
jūn yònɡ qì chē
  • Military Vehicles;camion
  1. 价值工程在军用汽车选型中的应用研究

    Research on the Model Selection of Military Automobile Using VE Method

  2. 军用汽车混合电力驱动系统复合能源控制策略

    Hybrid Energy Control Strategy for Hybrid Electric Drive System in Military Vehicle

  3. 军用汽车维修任务分配方法研究

    Studies on the method of distribution for maintain mission for military vehicle

  4. 国内外军用汽车发展历史、现状及趋势综述(一)

    Development History , Status and Tendency of Foreign Military Truck ( Part ⅰ)

  5. 衡量军用汽车回转性能的新指标&回转难度参数

    Steering Difficulty Parameter & the New Index for Evaluating Steering Performance of Military Automobiles

  6. 混合动力技术在军用汽车上的应用

    Application of the Hybrid Power on Military Vehicle

  7. 方舱作为一种移动箱式工作间是常应用于军用汽车上的特殊车厢。

    As box-type mobile workstations , shelters are frequently used as special carriages of military vehicles .

  8. 强调了军用汽车的机动性对提高军队战斗力的重要性。

    It emphasized the importance of the military automobile for the army to enhance army battle effectiveness .

  9. 由一个专门机构调度以备不时之需的一批军用汽车。

    A fleet of military vehicles controlled by a single agency and available for use as needed .

  10. 不断发展变化的全球战略局势和作战环境对军用汽车的装甲防护提出了越来越高的要求。

    With the development and changes of strategic situation and battlefield environment , higher and higher demand is set on military vehicle armor in recent wars .

  11. 本实用新型结构合理,简捷而有效,对保证军用汽车或特种车辆的安全运行具有切实可行的实际意义。

    The switching device has rational , simple and effective structure , and has realistic and feasible practice meaning for safety operation of military automobiles or special vehicles .

  12. 本实用新型可以方便士兵上下军用汽车,能加快士兵行动,可以用在军用汽车上。

    The military truck carriage can be convenient for soldiers up and down , can accelerate the actions of the soldiers , and can be used on military trucks .

  13. 系统为军用汽车维修保障行动的保障指挥方、保障需求方和保障行动方提供可视化平台,资源可视,信息共享。

    A visual platform which can provide the visual resource and shared information for commander side , necessity side and running side of military-purpose automobile maintenance ensuring is established .

  14. 本文主要阐述了军用汽车的用途,军用汽车机动性在作战中的作用,战场地面条件及对军用车辆机动性要求。

    This text mostly expounded the use of the military automobile , the effect in the filed of the flexibility of the military automobile , the ground condition of the battlefield and its request for the flexibility of the military automobile .

  15. 军用电控汽车故障自诊断系统开发设想

    Development Thought of Military Electronic Control Vehicles Fault Self-Diagnosis System

  16. 悍马是军用型汽车。

    Hummers are military-like vehicles .

  17. 简单介绍了实物样机平顺性试验的两种试验方法:道路试验方法和台架试验方法,并通过台架试验方法的思路引入一个简化的军用越野汽车悬架一轮胎一路面组成的振动系统。

    A brief introduction to the physical prototype test ride the two test methods : Methods and road test bench method , and by the idea of bench introduced a simplified method of military off-road vehicle " suspension-tires-road ," composed of vibration system .

  18. 基于新型军用无级变速汽车动态匹配控制仿真研究

    Matching control and simulation research on new-typed vehicle of continuously variable transmission system for army

  19. 他说,它还可以用于军用服装以及汽车和建筑的外观设计。

    It can also be used in military clothing and to create designs on the outside of cars and buildings , he said .

  20. 军用越野及载重汽车,为保证战时后勤需要,对汽车在特殊道路和环境下的机动性能与通过性能提出了较高的要求。

    To ensure the wartime logistical needs , cross-country and the truck of military are requested a higher degree of performance .

  21. 聚碳酸酯是一种典型的热塑性高分子材料,具有突出的透明性和较好的机械强度。作为结构材料,聚碳酸酯被广泛地应用于工程领域,如军用防护品、汽车和飞机风挡等零部件。

    Polycarbonate is a kind of typical thermoplastic polymer , which has extrusive clarity and good mechanical strength . As a kind of structure material , polycarbonate has been widely used in engineering applications such as vehicle and aircraft components due to its excellent mechanical properties .