
ɡuānɡ zǐ xué
  • photonics
  1. 展望21世纪Si基光子学的发展

    Prospect of the Development of Si-based Photonics in 21 Centenary

  2. G.高速摄影和光子学应用的新发展

    Recent advance of applications in high speed photography and Photonics

  3. 基于半导体光放大器的一阶ⅡR微波光子学滤波器及其品质因素分析

    Q value analysis of a first-order ⅱ R microwave photonic filter based on SOA

  4. 纳米结构的ZnO材料由于其在电子学、光学和光子学等领域的优异性能而倍受关注。

    Nanostructures ZnO materials have received broad attention due to their distinguished performance in electronics , optics and photonics .

  5. 利用半导体光放大器(SOA)的四波混频和交叉增益调制效应实现了具有任意频率响应的微波光子学滤波器。

    We also demonstrate a scheme to realize microwave photonic filters with arbitrary frequency response based on XGM and FWM in SOA .

  6. 实现THz波总体上分为电子学和光子学两种方法。

    The methods of THz generation are divided into electronics and photonics .

  7. Si基高效发光与受激光发射是Si基光子学突破性发展的关键课题,它的实现对Si基微电子学的发展有深远的重大意义。

    The realization of high efficiency luminescence and stimulated emission is of great significance for the development of Si-based photonics and advanced Si-based micro-optoelectronics .

  8. 产生THz波的方法又主要可以分为电子学方法和光子学方法。

    The THz generation methods can mainly be divided into methods based on electronics and photonics .

  9. 光栅Talbot效应的光子学研究

    A Study of Talbot Effect Based on Photonic Theory

  10. Si基材料光发射的研究是当前半导体光电子学与光子学中迅速发展起来的一个前沿领域,Si基量子点的光发射是近年来极引人注目的新研究方向。

    The study of Si-based materials light emitting is a new leading field in semiconductor optoelectronics and photonics . The light emitting if Si-based quantum-dot is attractive research direction .

  11. 该技术发表在了《自然•光子学》杂志上[DavidHillerkuss,“26Tbits−1Line-RateSuper-ChannelTransmissionUtilizingAll-OpticalFastFourierTransformProcessing”]。

    The research appears in the journal Nature Photonics . [ David Hillerkuss , " 26 Tbit s − 1 Line-Rate Super-Channel Transmission Utilizing All-Optical Fast Fourier Transform Processing " ]

  12. 细菌视紫红质(bacteriorhodopsin,简称bR)是由嗜盐菌中提取出的一种光敏蛋白质,它是一种新型的生物光子学材料。

    Bacteriorhodopsin ( bR ) is the light transacting protein in the purple membrane . It is a new kind of biological optical materials .

  13. 光生微波毫米波技术是近年来快速发展的微波光子学中的重要分支,也是光载射频ROF系统的关键技术。

    As an important branch of well developed microwave photonics , optical generation of micro-millimeter wave is a key technology in ROF system also .

  14. 本文从微波光子学的角度出发,对ROF系统的多个单元技术进行了理论探讨和实验研究。

    In this dissertation , theoretical and experimental researches on the key technologies of Radio-over-Fiber system by using microwave photonic technologies have been made .

  15. ROF(RadioOverFiber)系统结合了光纤通信和无线通信的优点,是微波光子学应用的一个重要体现,在未来宽带移动通信系统中具有广阔的应用前景。

    As one of the most important applications of microwave photonic , ROF ( Radio over Fiber ) system , which combines the advantages of optical communication and wireless communication , is a good candidate for broadband mobile communication .

  16. 在利用光学与光子学原理产生THz波的方法中,利用非线性光学差频的办法可以获得结构紧凑、低成本、室温运转、可调谐的THz波辐射源。

    Among the methods based on optics and photonics , the method by using nonlinear optical difference frequency mixing could obtain compact , low-cost , room-temperature , and tunable THz radiation sources .

  17. 目前,产生THz波的方法主要有电子学方法和光子学方法,其中后者与前者相比,具有可获得高频THz波和实验系统小型化等优势。

    Currently , the methods of generating THz wave are mainly electronics and photonics approach , the latter could obtain high-frequency THz waves , system miniaturization and other advantages compared with former .

  18. 微波光子信号处理关键技术与光载无线(ROF)系统作为微波光子学最重要的两个研究分支,最近引起了人们极大的兴趣,并成为当前微波光子学的研究热点。

    As the two major research branches of microwave photonics , photonic processing techniques of microwave signals and radio-over-fiber ( ROF ) systems have recently attracted great interests throughout the world .

  19. 此方案由多光束干涉特性提出,利用FP-SOA中载流子浓度的改变,实现了大可调谐范围的复系数微波光子学滤波器。

    Based on multiple-beam interference , using the change of carrier density in FP-SOA , the filter with large tuning range is obtained .

  20. 光载无线(ROF)系统是微波光子学在发展历程中的重要应用形式和价值体现,在未来宽带光纤接入和无线接入融合演进的潮流中发挥着重要作用。

    As one of the most important applications of the Microwave Photonics ( MWP ), radio-over-fiber ( ROF ) systems play an important role in the evolution of the convergence between broadband fiber access and wireless access .

  21. 掺铒光波导放大器(EDWA)是一种重要的光子学元件,将在未来的光通信技术发展中扮演关键的角色,帮助光纤网络进入每一个家庭。

    The EDWAs ( Erbium Doped Waveguide Amplifiers ) are important optical elements . They will play key roles in the development of FTTH ( Fiber To The Home ) technology in future , Fabrication of EDWAs has become a hot subject in photonics .

  22. 光子学技术&新世纪信息高科技的佼佼者

    Photonics Technology & The Outstanding High Technique in Modern Information Society

  23. 电力线形状的一般情况关于光子学的若干情况

    Studies on the Shape of Electric Fluxline Some circumstances of Photonics

  24. 红外技术在电光学、光子学器件和传感器方面的应用

    Infrared Technology Application to Electrooptics , Photonic Devices , and Sensors

  25. 第十八届国际高速摄影与光子学会议概况

    Outline of the 18th International Congress on high speed photography and Photonics

  26. 细菌视紫红质膜非线性吸收特性及其光子学应用

    Nonlinear Absorption Property and Its Photonics Applications of Bacteriorhodopsin Film

  27. 大脑活动光子学检测中内源信号分析

    Review on Intrinsic Signals of Optical Measurement of Brain Activity

  28. 光子学技术在祖国医学中的应用

    MEDICAL SCIENCE Photonics Photonic technology and its application in traditional Chinese medicine

  29. 黄种人皮肤色素性疾病的生物医学光子学研究

    Biomedical Photonics Study on Pigmented Skin Diseases of Yellow Race

  30. 光子学的发展&对当代信息技术的影响

    Development of Photonics : The Influence on Current Information Technology