
ɡònɡ tónɡ fā mínɡ rén
  • co-inventor
  1. 作为人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗的共同发明人,弗雷泽希望尽可能让更多人接种该疫苗。HPV病毒会引发宫颈癌,该疫苗的另一位共同发明人是中国科学家周健博士。

    The co-inventor , with Jian Zhou , of the vaccine against human papillomavirus ( HPV ) , the precursor to cervical cancer , wants the treatment to reach as many people as possible .

  2. 去年12月,《连线》(Wired)和Gizmodo发布报道,指认赖特就是中本聪。这些报道指向一些据称的泄露电子邮件和文件,据以证明赖特与其同事——已故的戴夫•克莱曼(DaveKleiman)——是这种加密货币的共同发明人。

    In December , Mr Wright was identified as Mr Nakamoto in stories by Wired and Gizmodo that pointed to supposedly leaked emails and documents claiming proof he and a colleague , the late Dave Kleiman , were the co-inventors of the cryptocurrency .