
ɡuān shuì zhènɡ cè
  • tariff policy
  1. 但是,每个国家仍然保留自己的关税政策。

    However , each country still retains its own tariff policy .

  2. 中国关税政策调整及其对经济发展的影响

    China 's Tariff Policy Adjustment and Its Impact on Economic Development

  3. 零关税政策是在今年6月1日《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》正式公布后,中央和海南省政府推进海南自贸港建设的最新举措。

    The zero-tariff list is among the latest of the policies that have been released by the central and Hainan provincial authorities to promote construction of Hainan FTP , following the issuance of the Master Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port on June 1 .

  4. 孟加拉,在WTO会议上表示,对于欧盟给予巴基斯坦免关税政策一事,除去这八项服装产品,在其余的产品上不作任何反对。

    Bangladesh had , however , informed the WTO meeting that it will not have any objection if a waiver excluding the eight apparel items is granted to Pakistan .

  5. 北京咨询公司安泰科(antaike)的分析师陈家作表示,上述诉讼可能会促使北京方面调整其出口和关税政策。

    Chen Jiazuo , an analyst at Antaike , a Beijing consultancy , said the case might prompt Beijing to change its export and tariff policies .

  6. 2010&2015年,CAFTA进入发展的第二阶段,零关税政策将覆盖到东盟四个新成员国的大多数商品,中国与其他东盟成员国之间的关税也将进一步削减。

    From 2010 to 2015 , CAFTA will get into the second stage of development , and the zero-tariff policy will cover the new four members of ASEAN . The tariff of goods between China and other ASEAN members will also be further cut .

  7. 俄罗斯原木出口关税政策调整的博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Log Export Tariff Policy Adjustment in Russian

  8. 经济特区适用的特殊优惠关税政策已经取消。

    The special preferential tariff policies applied to SEZs had been eliminated .

  9. 中国现行关税政策及未来调整方向研究

    Study on the Current Tariff Policy of China and Its Future Regulative Direction

  10. 国际优惠关税政策变化环境下我国外贸企业的发展策略

    Foreign-Trade Enterprise 's Developing Tactic under the Evolution of International Tariff Preferential Treatment

  11. 贸易自由化下东盟国家关税政策的新进展

    New Adjustment on Tariff Polices of Five ASEAN Countries

  12. 中国农产品对外贸易的比较优势及关税政策研究

    Study on the Comparative Advantage and Tariff Policy of China Agricultural products in External Trade

  13. 实行保护关税政策;

    To effect tariff - protecting policy ;

  14. 1930年,国会批准了胡夫总统签署的《斯姆特-霍利》关税政策。

    In1930 , Congress passed and President Hoover signed into law the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act .

  15. 走向贸易保护主义&社会联盟与美国19世纪关税政策

    Going toward Trade Protectionism : Societal Coalition and US Tariff Policy in the 19th Century

  16. 钢铁工业发展环境与关税政策调整分析

    Analysis on the Development Environment of Iron & Steel Industry and the Regulation of Tariff Policy

  17. 第二,制定关税政策、编订与修改关税税则。

    Second , the formulated of the tariff policy , establish and modify the Customs Tariff .

  18. 面对如此严峻的形势,人民币汇率政策与中国关税政策相互配合具有重大意义。

    Therefore , the coordination of RMB exchange rate policy and chinese customs policy becomes very significative .

  19. 只要中国作出一些让步,美国的协调员已经准备撤回这一关税政策,但是没有成果。

    American negotiators were ready to withhold the tariffs if China made concessions , but to no avail .

  20. 美国的高关税政策是影响20世纪30年代美国对华贸易的重要因素。

    American high tariff policies were the important factors which affected America 's trade with China in the 1930s .

  21. 因此,本文试图从不完全竞争的市场结构下探讨关税政策变化对国家福利水平的影响。

    Therefore , the purpose of this study is to discuss the welfare change that would result from tariff reduction .

  22. 文章分析比较了4种不同的政策或政策组合,即自由贸易政策、进口关税政策、生产补贴政策、进口关税与生产补贴结合使用。

    We evaluate four kinds of policies : free trade , import tariff , production subsidy , combination of tariff and subsidy .

  23. 我国必须坚持反对电子商务的零关税政策,适度的保护性关税政策是带动和促进我国经济发展的必然选择。

    We must protest zero - tariff policy of e-business and adhere to modest protective tariff policy the alternative for propelling our economic development .

  24. 问:零关税政策对中非贸易有什么促进作用?关于我国增值税的问题研究及完善对策

    Question : In what way will zero-tariff policy benefit China-Africa trade ? Some Problems on the Added - value Tax and Its Relevant Policies

  25. 纺织部企业代表已强烈要求与美国政府代表会面,要求美国官方开放市场,至少对巴基斯坦服装产品实施零关税政策。

    The textile sector entrepreneurs have asked a visiting US government delegation to provide access to at least apparel products of Pakistan on zero import duty .

  26. 2000年的选举中,为了获得西弗吉尼亚州的关键选票,切尼对该州的钢铁工业主做出了承诺;正因如此,布什总统于2002年批准了对进口钢材的关税政策。

    In2002 he approved tariffs on imported steel to fulfil a promise Mr Cheney made to steelworkers in West Virginia , a state crucial to his2000 election .

  27. 周二,巴基斯坦商务部召集各大出口商,就欧盟给予巴基斯坦的75项产品的免关税政策进行会议商讨,免税的项目包括服装和纺织品。

    Pakistan 's Ministry of Commerce has called a meeting with exporters on Tuesday to discuss the EU duty-free facility for75 Pakistani items , including apparel and textiles .

  28. 在全球生产阶段多元化的今天,这种关税政策在很大程度上体现了关税有效保护理论的思想。

    Today , almost any production process is divided into several phases and finished in different countries , so the tariff taxation policy includes the ideas of tariff effective protection theory .

  29. 与中国建交的30个非洲最不发达国家全部享受60%输华产品免关税政策,受惠产品数目增至4762个。

    All of the 30 least developed countries in Africa that have diplomatic ties with China enjoy zero-tariff treatment for 60 % of their exports to China , covering 4,762 items .

  30. 最终代表北部工业家利益的联邦政府通过战争解决了双方间的论争,进一步强化了贸易保护主义的高关税政策在美国政治中的影响。

    At last , the federal government on behalf of the northern capitalists solved the controversy by means of the civil war . This further intensified the protectionism power in American politics .