
  • 网络writing method;writing strategy;writing approaches;strategies
  1. 五是介绍论文的基本结构与基本的写作方法。

    To introduce the basic structure and writing method of the thesis .

  2. 简论机读科技论文英文文摘的写作方法

    The Writing Method for English Abstract of Scientific and Technical Treatise with Computer Reading

  3. 大学英语作文的类型及其写作方法

    College English Composition : Its Types and Ways of Writing

  4. 提示作文的写作方法和技巧初探

    Exploration on the Writing Methods and Skills of Prompt Composition

  5. 其次,作品的写作方法、技巧的运用等也是值得探讨研究的。

    Second , the writing skills are also worth of being analyzed .

  6. 英文医学科技论文写作方法与技巧

    Methods and skills of writing medical science-technique paper in English

  7. 而爱伦?坡的兴趣和写作方法却绝非现实主义的。

    Poe 's interests and way of writing were not realistic at all .

  8. 引论:主要涉及问题的提出及选题的意义,阐述了本文的研究范围和主要写作方法。

    It expounds the scope of the study and the methods of writing .

  9. 莱姆在她的新书中清楚地提出了一个简单明了的商务写作方法。

    In her book , lamb spells out a straightforward approach to business writing .

  10. 他的写作方法别具一格。

    He writes in a very individual way .

  11. 网络新闻写作方法与技巧刍议

    Tentative Suggestions for Net-news Writing Methods and Techniques

  12. 约翰·巴斯小说写作方法初探

    A Study on John Barth 's Writing Methods

  13. 他讲授自己的写作方法。

    He lectured about his method of writing .

  14. 他们必须研究出一种能直入主题的写作方法。

    They must develop a way of writing that goes straight to the point .

  15. 从这句话里可以略知他的气质和写作方法。

    The statement is an interesting clue to both his temperament and his literary method .

  16. 本文对说明文进行了分类并分别介绍了各类说明文的写作方法。

    This essay is to classify exposition and introduce the writing methods of every kind .

  17. 第二期英文摘要文题的构成及写作方法

    Writing guide of title in English abstract

  18. 这种写作方法使黑人女性得到了话语权。

    According to this way , the black female can get the right of speech .

  19. 书中强烈的现实主义写作方法。

    The stark realism of the book .

  20. 在写作方法上,它是总结与演讲的结合。

    And in writing , the work report is the combination of summary and lecture .

  21. 经济学研究与写作方法笔谈

    On Economics Researching and Writing Methods

  22. 第一部分是导论部分,主要描述本文的结构框架和写作方法,从选题意义、文献综述、研究方法等几个方面进行阐述。

    The first part is introduction , which describes the framework and methodology of the paper .

  23. 审计报告写作方法摄要

    The Method of Audit Report Writing

  24. 论英文说明文的写作方法

    On writing methods of exposition

  25. 由此看来,写作方法也是打开写作之门的金钥匙。

    It seems that the writing method is the gold key to open the door of writing .

  26. 文章引言部分概述了未遂犯理论的研究现状及研究意义,同时说明了文章的逻辑思路和写作方法。

    The introduction summarizes the present researching situation of unaccomplished crime and the meaning of studying unaccomplished crime .

  27. 他被邀请给一个英语班的学生讲授他的写作方法。

    He has been invited to lecture about his method of writing to a class of English students .

  28. 它是新形势下的一种新的写作方法和技巧。与传统写作相比较,它有着很多的优越性。

    Computer writing is a new writing technique , which has its tremendous advantages compared with traditional writing .

  29. 从写《巴比特》开始,他就开始了一种新的写作方法,即让自己融入到他的小说所描写的生活当中。

    With Babbitt he began a new writing method of immersing himself into the life of his books .

  30. 因此,笔者认为,从内容到写作方法,简·奥斯丁深深影响着张爱玲。

    Therefore , the author thinks that Jane Austen has deeply influenced Zhang Ailing from content to writing methods .