
ɡōnɡ yònɡ shù jù wǎnɡ
  • public data network
  1. 建立分组交换公用数据网问题的探讨

    The Research for Establishing Packet Switched Public Data Network

  2. 公用数据网中的分组装拆设施

    Packet assembly / disassembly facility ( PAD ) in a public data network

  3. 二层隧道技术则是一种利用公用数据网建立通信隧道实现对公用数据网两端的第2层协议(特别是PPP)进行中继的组建第2层VPN的方法。

    The layer 2 tunneling technique is one of the VPN techniques , which is dedicated to ferry the layer 2 protocols through public data networks .

  4. 起止式数据终端进入本国公用数据网的分组装拆(PAD)设施的DCE/DTE之间的接口

    DCE / DTE interface for a start-stop mode data terminal equipment accessing the packet assembly / disassembly facility ( PAD ) in a pubic data network situated in the same country

  5. 介绍X25协议及其在中国的应用情况,对X.25同步通信控制器的发展进行了总结和分析,给出一种微机加入公用数据网关键设备&高性能的智能X.25同步通信控制设备的设计。

    25 protocol and its application in CHINA , then Summarizes the progress of X. 25 synchronous communication controller . At last , a key device for microcomputers to jon PSDN - a high-performance intelligent X.

  6. 32位微机工作站与公用数据网接口软件的实现及应用

    Implementation and application of an interface software between 32-bit microcomputer workstation and PDN

  7. 最后建议全国只建一个分组交换公用数据网。

    Finally , we consider it more advisable to establish only one PSPDN in our country .

  8. 由行政管理部门建立和经营的,借助公用数据网而提供的一种数据传输业务。

    A data transmission established and operated by an administration and provided by means of a public data network .

  9. 增强了程控交换系统与其他类型通信网(如传真网、分组交换或公用数据网、计算机局域网等)的接口,联接与组网能力。

    Enhanced programmed exchange system with other types of communications networks ( such as fax networks , packet switching or public data networks , computer LAN ) interfaces , connectivity and network capacity .

  10. 其基础平台采用公用数据网,与其他用户共享互联网络资源但同时又受企业统一策略的网络管理。

    With the public data network as its basic flat , it shares resources of Internet with other users and is under the network management of corporation unite strategy at the same time .

  11. 河北公用数据通信网应用现状及分析

    The Application And Relevant Analysis of Public Data Communication Networks in Hebei

  12. 本文对公用数据采集网进行了研究。

    This paper makes a study of a public network for data acquisition .

  13. 公用分组交换数据网工程验收规范

    Code for acceptance of public packet switched data network engineering

  14. 中国公用分组交换数据通信网的特点及其应用

    Features and Application of China Packet Switched Network

  15. 公用电子数据交换业务网工程设计规范

    Code for design of public EDI network engineering