
Inconsistency between Water-Level Change in the Bohai Bay Basin and Eustasy during the Paleogene
All the organic reefs outlined above are controlled by the global sea-level changes .
However , the maximum transgression of long-term global sea level changes was at 221 Ma , early Norian .
In general , every sequence was dominantly controlled by the tectonic movements , global sea level change , sediments supply and paleoclimate .
The Difference of Land Sphere Area and Its Plane Area in Cadastral Survey Inconsistency between Water-Level Change in the Bohai Bay Basin and Eustasy during the Paleogene
The conclusion of this part will be powerfully evidential for the relevant global change research such as the rise and fall of MSL and etc.
Reservoir development has obvious consistency with high water system tract in the second cycles of global sea level ; Meanwhile , the third cycles of transgression in the level 2 sea-level cycles were beneficial to the development of regional reservoir .
By studies on lots of sections and data about global tectonic movement , sea level fluctuation , sedimentary process , climate variation , and biosphere evolvement , the periodicity and the staged character of evolutive process of geo sphere were expatiated .