transcended by Russian agricultural socialism .

  2. 农业社会主义改造后期急躁冒进原因探析

    Reasons of Impetuosity in the Late Period of Socialist Transformation of Agriculture

  3. 论农业社会主义嘉善县农机化现状及发展建议

    The Status Quo and Developmental Advices of the Agricultural Mechanize in Jiashan County

  4. 论党对农业社会主义的批判

    Criticism of Chinese Communist Party on Agriculture Socialism

  5. 第二部分阐述了各个历史时期党对农业社会主义的批判,在此基础上得出结论,社会主义必须建立在大生产的基础上,否则就只能是空中楼阁。

    The second part is the party put judgment on agriculture socialism in different historic periods .

  6. 20年来国内农业社会主义改造运动研究

    Review of Domestic Studies in the Past 20 Years on the Chinese Socialist Transformation Movement of Agriculture

  7. 农业社会主义改造与人民公社产生的关系初探

    Preliminary Research on the Relationship between the Agricultural Socialist Transformation and the Movement of the People 's Communes

  8. 第二、我们在农业社会主义改造方面采取了逐步前进的办法。

    Secondly , the method we are using in the socialist transformation of agriculture is one of step-by-step advance .

  9. 像农业社会主义改造,以及其他各个方面,都有这个问题。

    The same is true in the socialist transformation of agriculture and in all other fields of our endeavour as well .

  10. 在中国近代史上出现过三次理想社会思潮,分别是洪秀全太平天国的农业社会主义理念;

    Three thoughts of idea society appeared in China modern history , which are the agriculture socialism idea of Hong xiu-quan 's Taiping tianguo ;

  11. 农业社会主义改造是新中国历史上的一件大事,中国社会的发展和中国农村的历史因此发生了巨大变化。

    The socialist reconstruction of agriculture which resulted a tremendous change in the rural history and the social development of China , was a great invent in the history of New China .

  12. 本文通过史实和理论分析,探讨了农业社会主义改造急躁冒进的产生过程、形成原因及其对社会主义改造和社会主义建设的消极影响。

    The negative effect of the rash advancement appeared in the fields of agriculture socialist reform and its causes on the socialist reform and construction was discussed through the history truth and theory analysis .

  13. 本文据此展开,指出党认为太平天国的空想农业社会主义和民粹主义思想,是农业社会主义产生的社会历史土壤。

    This text on these grounds points out the socialism of a cloud-castle agriculture thought from the peace Kingdom of Heavens with the doctrine thought is a social history soil to produce agriculture socialism .

  14. 我们认为既要充分肯定农业社会主义改造对农村生产力产生的长期的积极的作用,以及对中国农村全面进步的深刻影响;

    This paper lays special emphasis on the fact that the socialist agricultural reconstruction has produced long range positive effect on rural productivity and has profound influence on the overall progress in China 's rural areas .

  15. 他认为只有贯彻党在农村的阶级政策,循序渐进地发展,全面规划,加强领导,才能搞好中国的农业社会主义改造。

    He thinks only by carrying out the class policy of the country , proceeding in an orderly and gradual way and overall programming , strengthening the leadership can we realize the agricultural socialist reformation in China .

  16. 20世纪50年代,中国成功地进行了农业社会主义改造,使几千年来分散的个体小农经济变为集体经济,亿万农民走上了社会主义道路。

    In the 1950s , china succeeded in the reform of agriculture , making scattered individual agricultural economy to a collective one , and hundreds of millions of Chinese peasants began to be on their way of socialism .

  17. 第一部分主要是阐述党对农业社会主义产生历史渊源的分析,即小农业和家庭手工业相结合的自给自足的自然经济在整个社会经济中长期占主要地位。

    The first part primarily illustrates the analysing for the history origin about agriculture socialism , namely , small agriculture combined with cottage industry is occupying the main position in the whole social economy over a long period of time .

  18. 全文回顾了在农业社会主义改造途径和速度认识上的分歧,分析了农业社会主义改造途径上出现分歧的原因,以及在速度上出现过快的原因,并总结历史经验。

    This article recalled the divarication of paths and speed in the socialist reconstruction of agriculture , analyzed the reasons of the error in the socialist reconstruction of agriculture and concluded history experiences in order to give lessens to socialist reform nowadays .

  19. 早期,马克思强调西欧,特别是英国的经验,将农奴制下的农村公社自耕小农土地所有制资本主义雇佣型大农业社会主义集体合作制大农业的发展序列作为人类社会农业发展的唯一道路。

    In the early days , he attached more importance to the Western-European experience , particularly the British experience , and identified the order-the rural community affected by the serf system-small land owned by peasants-the great capitalist agriculture-the great socialist agriculture managed by the collective cooperation .

  20. 建设现代农业是社会主义新农村建设的首要任务和重要基础。

    Building Modern agriculture is the primary task and an important foundation of new socialist countryside .

  21. 在几万万农民中实行农业的社会主义的改造,是一件了不起的工作。

    It is indeed a tremendous task to carry out the socialist transformation of agriculture among several hundred million peasants .

  22. 现代农业是社会主义新农村的重要标志之一,而现代农业是以农业机械化为重要基础的。

    Modem agriculture is one of the important symbols of new socialist countryside construction and it is basis on agricultural mechanization .

  23. 我们对农业实行社会主义改造的目的,是要在农村这个最广阔的土地上根绝资本主义的来源。

    The purpose of our socialist transformation of agriculture is to cut off the source of capitalism in the vast countryside .

  24. 这种不同意见,在目前,主要地表现在关于农业的社会主义改造即农业合作化的问题上。

    At present , these differences manifest themselves chiefly on the question of the socialist transformation of agriculture , or agricultural co-operation .

  25. 2007年一号文件强调指出,发展现代农业是社会主义新农村建设的首要任务。

    The NO.1 Document of 2007 emphasized that to develop modern agriculture is the chief mission in the construction of socialism new country .

  26. 在此基础上,有针对性提出了全面促进现代农业与社会主义新农村建设过程中完善农技服务体系的对策措施。

    On the basis , this paper targeted proposes the perfecting agricultural technology service system countermeasures to comprehensive promote modern agriculture and socialist new countryside .

  27. 其中,对我国农业的社会主义改造是通过互助合作道路逐步实现的,就是农村合作化运动。

    Among them , the socialist transformation of agriculture in China was accomplished through mutual cooperation , which is called co-operative movement in rural areas .

  28. 农业的社会主义改造,是要废除小生产私有制,就它的性质来说,也是对付资本主义的。

    The socialist transformation of agriculture , which was designed to abolish the private ownership of small producers , was by its nature also directed against capitalism .

  29. 该工程坚持围绕中心工作、整合涉农资源、培训农村群众、建立覆盖农村的数字学习网络的总体思路,旨在为发展现代农业和社会主义新农村提供智力支撑和人才保障。

    The project adheres to the general idea of integrating agriculture-related resources , training farmers and covering the establishment of the digital learning network in rural areas based on the central work .

  30. 农业物流对社会主义新农村建设的影响分析

    Influence Analysis of Agricultural Logistics on New Socialism Countryside Construction