
  1. 昔日影坛风光无限米高梅公司重组计划已获得批准,电影公司将由望远镜娱乐公司(SpyglassEntertainment)掌舵再次出发。

    Creditors have officially approved the MGM restructuring plan that will put Spyglass Entertainment in charge of the studio , getting it moving once again .

  2. 去年夏天,鲍尔默还促成了一项全面的公司重组计划,在公司内外引发了褒贬不一的评价。

    This summer , Mr. Ballmer also pushed through a sweeping corporate reorganization that garnered mixed reviews inside and outside Microsoft .

  3. 上周四,惠特曼对科技新闻网站Re/Code称,这是公司重组计划中最后一次增加裁员。

    Whitman told Re / Code Thursday that this is the last increase to job cuts as part of her restructuring plan .

  4. 自反性另外一个例子是,一个破产公司的重组计划的成功可能会依赖被借贷者正在变现的确定的价值。

    As another example of reflexivity , the success of a reorganization plan for a bankrupt company may depend on certain values being realized by creditors .

  5. 通用公司的重组计划包括增强经营模式的竞争力,另外,我们必须——只有在销售策略和市场上有所收益我们才能成功,我们今天在市场上经营通用汽车,将来也会。

    The reinvention of General Motors includes both improving the competitiveness of our operations , but also , we absolutely must -- we can only win if we get the job done in revenues -- selling , marketing , selling great GM cars and trucks today , and selling great GM cars and trucks tomorrow and in the future .

  6. 这家钢铁公司已将重组计划操作付诸于实施。

    The steel company carried through their plan to restructure all of their operations .

  7. 公司指出,重组计划不会影响江苏五星的业务运营及扩张计划。

    The company noted that these restructuring activities do not impact its Five Star business operations and growth plans .

  8. 第四季度,公司由于在重组计划上的开支,净利润有所下滑。

    For the fourth quarter , net profit was down as the company took a charge tied to a restructuring plan .

  9. 他的继任者们将不得不完成该公司大规模的重组计划。该计划旨在偿还纳税人用于支撑该公司的数十亿美元资金。

    His successors will have to complete a radical restructuring plan aimed at repaying the billions of dollars in taxpayers ' funds that are propping the company up .

  10. 一名银行官员表示,韩国现代半导体的债权人受到全球对半导体需求反弹趋势的鼓舞,制定了新的对这个公司进行重组的计划。

    SEOUL ( AFP ) - Creditors , encouraged by a rebound in global demand for semiconductors , have worked out new restructuring plans to strengthen Hynix Semiconductor , bank officials said .

  11. 上一财年,公司的一项重组计划耗资2.17亿美元,预计将在今年节省3亿美元的成本。联想根据该计划裁员2500人,大多在中国以外地区。

    A restructuring programme , under which the company laid off 2,500 staff mostly outside China , cost it a total of $ 217m in the past fiscal year , and is expected to realise $ 300m in savings this year .

  12. 通用汽车公司宣布新的重组计划,将放弃旗下一直的庞蒂亚克品牌,还称将削减掉一些经销商,关闭13个全球工厂,在2011年前削减23000个美国本土工作岗位。

    General Motors is facing up to its Pontiac line as part of its plans to cut 23000 jobs by 2011 . It 's part of its restruction plan to avoid bankruptcy . It will also be fewer car . GM plans to sell 13 fewer vehicles .

  13. 2美国联合投资股份公司与上报公司的重组协议和计划。

    Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between American Unity Investments , Inc. and the Registrant .

  14. 埃克森美孚公司否认指责他们不公平对待受影响的雇员,公司坚持说,被解雇的工人将根据公司重组计划得到丰厚的补贴。

    ExxonMobil has rejected accusations of unfair treatment of the affected employees , insisting the workers fired under a reorganization plan received generous payouts .