
  • 网络The Rabbit Hole;Rabbit-hole
  1. 卡罗尔开始创作著名的爱丽丝故事,以及爱丽丝掉进兔子洞后发生的事。

    Carroll began to create his famous tale of Alice and what happened after she fell through the rabbit hole .

  2. 签名造型:影片《兔子洞》RabbitHole的女演员妮可·基德曼超爱最新款式的时尚礼服,为此,她能轻易地脱下即使是最引人注目的礼服。

    Signature Style : The Rabbit Hole star loves high-fashion and pulls off even the most dramatic dresses with ease .

  3. 自从爱丽丝(Alice)身穿白色围裙掉进兔子洞,围裙就变成了某种时尚宣言。

    Ever since Alice fell down the rabbit hole in her white pinafore , aprons have been something of a fashion statement .

  4. NicoleKidman凭借电影《兔子洞》入围“最佳电影女主角”提名。

    Nicole Kidman has described her nomination for best actress for Rabbit Hole .

  5. 跟着Nagashima来到由茶馆、寺庙和重建的武士府邸组成的迷宫后,我感觉自己像是掉进了兔子洞的爱丽丝。

    Following Nagashima into the labyrinth ofteahouses , temples and restored samurai houses , I felt like Alice slipping intothe rabbit hole .

  6. 我已经去过一次那个兔子洞了。

    I already went down that rabbit hole once .

  7. 他们就只能滚回兔子洞里。

    And they go back down the rabbit hole .

  8. 第一章掉进兔子洞

    CHAPTER I Down the Rabbit-Hole

  9. 第二部分掉进兔子洞

    Part 2 Down the Rabbit-Hole

  10. 第1章掉进兔子洞

    Chapter 1 Down the rabbit-hole

  11. 兔子洞里有一段路象隧道一样,一直往前,随后忽然往下拐。

    The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way , and then dipped suddenly down .

  12. 钻石餐饮集团在日本共开设了六家爱丽丝漫游奇境主题餐厅,快来掉到这里的兔子洞吧。

    Fall down the rabbit hole at one of Diamond Dining 's six Alice in Wonderland-themed venues throughout Japan .

  13. 我的经历就如爱丽丝一样,顺着那个兔子洞下去,看到了那扇通往一个全新世界的大门。

    I experienced what Alice must have when she went down that rabbit hole and saw that door to a whole new world .

  14. 所以当波顿签约拍摄《爱丽丝梦游仙境》时,毫无疑问德普依旧会出现在片中,出现在兔子洞下面的世界中。

    So , when Burton signed on to make Alice in Wonderland , there was little doubt he would take Depp down the rabbit hole .

  15. 爱丽丝:从掉进兔子洞的那刻起,都是你们告诉我我该做什么,我该是谁;

    Alice : From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole , I have been told what I must do and who I must be .

  16. 他们是向兔子洞里嬉皮笑脸的猫那样在空中做了一个怪异的表情后消失了吗?

    Have they made " a curious appearance in the air " and " vanished " as the Cheshire-Cat used to do in the Rabbit Hole ?

  17. 走了一小段,兔子洞突然向下转,直深入地下。爱丽丝不由自主地掉了下去。

    After a little way the rabbit-hole suddenly went down , deep into the ground.Alice could not stop herself falling , and down she went , too .

  18. 她站起身来,一手拎着枪,一边掸掉裙子上年者的小木棍和树叶,脚步沉重地跑到兔子洞哪儿。

    She heaved herself to her feet and still with the gun in one hand ran heavily toward the warren , brushing sticks and leaves off her dress as she went .

  19. 他猛力朝半兽人国王的头挥舞棍棒,把头打飞到一百码外的兔子洞里。

    He swung his club so hard , it knocked the Goblin king 's head clean off and it sailed 100 yards through the air and went down a rabbit hole .

  20. 卡罗尔笔下的爱丽思,梦中跌入兔子洞里,惊愕看到一个与大人的世界全然不同的奇境。

    Alice , a girl described by Lewis Carroll in one of his novels , went down a rabbit-hole in a dream and found a wonderland very different from the real world .

  21. 这个兔子洞开始像走廊,笔直地向前,后来就突然向下了,爱丽丝还没有来得及站住,就掉进了个深井里。

    The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way , and then dipped suddenly down , so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well .

  22. 我看见一只兔子钻进洞。

    I saw a rabbit dive into its hole .

  23. 猎人守候着兔子从洞里出来。

    The hunter watched for the hare to come out of the burrow .

  24. 兔子从洞里窜了出来,两只狗在后面拼命追赶。

    The rabbit shot from its burrow and two dogs made after it at top speed .

  25. 两只兔子跑出洞来,马上都被狗咬死了。

    Two rabbits came out of the hole , both of which the dog killed immediately .

  26. 最后一声咆哮的猎人猎人守候着兔子从洞里出来。

    the final growl of the hunter The hunter watched for the hare to come out of the burrow .

  27. 兔子突然冲入洞里。

    The rabbit dived into its hole .

  28. 你在那儿,兔子是不会出洞的。

    The rabbit will not emerge from its hole while you are there .

  29. “跟着兔子跑下兔子洞不是什么好主意。”她断定。

    " It isn 't a very good idea to run down rabbit holes after rabbits ," she decided .

  30. 但是,当那只兔子跑到篱笆边上的时候,他突然钻进了一个兔子洞。

    But , when the rabbit came to the fence , he suddenly went down a rabbit hole .