
  • 网络Writing Techniques;PoV;Peak-Valley or General Statement-Specifics
  1. 鉴于此,作者介绍了目的分析法,并以此理论为指导对商务信函中的You-attitude(以读者为中心的写作手法)进行了分析。

    In view of this , the author introduces the goal-oriented approach , and takes this approach in the analyzing of You-attitude in business letters .

  2. 这种写作手法吸引了大量的读者。

    This writing style has appealed to a host of readers .

  3. 比较是议论文中常用的一种写作手法。

    Comparison is used as a technique to develop argumentative essays .

  4. 简析约瑟夫.海勒的《第二十二条军规》的主题及写作手法

    Analysis on the theme and writing technique of Joseph heller 's Catch-22

  5. 传统的现实主义写作手法在黑色幽默文学中被一扫而光。

    The traditional realism is thoroughly swept away in Black Humor Novels .

  6. 象征历来是作家们钟爱的写作手法。

    Symbolism is always a writing technique loved by writers .

  7. 本文从文体学的角度分析海明威的短篇小说《士兵的家》的写作手法。

    The paper presents a stylistic study of Hemingway 's Soldier 's Home .

  8. 昙花一现的新闻写作手法&新新闻主义

    On the Transitory News Writing Style & New Journalism

  9. 格雷厄姆·格林小说《权利与荣耀》中的现实主义写作手法研究

    On the Realistic Writing Technique of the Power and the Glory by Graham Greene

  10. 清楚、朴实的写作手法,便足以让读者感受论文的真正价值。

    Clear , unadorned writing lets a reader see a paper 's real worth .

  11. 我妻子其实不是想要批评我的这些东西。她是在批评我的写作手法。

    This isn 't really what my wife is trying to criticise me about .

  12. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫意识流写作手法在其小说《到灯塔去》和《海浪》中的应用

    A Thesis on Virginia Woolf 's Stream of Conscious in Two of Her Novels

  13. 我的写作手法是不动感情和冷静的。

    My writing is dispassionate and unsentimental .

  14. 写作手法的不断创新是薇拉·瑟文学创作的主要特征之一。

    Bringing forth new writing techniques is one of Willa Cather 's main writing characteristics .

  15. 作品独特的艺术风格和写作手法吸引了无数评论家的目光。

    Many literary critics were once attracted by his unique artistic style and writing technique .

  16. 深刻隽永的叙述浑然一体的描写&评乔治·艾略特小说《米德尔马契》的写作手法

    Philosophical Narration and InterdependentDescription & Comment on the Writing Techniques in Middlemarch by George Eliot

  17. 在其创作的小说中,她总能成功地选择并运用最恰当的写作手法来服务小说的主题。

    In her novels , she unfailingly employs writing techniques that best serve her message .

  18. 福克纳以他的杰出写作手法和精彩的故事讲述方法而享誉世界文学之林。

    He usually is famous for his writing techniques and the wonderful story telling styles .

  19. 论《第二十二条军规》写作手法的颠覆性

    On the Subversive Writing Techniques in Catch-22

  20. 他在文学中探索出了新的写作手法,即梦与现实的交融。

    Kafka explored a new writing style , which is the combination of dream and reality .

  21. 从《麦琪的礼物》看欧·亨利的写作手法

    A Study of O.Henry 's Writing Methods in His Short Story The Gift of the Magi

  22. 乔伊斯在小说《一个青年艺术家的画像》中,创新性地采用了顿悟以及意识流的写作手法。

    On the Socialization of the Hero of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man ;

  23. 与传统小说写法不同,伍尔夫运用了独特的小说写作手法创作小说。

    Different from traditional novel writing skills , Woolf applies a characteristic writing technique in the novel .

  24. 谭恩美以独特的叙事视角与写作手法,将中国传统文化与美国多元文化融为一体。

    Amy Tan integrates Chinese traditional culture and American multi-culture with a unique narrative perspective and writing style .

  25. 这部小说以现实主义的写作手法向读者展现了十九世纪早期英国资本主义社会的全景。

    This novel displays , in a realistic way , a whole panorama of the aristocratic English society .

  26. 这部带有明显反叛意识的作品已经开始了对新的写作手法的探索,这使于斯曼斯的创作倾向与传统创作手法有了本质的不同。

    With its consciousness of rebellion , the work probes into a new writing style completely different from the tradition .

  27. 文章重在探究其写作手法和写作意图及其结局的高明之处。

    This paper focuses on exploration of its writing techniques and writing intention and the brilliant points of the ending .

  28. 而现代自传中的儿童形象则因为写作手法的多样化而呈现出多元化的面貌。

    The children images created in modern autobiographies presented a trend of diversification because the writers used diversified writing skills .

  29. 从选题的缘由、意义、写作手法、重点研究问题以及创新点这些内容着手。

    From the selected topic reason , sense , writing techniques , focusing on the problems and innovation the content set .

  30. 国外学者将研究重心放在小说的主题、心理分析、宗教色彩和写作手法上。

    Researchers at broad have applied analysis on the theme , psychological analysis , religion and writing schemas of the novel .