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bā zì jiǎo
  • splayfoot
八字脚 [bā zì jiǎo]
  • [splayfoot] 走路时脚尖向外或向内撇成八字形的脚,也指具有这种特征的人

  • 他是个八字脚

  1. 预防和矫正八字脚的关键是主观意识,当然社会因素也不容忽视。

    The key to prevent and correct splayfeet is subjective consciousness . And social factors should not be ignored , either .

  2. 只要了解八字脚的生理机制和形成八字脚的原因及其弊端,八字脚是可以预防和矫正的。

    Provided that we know the physiological mechanism of splay foot , its cause and its disadvantages , splay foot can be prevented and corrected .

  3. 她走路八字脚,简直就是个纯爷们,她的表演让观众相信在这具女性身体里真的装了一颗男人心。

    She walks with her toes turned outwards , just like men do . She truly makes you believe that she has a masculine soul trapped inside her female body .