首页 / 词典 / good

  • a meaningless sound, similar to 啊, used in an ancient song form between the two sections of a line, presumably to carry the voice through parts of the melody which had no corresponding words
  • 文言助词,相当于现代的“啊”或“呀”:“路漫漫其修远~,吾将上下而求索”。


[书] (跟现代的“啊”相似):

  • 大风起兮云飞扬。

    A gale has risen and is sweeping the clouds across the sky.

  • 秋风起兮白云飞, 草木黄落兮雁南归。

    Autumn wind rises; white clouds fly. Grass and trees wither; geese go south.

  1. 不要什么事都紧张兮兮的。

    Don 't get yourself in a dither over everything .

  2. 这匹马看上去可怜兮兮的。

    The horse was a pitiful sight .

  3. 他们无论对什么都那样神秘兮兮的。

    They were so secret about everything .

  4. 她总是那么一副可怜兮兮的样子。

    She wore a perpetually martyred expression .

  5. 他们可怜兮兮地走来走去。

    They wandered around miserably .

  6. 他听起来既可怜兮兮的,又对想要的东西充满渴望。

    He sounded both pitiful and eager to get what he wanted

  7. 他总是穿着一件从来不洗的脏兮兮的旧夹克。

    He never washed , and always wore a filthy old jacket .

  8. 我把一个十分硬币塞进他脏兮兮的手里。

    I pressed a dime into his grubby mitt .

  9. 今晚,他躁动不安,紧张兮兮的。

    Tonight he is manic , wired and uptight .

  10. 走廊里有4团脏兮兮、破破烂烂的东西,依稀可辨是人。

    In the corridor were four dirty , ragged bundles , just identifiable as human beings

  11. 她坐在那里一点点地吃着一小盘米饭色拉,一副可怜兮兮的模样。

    She sat picking at her small plate of rice salad with an air of martyrdom .

  12. 她站在那里,身穿旧外套,头戴羊皮帽,脸上脏兮兮的。

    She stood there in the old coat and woollen cap , her face smudged with dirt .

  13. 如果要在一件纯白的T恤和一件更贵的脏兮兮的米色T恤之间选择的话,多数人都会选前者,这是无可厚非的。

    Given the choice between a pure white T-shirt and a more expensive , dirty cream one , most people can be forgiven for choosing the former

  14. 那间脏兮兮的小屋现已变成一座整洁雅致的住宅。

    The dingy cottage is now converted into a neat tasteful residence .

  15. 你的手脏兮兮的。

    Your hands are dirty .

  16. 老冉冉其将至兮。

    It seems old is slowly catching up with me .

  17. 大风起兮云飞扬。

    A gale has risen and is sweeping the clouds across the sky .

  18. 秋风起兮白云飞,草木黄落兮雁南归。

    Autumn wind rises ; white clouds fly . Grass and trees wither ; geese go south .

  19. 祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏。

    Good fortune lies within bad ; bad fortune lurks within good .

  20. 力拔山兮气盖世。(《史记》)

    My strength plucked up the hills ; my might shadowed the world .

  21. 你究竟在搞什么鬼?这么神秘兮兮。

    What on earth are you up to ? you 're being so mysterious .

  22. 踪清溪之溅溅兮,穿茂林之蔼蔼。

    I trace the lucid brook , babbling along , ho , go through the lush woods , so hazy .

  23. 回家路上,一只浑身脏兮兮的狗跟着他。

    While he was going back home , a dirty dog followed him .

  24. 然后莫莉跑到外面,把萨米的吉他从脏兮兮的旧垃圾桶里拿出来,说:"你能教我弹吗?"

    Then Molly ran outside and took Sammy 's guitar out of the dirty old dustbin , and said , " Can you teach me to play ? "

  25. 福兮祸所倚,祸兮福所伏

    Good fortune lies within Bad , Bad fortune lurks within good .

  26. 琼斯太太穿着又脏又旧的衣服,光着脚,头发乱糟糟的,脸上还满是灰尘,她看起来脏兮兮的,一脸倦容。

    She was wearing dirty old clothes and no stockings on her face , and she looked dirty and tired .

  27. 自从把Lily带回家你就紧张兮兮的

    Ever since we brought lily home , you 've been tense .

  28. 是的但所谓祸兮福所倚至少Mary小姐的前景明朗了

    Awful . But then again , it 's an ill wind . At least Lady Mary 's prospects must have rather improved .

  29. HPLC测定道地产区云黄连有效成分含量秋风起兮白云飞,草木黄落兮雁南归。

    Determination of Coptis teeta 's active compounds in genuine producing area by HPLC Autumn wind rises ; white clouds fly . Grass and trees wither ; geese go south .

  30. 找个机会清理一下你的内衣,把那些看起来脏兮兮、松垮垮的bra和小裤都扔进垃圾桶。

    Take the opportunity to clear out your underwear drawer and consign all greying , baggy bras and pants to the bin .