- marry into and live with one's bride's family;son-in-law by adoption

[marry into and live with one's bride's family] 上门女婿,男子到女方家落户
Later on he hold woods wash travelling expenses that give come Cangzhou , marry into and live with one 's bride 's family to a hotel owner , Carried on this pub at last .
He was adopted into the bride 's family .
Intro : elder brother of anthy , yet he has surname of his fiancee .
There are four main reasons of which population density and consanguinity relationship are two decisive factors in the popularity of such customs .
After Mongolian entered into class society , effected by patriarchal , They took shape of some marriage form such as continual marriage , despoil marriage , inherit marriage , grade marriage , etc.
The first part , based on the controversies of the uxorilocal marriage in Xiaoshan County reported by the media , mainly analyze the problem of existence of the uxorilocal marriage , which is validity in form but immorality in nature .
During the period of toast , Tujia had some special marriage customs , such as the first night right , uxorilocal , but the pairing marriage was still dominant . This is related to the backward economy of the Tujia areas .