
  • 网络karamay;Karamay City;Kelamayi
  1. 克拉玛依市娱乐场所暗娼人群AIDS综合干预效果评价

    Effectiveness evaluation of AIDS related integrated interventions among female sex workers in entertainment settings in Karamay city

  2. 克拉玛依市林木害虫天敌名录

    Records on natural enemy of forest injurious insect in Karamay city

  3. 克拉玛依市女性性服务者AIDS监测结果分析

    Analysis of AIDS sentinel surveillance among female sex workers in Karamay from 2004 to 2008

  4. 克拉玛依市妇科就诊者孕妇STD感染调查

    Diagnoses of STD infection in women sufferers and pregnant women in Karamay

  5. [结论]克拉玛依市2-6岁儿童HBV感染率较低,抗-HBs阳性率较高。

    [ Conclusion ] HBV infection rate was lower and Anti-HBs positive rate was higher among children in Karamay .

  6. [方法]2004年8月,对克拉玛依市2个区619名2-6岁入托体检儿童进行检测。[结果]619名儿童的HBsAg阳性率为0.16%,HBV感染率为11.47%。

    [ Methods ] 619 Children who should enter kindergartens in two districts in Karamay were tested in August 2004 . [ Results ] Positive rate of HBsAg was 0.16 % and HBV infection rate was 11.47 % in 619 children .

  7. 目的通过调查了解克拉玛依市娱乐场所女性服务人员性病(STD)感染状况、艾滋病的有关知识、态度和行为,避孕套使用情况等,探索在该人群中开展行为干预的方法与措施。

    Objective To understand the STD infection situation , HIV / AIDS knowledge , attitude and risk behaviors and condoms use among women working in public places for entertainment in Karamay , explore methods and measures of the behavior intervention .

  8. 克拉玛依市地表水环境变化趋势分析

    Analysis on variation trend of surface water environment in Karamay city

  9. 克拉玛依市农业开发区森林昆虫名录

    Record on Forest Insect in Agricultural Development Area of Karamay

  10. 克拉玛依市气象条件与呼吸道疾病发病关系

    Correlation of Incidence of Respiratory Disease with Meteorological Factors in City Karamay

  11. 5797名克拉玛依市成年人乙型肝炎病毒感染率及影响因素调查

    Survey on Adult HBV Infection Rate and Influence Factor in Karamay City

  12. 克拉玛依市生态农业开发区主要林木病害名录

    Records on Species of Forest Disease in Agricultural Development Area of Karamay City

  13. 克拉玛依市糖尿病健康教育模式及效果评价

    Health education mode of diabetes mellitus and its effectiveness evaluation in Karamay City

  14. 1961-2008年新疆克拉玛依市气候变化分析

    Climatic Change in Karamay City of Xinjiang during 1961-2008

  15. 位于典型荒漠环境中的克拉玛依市是依托石油开采而发展起来的城市。

    Karamay is a typical desert environment city developed by oil exploitation and production .

  16. 克拉玛依市水资源配置研究

    Study on Allocating Water Resources in Karamay

  17. 国际油价波动对克拉玛依市财政收入影响研究

    Research on Influences of International Crude Oil Price on Municipal Fiscal revenue of Karamay City

  18. 目的了解克拉玛依市乙型肝炎疫苗接种后,人群血清乙型肝炎病毒感染率的变化。

    Objective To know infection rate of HBV in serum after HepB was inoculated in Karamay .

  19. 通过对组团式城市基于交通需求管理的特性分析,提出了城市组团间路网规划的要求和原则,并结合克拉玛依市道路网规划实例,对组团间通道的布置提出了具体的建议。

    Based on the analysis of TDM , this paper presented some road network planning requirement and principles for each hierarchy network .

  20. 2004年克拉玛依市2~6岁儿童乙型肝炎病毒感染状况调查

    Investigation on Infection Situation of Hepatitis B Virus ( HBV ) among Children Aged from 2-6 Years Old in Karamay in 2004

  21. 所以本文选取新疆最具有代表性的两个城市:乌鲁木齐市和克拉玛依市作为研究区,研究新疆重要城市的水资源保护问题。

    This paper pick up two cities ( Urumqi and Karamay ) to study the protect of Xinjiang water resources in important city .

  22. 最后,将相应结论结合到新疆克拉玛依市独山子区地新城行政中心和道路的景观设计实践中。

    Finally , the corresponding conclusion to the xinjiang dushanzi district with investigation to new city administrative center and road landscape design practice .

  23. 夜晚,身着国有石油公司红色工作服的工人们在克拉玛依市整洁有序的街道上和公园里散步。

    At night , workers in red overalls , the uniform of the state-owned oil company , stroll the city 's orderly streets and parks .

  24. 根据克拉玛依市自然条件与水资源条件,对土地资源进行合理配置,提出了四个治理区具体的水土保持措施;

    According to the natural and water resources conditions , land use were properly allocated and the specific measures for soil and water conservation was proposed ;

  25. 该模型将克拉玛依市的水资源系统分为两级,第一级包含4个子系统,以缺水量最小为目标;

    The model divided the whole system into two level , there are 4 subsystems in the first level and the aim is minimum water lack ;

  26. 根据该地区的自然和气候条件、地形地貌、土壤及人类活动因素,分析了克拉玛依市水土流失成因规律;

    The causes of soil erosion loss were analyzed on the basis of the natural conditions , climate , topography , and anthropogenic activities in Keramay ;

  27. 克拉玛依市乙肝疫苗纳入儿童免疫规划后接种率调查与评价

    Investigation of the Inoculation Rate of Hepatitis B Vaccine among Children after Hepatitis B Vaccine Had Been Brought into the Children 's Immunization Plan in Karamay City

  28. 第三部分则对克拉玛依市现实施的公务员考核制度进行了调研总结和客观分析,系统分析了存在的问题和不足及其原因;

    The third part objectively summarizes and analyzes the current public servant merit system in effect in Karamay city , systematically analyzing the existent problems , shortages and reasons .

  29. 从本周开始,在中国新疆克拉玛依市,蓄留大胡子、戴里切克以及穿带有伊斯兰标志星月服装的人将禁止乘坐公交车。本周,一张在社交媒体上流传的图片显示,五种人士禁乘公交。

    Starting this week , people sporting long beards , headscarves or clothes bearing the Islamic symbol of a star and crescent moon won 't be permitted to board buses in one Chinese city .

  30. 根据克拉玛依市水土保持规划,所采取的各种措施,计算出各种措施所需要的投资和投劳,并就水土保持效益进行了分析。

    According to the soil and water conservation plan and the various measures to be taken , investment and labor input requirement were calculated , and the benefit of soil and water conservation was analyzed .