- General Agreement on Tariff and Trade

TRIMs are agreements reached by GATT at the Uruguay Round Talks . After GATT reentry and joining WTO , China will have to conform to this agreement set out in TRIMs .
Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Fifth Protocol of Rectifications to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
It developed out of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or GATT .
Interim Commission for the International Trade Organization / General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
In return , Washington would support china 's membership in the general agreement on Tariffs and trade .
Governments subsidize exports in many ways , even though they do so quietly to escape indictment under GATT .
BUILD on their respective rights and obligations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and other multilateral and bilateral instruments of cooperation ;
Proponents of the North American pact ( NAFTA ) argue that nothing in the agreement will contravene the GATT accord , if it is ever reached .
After seven " Rounds " of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade trade negotiations that focused heavily on tariff reductions , tariffs are less important measures of protection than they used to be .
If the world trade system has a constitution , it is embodied in the articles of the General Agreement on tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) and now its successor organization , the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) .
In order to undertake WTO duties , China undertook a large scale policy adjustment in the field of economy , administrative institution and legal system , and cleaned up the local rules and regulations which do not adapted with GATT and WTO rules .
Led by Peter Sutherland , a combative former director-general of the World Trade Organisation and its predecessor body , GATT , and by a trade economist at Columbia University , Jagdish Bhagwati , the experts were due to issue a report on January 28th .