
  • 网络optical electron
  1. 通过X射线衍射、光学电子显微镜、扫描电镜等分析手段,分析了TiB2/Al2O3复相陶瓷材料的组成物相、晶粒大小、晶粒形貌、断裂机制等。

    Constitution phase , size of grain , grain appearance , fracture mechanism were investigated by X-ray diffraction , optics electron microscope , scanning electron microscope , energy spectrum analysis .

  2. Ⅲ族氮化物半导体被认为是具有广泛发展前景的短波光学电子器件材料,例如:AlN、GaN和InN等。

    Group - ⅲ nitride semiconductors have been recognized as the most promising materials for optical devices in the short-wavelength region , for instance , AlN , GaN and InN .

  3. HL-1托卡马克准光学电子回旋共振加热(ECRH)传输系统包括φ80波导、椭球反射镜、Ta-per、准光学弯头、托卡马克顶部注入和水平注入的微波通道、窗口等。

    The quasi-optical ECRH transmission system of HL-1 tokamak includes φ 80 waveguide , ellipsoidal mirrors , taper , miter bend , vertical and horizontal microwave channel of the tokamak and ceramic window etc.

  4. 利用光学电子显微镜,分析了纳米微粒的抗接触疲劳机制。

    The anti-fatigue mechanisms of nano particals additive were analyzed by means of microscope .

  5. 光学电子顺磁共振高斯计

    Optical EPR Gauss meter

  6. 工业CT(ICT)技术是一项集放射、光学、电子、计算机等多种技术于一体综合性强的高新技术。

    Technique of ICT is a complex technique related to radiology , optics , electronics and computer .

  7. 本文讨论SAR光学处理器电子控制与显示系统。

    The electronic control and display systems used in the optical processor of SAR will mainly be discussed in this paper .

  8. 软X射线显微术是利用软X射线作为光源的显微成像技术,填补了光学和电子显微学之间的空白。

    Soft X ray microscopy is a microimaging technique using soft X ray as illuminative source . It fills the gap between optical and electron microscopy .

  9. 通过光学与电子显微镜观察研究了野芹菜(AngelicaPolymorphaMaxim.)

    The wild celery ( Angelica polymorpha Maxim . )

  10. GPS技术作为一种全新的现代空间定位技术,已经在许多的测量领域取代传统的光学和电子测量方法,变形监测领域也不例外。

    GPS as a modern space positioning technology is a new technology which has replaced the traditional methods of optical and electronic measurement in many measurement areas , including deformation monitoring areas .

  11. 坐标测量机CMM(CoordinateMeasuringMachine)是一种集机械、光学、电子、数控技术和计算机技术为一体的大型精密智能化仪器,是现代工业检测、质量控制和制造技术中不可缺少的重要测量设备。

    Coordinate Measuring Machine ( CMM ) is an intelligent precision instrument , which encompasses technology in Mechanical Engineering , Optical Engineering , Electronic Engineering and Computer Science . CMM has become important instruments in industrial measurement , quality control and manufacturing .

  12. 借助电子探针微区分析仪、维氏显微硬度计、光学和电子显微镜对TiAl合金与Al2O3,ZrO2以及经CaO稳定的ZrO23种陶瓷型壳的界面反应进行了研究分析。

    Interface reactions of TiAl alloy with three varieties of ceramic shell molds , including Al 2O 3 , ZrO 2 , ZrO 2 stabilized with CaO , were examined by EPMA , Vicker microhardness meter , optical microscope and SEM .

  13. 针对Q460/Z35高层建筑用钢板表面出现的裂纹缺陷,采用光学、电子扫描显微镜和INCa能谱仪进行分析。

    Analysis on the surface cracks of Q460 / Z35 plate for high rise building is carried out by using optical scanning microscope , electronic scanning microscope and INCa energy spectrometer .

  14. 文章介绍了μPD3575D的主要特点、结构原理、引脚功能、光学/电子特性、驱动时序以及驱动电路。

    In this paper , the main features , structural principle , pin function and optical / electronic character of μ PD3575D are introduced , and drive cycle time and drive electric circuit are the emphasis .

  15. 杂交瘤移植性肿瘤的光学及电子显微镜观察

    Light and electron microscopic observations on hybrid tumor cells transplanted into mice

  16. 是光学、电子技术和计算机技术的综合应用。

    It is a synthesis of optic , electronic and computer techniques .

  17. 光学、电子显微镜观察内皮细胞生长情况以检测接枝短肽的生物活性。

    Optical microscope and SEM observe the status of the endothelial cells growth .

  18. 光学和电子显微镜的直边衍射和象质评价

    The Evaluation of Image Quality and Straight Edge Diffraction in Optical and Electronic Microscope

  19. 大学本科及以上学历,物理,自动化,光学,电子等相关专业毕业。

    Bachelor degree with major in Physics , Automation , Electronics related , Optics or mechanics .

  20. 用光学和电子显徽镜研究了生长在木材上的蜜环菌成熟菌索的超微结构。

    Ultrastructure of mature rhizomorph of Armillaria mellea grown on timber was studied with light and electronmicroscope .

  21. 重复热处理对大鼠精子发生的影响研究:光学和电子显微镜观察

    The effect of repeated heat treatment on spermatogenesis in the rat : a light and electron microscopic study

  22. 治疗剂量吡喹酮对人肝细胞影响的光学和电子显微镜观察

    A Light and Electron Microscopical Observation of Liver Cell Damages after Administration of Therapeutic Dose of Praziquantel in Man

  23. 用光学和电子显微镜观察马占相思子叶在离体培养中的细胞早期变化。

    The early events in cotyledon cells cultured in vitro of Acacia mangium were studied under light and electron microscope .

  24. 运用光学和电子显微镜对银杏雄配子体发育进行了研究。

    Light and electron microscopes were used to probe the development of male gametophytes of Ginkgo biloba in the study .

  25. 目前,这类先进材料已广泛应用于在空间、光学、电子及其它高科技领域。

    This class of advanced materials is currently widely applied in aerospace , optics , electronics and other high technology fields .

  26. 使用光学和电子显微镜技术研究了纤维在氧化和碳化过程中的形态学结构。

    The morphological struture of the rayon fibers during oxidizing and carbonizing process has been examined using optical and electron microscope technique .

  27. 透明陶瓷因其优异的性能已被广泛应用于照明、光学、电子等领域。

    Transparent ceramics has been widely used in illumination , optics and electronic fields due to its excellent properties in recent years .

  28. 采用常规制片方法,在光学和电子显微镜下观察了不同小麦品种顶三叶的显微和超微结构。

    The top-three leaves ' micro-structure and ultra-structure of different wheat varieties were observed under optical and electrical microscopes by routine slicing method .

  29. 二氧化铈具有高折射率、介电常数和紫外吸收率,因此它广泛地应用于各种光学和电子器件。

    Cerium dioxide has high refractive index and dielectric constant and ultraviolet absorption which may be useful for various optical and electronic applications .

  30. 借助光学及电子显微镜,对不锈钢焊条焊接低合金高强钢的异种钢接头熔合区的马氏体带,进行了试验研究。

    By optical and electronic microanalysis methods , the martensite brittle layer of the dissimilar steel welded joint fusion zone has been explored .