
ɡuānɡ zhōu qī fǎn yìnɡ
  • photoperiodic response;photoperiodic reaction
  1. 稻属植物种在广州自然条件下的光周期反应和分系研究

    Studies on photoperiodic reaction and classified series of genus Oryza species under natural conditions in Guangzhou

  2. 可是,光周期反应不只限于开花。

    Photoperiodic response is not restricted to flowering .

  3. 认为SG型在苎麻育种中具有重大的实用价值.也是研究光周期反应型及性型遗传的良好材料。

    It is consid-ered that SG type is useful for ramie breeding and is very advantageous to study photoperiod-reaction and heredity of sexual types .

  4. 【目的】研究玉米的光周期反应,克隆出玉米中的EMF同源基因并研究其表达模式。

    【 Objective 】 The aim of the research is to study the response to photoperiodical variation , clone the EMF gene in maize and study the expression pattern of this gene .

  5. 油松毛虫的光周期反应

    Photoperiodical reaction of the pine caterpillar Dendrolimus tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu

  6. 昆虫滞育诱导的光周期反应类型

    The Types of Photoperiodic Response for Diapause Induction in Insects

  7. 7个水稻品种(系)的光周期反应特性

    The response to photoperiods given 16-hour and 10-hour in 7 rice varieties

  8. 植物开花光周期反应的分子调控机制

    Molecular Mechanism of Photoperiodic Response Controlling Flowering Time in Plant

  9. 黑龙江春小麦品种对光周期反应特性研究

    Research on the Response Properties of Heilongjiang Spring Wheat Varieties to Photoperiod

  10. 光敏色素和隐花色素等是光周期反应的受体。

    Phytochrome and cryptochrome are the receptors of photoperiod response .

  11. 生育期结构不同的大豆品种的光周期反应和农艺性状

    Photoperiod Response and Agronomic Characters of Soybean Varieties with Different Growth Period Structures

  12. 苜蓿秋眠是一种光周期反应。

    Fall dormancy of alfalfa is a photoperiod response .

  13. 黑龙江省主要大豆品种光周期反应差异及其稳定性

    Variation and stability in response to photoperiod among soybean cultivars released in Heilongjiang Province

  14. 不同生态类型大豆品种光周期反应的鉴定

    Identification of Photoperiodic Responses of Different Soybean Ecotypes

  15. 野生稻光周期反应研究

    Studies on Photoperiodical response of wild rices

  16. 作物生育期的预测是作物动态模型的重要功能之一,而其中重要的一步就是确定作物对光周期反应的各个时期。

    The prediction of crop development duration is one of the important functions of crop dynamic model .

  17. 比较了不同生态类型大豆品种开花前和开花后的光周期反应敏感性。

    The sensitivity of pre - and post-flowering photoperiod responses indifferent ecotypes of Chinese soybean were compared .

  18. 丝瓜的光周期反应

    Photoperiodic responses in Luffa

  19. 作者认为,大豆开花前后的光周期反应都与某些特定基因的表达有关。

    It was proposed that both pre-and post-flowering photoperiodic responses in soybeans were related to the expression of certain genes .

  20. 第二光周期反应要求光照长度较严格,是主导因子,但所需温度低于一定临界值,长光照仍不能诱导雄性不育;

    Light length is the main inducing factor , but temperature affects the photoperiodic reactions in coordination with Light length .

  21. 对小麦品种的春化作用、光周期反应及其与发育进程的关系进行了量化分析和动态模拟。

    Quantitative analyses and dynamic simulation were undertaken on vernalization , photoperiod response , and their relationships to development progress in wheat .

  22. 德国小蠊的光周期反应模式属于长日型反应,长日条件(LD16:8h)下快速发育,短日条件下进入滞育状态。

    Nymphs grow rapidly under the condition of long days ( LD 16:8h ) and enter diapause under the condition of short days .

  23. 根据这4种光周期反应类型显示的结果,光周期反应可能是温度补偿或温度敏感的;

    These photoperiodic response curves show that Photoperiodic response may be temperature-compensated or temperature-sensitive and based on quantitative or qualitative photoperiodic time measurement .

  24. 因此温度在水稻光敏不育中具特殊效应,这种效应与光周期反应基本无关。

    It is concluded that temperature has a special effect on seed setting rate of PGMS rice and the effect is independent of photoperiodical reaction .

  25. 利用原产中国大豆主要生态区、生育期不同的代表品种研究了大豆开花后的光周期反应问题。

    Typical varieties from the main ecological regions and Maturity Groups in China were chosen to study the post-flowering ( Rl ) photoperiodic responses among soybeans .

  26. 结果表明,这些品种虽来源于纬度相近地区,但各品种对光周期反应差异较大;

    The results showed that the difference in response to photoperiod among the tested cultivars was much bigger although these cultivars originated in relatively close latitudes .

  27. 在变温和恒温条件下研究了吉林省的一、二化性亚洲玉米螟的光周期反应。

    The photoperiodic reactions of univoltine and bivoltine Asian corn borer ( ASB ) Ostrinia furnacalis ( Guenee ) under alternative and constant temperature conditions were studied in Jilin Province .

  28. 在试验条件下,南方夏大豆品种开花后光周期反应比开花前更加敏感,其它类型品种开花前光周期反应比开花后敏感。

    Under the condition of this experiment , post-flowering photoperiod response was more sensitive than pre-flowering response in summer-sown soybean varieties , other ecotypes responded more sensitively before flowering than after flowering .

  29. 大猿叶虫是短日照型昆虫,但它的光周期反应主要取决于温度,当日平均温度≤20℃时,不论光周期条件如何,所有个体进入滞育。

    The cabbage beetle is a short-day species , but its photoperiodic response highly depended on temperature . All adults entered diapause regardless of photoperiods if the mean temperature was ≤ 20 ℃;

  30. 春化反应、光周期反应和早熟性本身是影响小麦抽穗期的三种重要因素,它们的作用和互作可以调节生育期以应付不同的环境胁迫。

    Responses to vernalization , photoperiod and earliness per se are three important factors affecting heading time in wheat . Their actions and interactions may adjust the phasic development of wheat to avoid environmental stress .