
  • 网络global ethic;universal ethics
  1. 机遇和回应:面对全球伦理思潮

    Opportunity and Response : in Face of " Global Ethics " Thoughts

  2. 罗尔斯的局限,全球伦理的神话

    The Limitations of Rawls , the Myth of Global Ethics

  3. 中国加入WTO并参与经济全球化,一定程度上表明了中国对全球伦理的认同和承诺。

    China 's upcoming joining in the WTO , to some extent , indicates China 's recognition of and commitment to the global ethic , which is characterized by contract ethics .

  4. Patz和他的同事说其气候变化导致了一个“全球伦理挑战”,他们指出面临全球变暖风险最大的人群,也是对全球变暖责任最小的人群。

    Patz and colleagues say climate change poses a " global ethical challenge ", pointing out that the populations at most risk from global warming , are also those least responsible for it .

  5. 新科技革命的双重效应与全球伦理的建构

    Double Effects of Modern Scientific and Technological Revolution and Universal Ethics

  6. 佛教伦理的现代意义&全球伦理视域下的考察

    The Global City The Significance of Buddhist Ethics in Modern Times

  7. 全球伦理视野中的印度宗教传统

    Indian Religious Tradition in the Perspective of " Global-Ethic "

  8. 汉斯·昆希望能通过宗教对话的方式来实现全球伦理。

    Hans Kung hopes achieving global ethics by religious dialogue .

  9. 第二部分:全球伦理运动的内涵。

    In the second part : Intension of the global ethics movement .

  10. 中华文明的世界主义对于构建全球伦理可有之贡献

    The Contribution of Cosmopolitanism in Chinese Civilization to Building the Universal Ethics

  11. 全球伦理不等同于底线伦理?

    Is the global ethics equal to the bottom-line ethics ?

  12. 中西伦理传统与全球伦理

    On Chinese and Western Ethical Tradition and Global Ethics

  13. 论儒家伦理思想的全球伦理价值

    Analysis of the global ethical value in Confucianism

  14. 全球伦理与印度宗教传统

    " Global Ethics " and Indian Religious Legacies

  15. 论儒学对全球伦理建构的价值

    Confucianism on Construction Value of Global Ethics

  16. 全球伦理及其可能与现实&从环境伦理的角度分析

    Global Ethics and Its Possibility and Reality & Analysis from the point of Environmental Ethics

  17. 本文顺着学术界发展的主流方向,重新系统地定义了全球伦理。

    In accordance with tendency , this thesis deals with a systematic definition of global ethics .

  18. 关于全球伦理的哲学审思

    Philosophical Examining on Global Ethics

  19. 新全球伦理观

    The New Global Ethical Outlook

  20. 道家思想与全球伦理

    Taoism and Global Ethics

  21. 全球化中的全球伦理

    Global ethics in globalization

  22. 第三部分:从全球伦理运动看当今世界宗教的发展趋势。

    In the third part : Is it watch our times religion development trend to move from global ethics .

  23. 关涉人类命运的诸多问题,需要在全球伦理的对话和指导下去解决。

    Many Problems concerning the human destiny need to be solved under the dialogue and direction of global ethics .

  24. 尤其是在经济技术层面和文化及信仰层面参与全球伦理对话很有必要。

    It is especially necessary to dialogue with global ethics in respect of economy and technique , culture and belief .

  25. 全球伦理的构建不能缺少儒家伦理,儒家全球伦理是中华民族文化对人类文明作出的独特贡献。

    The global ethics constructions should include Confucian ethics which is unique contribution from Chinese nation to the whole human civilization .

  26. 罗尔斯的正义论为全球伦理可能提供了一种理论依据;

    ? John Rawls ' " A theory of justice " provides one of theory basis of how global ethic may be ;

  27. 对整个全球伦理思想运动的评价离不开对金规则的评价。

    The evaluation on the whole thinking movement of the Global Ethic could not be raised with-out reviewing on the golden rule .

  28. 在分析了我国宗教的基本特点的基础土,论述了我国宗教的发展趋势,引导宗教与社会主义相适应,积极促进我国宗教与全球伦理运动的对话。

    On the basis of analyzing religious characteristic of our country , have described the trend of religious development in our country ;

  29. 当今市民的伦理规范应包括三个层次的要素:全球伦理、制度伦理、观念与行为伦理。

    The present citizen ethic standard includes three levels of elements : globe ethics , system ethics and ideological and action ethics .

  30. 全球伦理价值观和行为规则的形成,有助于消解和平与发展及文明冲突所带来的问题。

    The formation of values and behavior regulation is helpful to clear up the problems caused by peace and development and civilization conflicts .