
  • 网络common cost;COMMON EXPENSES
  1. 转移价格确定和共同费用的分摊。

    Confirm the transformation of price and share out the common expenses .

  2. 但是受益人也许会遭受更高的保费、共同费用、自负额的负担来帮助抵消这笔开支。

    But beneficiaries could be required to pay higher premiums , co-payments and deductibles to help cover the costs .

  3. 另外一个WISP从附近的一个山顶上提供了一条(昂贵的)连接,因此我决定购买这个服务,与邻居们共享带宽,并共同承担费用。

    Another WISP provides ( expensive ) connectivity from a nearby mountaintop , so I decided to subscribe to that service and share the bandwidth and cost with my neighbors .

  4. Popescu指出,关于引进共同分担费用作为补足资金缺口的方法的讨论一直存在,但是他认为这一做法的效果会很有限。

    Popescu notes that there has been talk of introducing co-payments as a way of making up the shortfall in funds , but believes that this will have limited impact .

  5. 他们并不欣赏我关于共同承担费用的建议。

    They didn 't like my suggestion that we shouhl all share the cost .

  6. 这样,所有者就可以对外单独进行收费,或者与网格社区共同分担费用。

    Thus , the owner can recoup individual expenses or share expenses among the grid community .

  7. 该州的一些保险公司因此要挟那些评级较低的医生,要求提高医生的共同支付费用。

    Some insurers in the state now charge higher co-pays for doctors who fare poorly in the analysis .

  8. 共同海损费用垫款的保险费,也应作为共同海损。

    The cost of insuring money advanced to pay for general average disbursements shall also be allowed in general average .

  9. 我们大家共同分担费用和分享利润。合资企业各方如何分享利润、分担亏损?

    We 'll split the cost and profits among all of us . How should profit and loss be shared between the parties to a joint venture ?

  10. 为筹款支付共同海损费用而变卖货物致使货主遭受的资本损失,均应认入共同海损。

    The capital loss sustained by the owners of goods sold for the purpose of raising funds to defray general average disbursements shall be allowed in general average .

  11. 亲爱的青青草原:或许你们应该共同承担午餐费用。

    Dear G.P. : maybe you should split the check .

  12. 制造商与经销商共同承担广告费用。

    The manufacturer and the dealer shared in the expense of advertising .

  13. 共同配送博弈费用分摊模型

    Joint Distribution Cost Allocation Model Based on Game Theory

  14. 印度政府呼吁私营企业跟政府共同承担基建费用。

    The government is calling on the private sector to share the task .

  15. ?传统的产品成本的计量和作业成本计量的最大的不同点就在于对生产中直接的人工费用和材料费用以外的那些共同的间接费用的分摊处理。

    The traditional cost system differs from ABC most greatly in allocation of those non-direct expenses ( overhead expenses ) .

  16. 采取政府、公益机构及个人共同承担医疗费用,不再实施免费医疗。

    By the government , public institutions and individuals to share medical costs , no longer implement the free medical care .

  17. 第三步,以应分摊的共同配送直接费用为基础,核算不同货物应分摊的共同配送间接费用。

    The third step , to be assessed based on the joint distribution of direct costs , different goods should be assessed jointly for the accounting and distribution overheads .

  18. 对垫付的共同海损特殊费用,除船员工资、养和船舶消耗的燃料、外,应当计算手续费。

    A commission shall be allowed for the general average expenses paid on account , except those for the wages and maintenance of the crew and fuel and store consumed .

  19. 有些夫妇尤其是大龄的夫妇,至少在最初的时候更倾向于保持各自独立的资金账户,这种做法当然是可以理解的,但很多财务顾问的建议是,最好是能设一个联名账户,通过它支付应当共同承担的费用。

    While it 's understandable that some couples , particularly older ones , prefer to keep separate accounts , at least at first , many financial advisers recommend working toward paying all joint expenses out of a joint account .

  20. 四是采用个人住房贷款保险,对商业银行进行风险转移,要求银行、开发商、购房人按照一定的比例共同负担保险费用,以银行作为受益人。

    Fourth , adapt loan insurance on individual housing , transfer the risks from the commercial banks , and require banks , building companies , home buyers pay according to a certain percentage of co-insurance costs to banks as the beneficiary .

  21. 通过对贸易术语责任性质和贸易术语变形的深入分析,提出了3种不同的贸易责任,即常规责任、主要责任、共同责任和费用终止点的划分界限。

    Through analyzing the trade terms 's responsibilities and the transfiguration of the trade terms , the three different trade responsibilities , that is , general responsibility , main responsibility and common responsibility , and the boundaries of the charge ending spot are provided .

  22. 因此,将健康体检产业真正推向市场,推行付费制度改革,由国家、单位及个人共同承担体检费用将是健康体检发展的必然趋势。

    As a result , it is necessary to place it in the market and push the innovation of the payment system . It must be the trend to share the fee of health examination by the country , the enterprise as well as individuals .

  23. 共同海损避难港费用

    Cost allowed in general average

  24. 共同海损牺牲和费用,应按下列规定,由各分摊方分摊。

    General average sacrifices and expenditures shall be borne by the different contributing interests on the basis hereinafter provided .

  25. 但是人们需要自己照顾父母,为政府服务付费,共同分担健康护理费用。

    But people are expected to look after their parents and pay for government services , making co-payments for health care .

  26. 借鉴城镇职工基本医疗保险改革的经验,推行健康体检费用分担机制,由政府、单位和个人共同承担健康体检费用。

    Taking into account the experience of urban employee basic medical insurance , we can establish the system of sharing the expenses for health examination by the government , enterprises and individuals .

  27. 我们在阿富汗的新战略在今年很可能会需要约300亿美元的军事开支。在我们努力降低我国赤字的同时,我将密切与国会共同努力解决这些费用问题。

    Our new approach in Afghanistan is likely to cost us roughly $ 30 billion for the military this year , and I 'll work closely with Congress to address these costs as we work to bring down our deficit .

  28. 第二百零一条对共同海损特殊牺牲和垫付的共同海损特殊费用,应当计算利息。

    Interest shall be allowed on general average sacrifice and general average expenses paid on account .

  29. 进而核算出不同货物在该共同配送过程中应分摊的共同配送直接费用。

    Accounting of different cargoes should be assessed in the course of the joint distribution of joint distribution of direct costs .

  30. 共同海损及救助共同海损及海上救助共同海损及救助费用伤兵用肘费劲地支起身子大声呼救。

    General average and salvage The wounded soldier levered himself up on his elbow and shouted for help .