
  • 网络WWW;GAN;world wide web;web;global area network
  1. 这是全球网虚拟图书馆:古气候学与古海洋学的网站。

    This is the website of the World Wide Web Virtual Library : Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography .

  2. 我喜欢的网不是蜘蛛网,也不是渔网,而是全球网,即因特网。叫它网是因为它像网一样。

    The web I love is not a spider web , or a fish net , but the World Wide Web , namely the Intemet , It is called a web because it is like a web .

  3. 通过采用Internet的协议标准和全球网WORLDWIDEWEB技术与设备来构筑可提供WEB信息服务与应用、自成体系的企业内部网络。

    Construct application offering the WEB information service and Intranet in enterprises , which make use of Internet protocols and the technique and equipment of World Wide Web .

  4. 全球网(WWW)是一种网络的超文本协议和用户界面。

    World wide web ( www ) is a networked hypertext protocol and user interface .

  5. GAMIT/GLOBK中区域网和全球网绑定问题的探讨

    Discussion on binding of GPS area and global network in using gamit / globk

  6. 梵蒂冈于1995年圣诞节创建了圣座梵蒂冈全球网网址。

    The Vatican inaugurated the Holy See Vatican Web Site at Christmas , 1995 .

  7. 卫生组织合作中心全球网

    Global Network of WHO Collaboration Centres

  8. 它向管理人员警示一些问题,并提供关于问题修复的专业建议,并且能够放大成最大的全球网。

    It alerts administrators about problems , provides expert advice on issue remediation , and is capable of scaling to the largest global networks .

  9. 在该模式下,软件生产分为软件构件生产和应用软件生产,两类生产都通过全球网,按照市场机制,分工合作,形成全新的软件生产模式。

    In the mode , software production is divided into software component production and application software production . The two classes of producers divide the work and cooperate through the whole world web and by market mechanism , so the new software production mode is formed .

  10. web服务对象包含针对全球广域网发布服务的计数器。

    The web service object includes counters specific to the world wide web publishing service .

  11. 随着Internet及全球信息网应用的快速发展,WEB应用正逐步走向企业级计算,其复杂性和动态性的要求更高。

    With the rapid development of Internet and Global Information System , the web application has entered into Enterprise Computing model which requires more complexity and activity .

  12. 全球信息网WWW上的化学资源

    The Chemical Information Resources on the WWW System

  13. 1991年全球信息网公诸在世人面前(藉由FTP)。

    In 1991 the World Wide Web was released to the public ( via FTP ) .

  14. NET平台作为微软新的开发平台,其战略思想就是把所有设备通过一个全球宽带网(Internet)连接在一起,同时所有的软件都将成为在该网络上提供的一种服务。

    As the new Microsoft platform , the strategy of net platform is that all equipments are connected each other by Internet and all software will be the service on Internet .

  15. 化学与全球信息网WWW水厂加药系统改造与应用

    Chemical Applications of the WWW System

  16. 协同物流商务是一种新的软件和服务策略,它将上述信息单元集成在一起,并且利用Internet技术将物流企业的市场、服务、客户等统一在了一个全球知识网中。

    Collaborative Logistics Commerce is a new strategy of software and service . It integrates all kinds of independence systems , and using Internet , it can unify the market , customer , and service into a global knowledge net .

  17. 可以联接到城市地下水数据库,USGS水资源数据和全球信息网虚拟图书馆-环境等。

    Be capable of Links to : Urban Groundwater Database , USGS Water Resources Information & WWW Virtual Library – Environment .

  18. 柏纳李是全球资讯网联合会(3C)席,也是美国麻省理工学院电脑科学实验室研究员。

    Berners-Lee is director of the World Wide Web Consortium ( W3 C ) and a researcher at the Laboratory for Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology .

  19. USAF太阳射电全球巡视网及其第21太阳活动周U-型谱预报精度的检验

    The Solar Radio Patrol Network of USAF and the Examination of Prediction Accuracy of the U-Shaped Radio Spectrum for Cycle 21

  20. EML全球监测网在地表空气放射性核素监测方面是全球最大、最全面和最有成效的。

    EML 's global network represents the most extensive and comprehensive global network of its kind in the world for surface air radionuclides monitoring .

  21. 对国际型工程公司所具有的EPC全功能、较强的融资能力、先进的工艺技术和工程技术、全球营销网和采购网、以设计为主体等主要特点进行了论述;

    Then it illustrates the EPC function , strong financing ability , advanced technics and engineering technology , global sales net and procurement net , designing as main body , and other main characteristics of international engineering companies .

  22. 全球资讯网现在非常受年轻人的欢迎。

    The World-Wide Web is very popular with young people now .

  23. 品牌-全球品牌网-互动之类的话题。

    Media reps love to talk about impressions and brand interactions .

  24. 全球信息网在网际网络的基本主从式架构中运作。

    The Web operates within the Internet 's Basic client-server architecture .

  25. 在分散式记忆体环境下以全球资讯网为介面的平行化解偏微分方程之平行程式产生器的研发。

    A Parallel Partial Differential Equations Solver Generator on World Wide Web .

  26. 现今,全球资讯网成为了获得资讯的最方便的方法。

    Nowadays , WWW has become the most convenient way to gain information .

  27. 浅析美军全球运输网建设

    Briefly on the global transportation network of the U.S.Army

  28. 对全球宽频网,无线网进行规范;

    It helps make the rules for broadband Internet and the latest-generation wireless technologies ;

  29. 启动您的“全球广域网”浏览器时出错。

    Error launching your world wide web browser .

  30. 您的计算机中没有注册过的全球广域网历史记录文件夹。

    You do not have a World Wide Web History folder registered on your computer .