
  • 网络Public resources;common resource;public goods
  1. 类似地,如果services目录中的全部或部分服务希望共享公共资源,恰当的位置是在services目录内的lib目录。

    Similarly , if all or a few services in the services directory want to share some common resources , the proper place is the lib directory inside the services directory .

  2. 美国印第安纳大学教授埃莉诺奥斯特罗姆(elinorostrom)因其在公共资源(如鱼类资源)管理方面的研究而获奖。

    Elinor Ostrom , a professor from Indiana University , was honoured for her work on the management of common resources such as fish stocks .

  3. 基于Agent的P2P公共资源体系结构研究

    Study of Agent-based P2P Common Facility Infrastructure

  4. 这里我们提出了一个DNA甲基化数据库,它试图在一个公共资源中统一这些结果。

    We present here a database for DNA methylation data that attempts to unify these results in a common resource .

  5. 基于该公共资源体系结构,不仅可以使各个功能性的P2P服务在公共的框架下运行,同时也可以简化各个功能性P2P服务的设计。

    Based on the infrastructure , it not only can run the function-specific P2P services under a common environment , but also can simplify the design of such P2P services .

  6. 基于BXP无盘的图书馆公共资源查询系统

    Library public resource inquiry system based on BXP non-disk

  7. 在我国,由于目前实施“制造商延伸责任制”(EPR)成本的高昂,使得大多数可以利用公共资源的电子制造商不愿意实施EPR。

    In China , because the cost of putting EPR into practice is very high , most of electronic manufacturers who may use the public resource would not implement EPR .

  8. 但是,HT县的公共资源交易管理改革尚不成熟,与国内一些公共资源交易管理的先进地区相比仍存在较大差距。

    However , the transaction management reform of public resources in HT County is not yet mature , there is still a wide disparity compared with the advanced domestic areas of public resources transaction management .

  9. 通过挖掘Facebook头像以及政府数据库等公共资源,研究人员可以确定每位同学的至少一种个人兴趣,有几次甚至识别出他们社保号码的前五位数字。

    By mining public sources , including Facebook profiles and government databases , the researchers could identify at least one personal interest of each student and , in a few cases , the first five digits of a social security number .

  10. 由于这些公共资源通常不会公开给外部机器,所以NRPE必须安装在远程机器上。

    Because these public resources are not usually exposed to external machines , NRPE must be installed on the remote machines .

  11. 为了防范和遏制交易过程中的腐败行为,HT县进行了一系列公共资源市场化改革探索,力求阻断公共权力的寻租链条,确保公共资源的公共性与服务功能。

    In order to prevent and curb corruption in the transaction process , HT County conducted a series of Marketization Reform of public resources , strove to block the chain of rent-seeking public power to ensure the publicity and service functions of public resources .

  12. 基于博弈理论,探讨了企业公共资源的合理利用。

    The Study on Collusion Prevention in Auction of Public Resource ;

  13. 我国公共资源类旅游景区悲剧的博弈论探讨&从使用者角度剖析

    Analyzing the Tragedy of Common Pool Tourism Resources in China Through Game Theory

  14. 私人资源专享与公共资源共享是有矛盾的。

    It is contradictory that private resources are enjoyed with public resource-sharing specially .

  15. 公共资源管制放松路径的制度探讨

    The Institution Analysis on Common Resources ' Deregulation

  16. 我们将公共资源配置向民生工程倾斜。

    We give priority to projects affecting people 's well-being in allocating public resources .

  17. 奥斯特罗姆研究的是“公共资源”,如鱼类资源和地下水。

    Ms Ostrom studies " common pool resources " such as fish stocks or groundwater .

  18. 建立公共资源出让收益合理共享机制。

    We should establish a mechanism for equitable sharing of proceeds from public resource transfers .

  19. 而如今资源减少问题已经成为包括我国在内的许多国家关注的焦点,因此对公共资源两难问题的了解和进一步研究也显得尤其重要。

    Nowadays , resource decrease problem has become the focus of many countries including China .

  20. 公共资源被扭曲使用;

    Public resources are distortedly used ;

  21. 政府需要通过预算来掌握国家公共资源的分配过程。

    The government needs to pass a budget to grasp state public resources distribution to processes .

  22. 公地悲剧源于公共资源的私人利用方式。

    " The Tragedy of the Commons " derives from the private use of public resources .

  23. 私人资源专享使人们对于公共资源的享用产生差别。

    Private resources enjoy and enable people enjoying the difference of producing to public resources specially .

  24. 政府负有不断提高公共资源使用效率和效果的责任。

    The government has the responsibility to raise the efficiency and effectiveness of using public resource .

  25. 社会价值取向和资源信息对公共资源博弈行为的影响研究

    An Experiment Study of the Effects of Social Value Orientation and Resource Information on Public Resource Dilemma

  26. 它表明,当许多人都有权使用一项公共资源时,就存在过度使用这项资源的激励。

    When people are entitled to public resources , many of them tend to overuse the resources .

  27. 并要求依据公平的正义原则分配公共资源和自由体系;

    He requires distributing public resources and systems of liberty by the principle of justice as fairness .

  28. 而司法作为一种社会公共资源,承担着平息矛盾纠纷维持社会稳定的功能。

    Judicial public resources as a social commitment to quell the contradictions and disputes , maintaining social stability .

  29. 真正解决好农民工的就业、居住、社会保障以及享受城市公共资源的平等机会,让农民工成为真正的城市居民,享有和市民一样的生活品质。

    Let the migrant workers become real city residents , enjoy the same life quality as the citizens .

  30. 政府采购制度具有公共资源优化配置、宏观调控、财政监管等重要政策功能。

    Government purchasing system has the function of optimizing public resources , macro adjustment , financial supervision , etc.