- the bright road;a bright future

This points to a bright future for the Chinese nation and affords a firm guarantee for victory over Japan .
Before we collectively tear our hair out — how are we supposed to find our way in a landscape this confusing ? — here is a thought from Dr.Philip Sloane , a geriatricianat the University of North Carolina : " In a way , that could be liberating for families . "
Eco-farming is essential for the future survival and progress of humanity – without it , harmonious urban-rural development is impossible .
When you feel confident , you are unstoppable and it seems like your path is laid out clearly in front of you .
The entertainment program 《 Day day up 》 produced in 2008 got big success , which let people see the development of a new light outlook .
Finally , Doris Lessing showed the free women a road with bright future that is both man and women should construct the new model of Gender Harmony positively .
Leading activist from among the ethnic chin minority expressed the fear that in Myanmar " we might go back to the dark age before we have even stepped into the path of light . "
Former Residence of Wu Han now has become a good place for the revolution education of the youth , and it is also a service station for the intellectuals to walk on a bright road .
My hope today , as you commence to new beginnings , is you will always keep your eyes open for those opportunities to give and embrace them as your best sure way of doing well .
Neither Huckleberry Finn nor the Harry Potter series expounds any existential philosophy but describes stories of concrete existence itself , reaches a unique understanding of it and discovers a way out of magical life situation .
Those who still linger on the entrance of life , hesitating to choose the bright road , remember that when years are passed and your feet stumble on the dark mountains , you will cry bitterly , but in vain :
Somebody has built a road which is full of brightness .