
  • 网络random house;Random House, Inc
  1. 9盖尔雷布克,兰登书屋CEO

    Gail Rebuck CEO , Random House

  2. 该网站联合创始人兼执行董事长林达·温曼(LyndaWeinman)称,他们的客户包括Patagonia、大众集团(VolkswagenGroup)和企鹅兰登书屋(PenguinRandomHouse)等。

    Its customers include Patagonia Inc. , Volkswagen Group VOW3.XE + 1.31 % and Penguin Random House , says co-founder and executive chair Lynda Weinman .

  3. 美国司法部(usdepartmentofjustice)今年以价格共谋起诉了苹果和五家出版商,其中包括企鹅出版社,但不包括兰登书屋。

    The US Department of justice sued apple and five publishers , including Penguin but excluding Random House , this year alleging collusion .

  4. 十月,兰登书屋(RandomHouse)将出版卡波特的遗作短篇小说集,这些作品写于卡波特的少年和成人时期。

    In October , Random House will publish a collection of lost short stories that Mr. Capote wrote when he was a teenager and young man .

  5. 英国高等法院一位法官已经驳回了他们针对布朗的出版商兰登书屋(RandomHouse)的上诉。昨日,3名资深上诉法院法官对这一判决表示支持。

    A High Court judge had dismissed their claim , brought against Mr Brown 's publisher Random House , and yesterday three senior appeal court judges upheld that decision .

  6. 而且,彼得还提供了自己担任兰登书屋CEO时阅读现金流量表等财务报表的简便方法。

    And Peter gives an abbreviated step-by-step of how he examined cash flow statements and the like while he was CEO of Random House .

  7. 她把版权卖给了兰登书屋(RandomHouse)旗下的VintageBooks,很快拥有了更多读者,其中很多人从未读过情色小说。

    She sold the publishing rights to Vintage Books , a division of Random House , and soon reached even more readers who may never have normally read erotic fiction .

  8. 夏洛特·戈登(CharlotteGordon),《浪漫的叛逆者:玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特和女儿玛丽·谢利的非凡人生》(RomanticOutlaws:TheExtraordinaryLivesofMaryWollstonecraftandHerDaughterMaryShelley,兰登书屋[RandomHouse])

    Charlotte Gordon , " Romantic Outlaws : The Extraordinary Lives of Mary Wollstonecraft and Her Daughter Mary Shelley " ( Random House )

  9. 另外该公司还利用了海瑟的出版业背景,打算今年与十速出版社【TenSpeedPress,隶属于兰登书屋(RandomHouse)子公司皇冠出版社(CrownPublishing)】合作,出版四五本烹饪书。

    The company is also returning to Hesser 's publishing roots in a deal with Ten Speed Press , an imprint of Random House subsidiary Crown Publishing , to create four to five cooking-related books each year .

  10. 赋桥创始人彼得与坎蒂斯??卡朋特??奥尔森夫妇【丈夫曾担任兰登书屋(RandomHouse)CEO;妻子是女性社交网站ivillage.com的创始人】,甚至为集训营的毕业生们设计了一种全新的认证:XBA。

    Fullbridge 's founders , husband and wife Peter and Candice Carpenter Olson ( he a former CEO at Random House ; she a founder at iVillage ) have even developed a new certificate for graduates of their program : the XBA .

  11. 目前,Pinterest的合作商包括迪斯尼、兰登书屋、塔吉特、雀巢、沃尔玛和Zappos等知名品牌。

    So far , partners include such big names as Disney ( DIS ) , Random House , target ( TGT ) , Nestl é , Wal-Mart ( WMT ) , and Zappos .

  12. 你也可以去兰登书屋网站找到这段节选,

    Or you can go to the Random House website where there is this excerpt .

  13. 在最大的六家出版商中,只有兰登书屋和哈珀?柯林斯出版社授予了绝大多数图书馆电子书的许可。

    Among the big six , only Random House and HarperCollins license e-books with most libraries .

  14. 威尔逊控告凯莉和美国“兰登书屋”出版公司(《家族:布什王朝真相》的出版商)的诉讼已于10月提交给了英国伯明翰地方法院。

    The lawsuit was filed last month in Birmingham federal court against Kelley and Random House Inc.

  15. 奥巴马于2004年和兰登书屋签下了三本书的出版合约,总价达190万美元,这本书是其中之一。

    It is part of a three-book $ 1.9 million deal Obama agreed with Random House in2004 .

  16. 兰登书屋出版社,28美元。对非常时期一个迷人的英国人做了精彩的描述。

    ( Random House , $ 28 . ) A rich portrait of a fascinating Englishman in extraordinary times .

  17. 兰登书屋在今年早些时候提高了授权价格,哈珀?柯林斯出版社限制图书馆借阅条目的次数为26次。

    Random House raised its licensing prices earlier this year , and HarperCollins limits libraries to lending its titles 26 times .

  18. 出版商为兰登书屋旗下的阿尔弗雷德A克诺夫青少年读物出版社。兰登书屋目前为德国贝塔斯曼集团所有。

    It will be published by Alfred A.Knopf Books for Young Readers , a division of Random House , which is owned by Germany 's Bertelsmann AG .

  19. 在企鹅出版社任命坎宁安先生担任营销总监后,兰登书屋将他挖走,请他担任出版社英国分部的销售及市场总监。

    After being appointed marketing director for Penguin Books he was headhunted by Random House , where he became director of sales and marketing for its British operations .

  20. 兰登书屋本周二宣布,美国总统将出版一本受两个女儿启发撰写的儿童图画书,并在其中向13名杰出美国人致敬。

    Will release a children 's picture book , inspired by his two daughters , that pays tribute to13 influential Americans , publisher Random House said on Tuesday .

  21. 坡·布朗森在他的著作《我为什么爱这些人》(兰登书屋2005年出版)中讲述了一棵大榆树的真实故事。

    Po Bronson , in his book WHY DO I LOVE THESE PEOPLE ?( Random House , 2005 ), tells a true story about a magnificent elm tree .

  22. 外国的贝塔斯曼、兰登书屋,国内的商务印书馆、三联书店等企业都借助自身的品牌优势体现了强大的市场竞争力。

    The publishing companies , such as Bertelsmann , Random House aborad , Commercial Press , Zhong Hua Book Company , Joint Publishing Company , they all have strong market competitiveness with their own brands .

  23. 主要问题不是谁赢得亚马逊和出版商之间的较量,而是什么能让读者、作者和全社会受益(我既是读者又是作者,企鹅兰登书屋出版过我的书)。

    The question is less who wins the contest between Amazon and publishers than what benefits the reader and author ( I am both , having had books published by Penguin Random House ), and wider society .

  24. 再次,本文结合了兰登书屋的具体案例,从数字化发展战略、多元化发展战略、并购发展战略、国际化经营战略和管理模式的创新五个部分对兰登书屋展开的战略转型路径进行研究和探讨。

    Thirdly , this research concerns the specific case of Random House and explores its business strategic changes from digital development strategy , diversified development strategy , M & A development strategy , international business strategy and the innovation of management model .