
  • 网络Bilby;Macrotis lagotis
  1. 在学校放假时,汤米和崔西在刚格隆的灌木丛里发现六只幼小的兔耳袋狸。

    In the school holidays Tommy and Trish find six baby bilbies in the bush at Gongalong .

  2. 汤米和崔西必须迅速地在钟响和孩子冲到走廊前将兔耳袋狸找到。

    Tommy and Trish have to find the bilbies quickly before the bell rings and all of the children rush out into the corridors .

  3. 尽管故事本身很有趣,经由冒险过程,读者搜集到许多关于兔耳袋狸及其习性的资讯。

    Whilst an entertaining story in its own right , throughout the adventure the reader gleans a lot of information about bilbies and their habits .

  4. 在悉尼的一家动物园里,乔治小王子人生第一次见到澳大利亚版的复活节兔子兔耳袋狸,小家伙开心地尖叫着。

    Prince George squealed with delight as he met Australia 's version of the Easter Bunny for the first time , a bilby named after him at the zoo in Sydney .

  5. 威廉和凯特轮流抱着乔治,在他站在地上的时候扶着他,在他试图想爬进围栏够兔耳袋狸的时候则拉住他。

    His parents took it in turns to hold him in their arms and to support him standing up on the ground , restraining him as he tried to climb into the enclosure to get at the bilby .