
nèi shēng zhí qì
  • internal genitalia
内生殖器[nèi shēng zhí qì]
  1. 而从证型角度进行分组分法的,其经统计后得出的结果:与血瘀证相关的耳穴有腕、肺、内生殖器、耳背肝。

    Grouping points from the syndrome type point of view , the results of statistical : the ear and blood stasis wrist , lungs , internal genitalia , car liver .

  2. 而以经脉循行进行分组分法的,其经统计后得出的结果:与太阳经组相关之穴位有胆、小肠、膀胱、内生殖器。

    Grouped meridian points , obtained after the statistical results : acupuncture points have the courage of the sun by the group , small intestine , bladder , internal genitalia .

  3. 目的评价CT与超声在女性内生殖器原发恶性肿瘤的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of CT and ultrasonography in the diagnosis of originative malignant tumors of the female internal genitals .

  4. 目的总结女性盆腔内生殖器结核的临床诊断与治疗经验。

    Objective To summarize the clinical diagnosis and treatment experience of the feminine reproductive organs tuberculosis in pelvic cavity .

  5. 治疗组取内生殖器、内分泌、肝、肾、皮质下、神门、交感。

    Experimental group takes internal genitals , endocrine , liver , kidney , subcortex , Shenmen , and sympathy .

  6. 目的研究重庆地区雌性恒河猴性周期的行为、内生殖器随季节的变化。

    Objective To investigate the seasonal changes of behaviors and internal sexual organs during sexual cycle among female rhesus monkeys Macaca mulatta in Chongqing .

  7. 本实验的结果支持临床和流行病学研究的结论:长期摄入粗制生棉油是引起妇女内生殖器损害的原因。

    The findings are in accordance with the assumption that long-term ingestion of raw cotton seed oil is very likely the cause of injury inflicted on the genital organs in patients with burning sensation disease .

  8. 背景与目的单纯疱疹病毒(Herpessimplexvirus,HSV)是世界范围内人类生殖器疱疹(Genitalherpes,GH)的病毒病原。

    Background and objective Herpes simplex virus ( HSV ) is the viral agent of genital herpes ( GH ) in mankind worldwide .

  9. 倡导:为国际、区域和当地的努力开发出版物和倡导工具,以便在一代人时间内停止女性生殖器切割;

    Advocacy : developing publications and advocacy tools for international , regional and local efforts to end FGM within a generation ;