
guāng néng
  • light energy;optical energy;luminous energy
光能 [guāng néng]
  • [luminous energy;light energy] 以可见辐射的形式转换而来或转换成可见辐射形式的能量

光能[guāng néng]
  1. 它无需电源,由化学能直接转化为光能。

    It is transformed directly from chemical energy to luminous energy , electricity is not essential .

  2. 此方法可用于医用硬性内窥镜光能传递效率的评价,便于实际测量应用。

    The method described in this article can be used in the evaluation of medical rigid endoscope 's luminous energy transfer efficiency and can be applied to practical measurement .

  3. CO2加富对紫花苜蓿光合作用原初光能转换的影响

    Effect of elevated co_2 on the primary conversion of light energy of Alfalfa photosynthesis

  4. LED技术是一种利用半导体芯片研发出来的可以将电能转化为光能的全照明技术。

    LED , a novel technology , can change electric energy to light energy by making use of semiconductor chip .

  5. 测定过程中采用的光能种类很多,从X射线,可见光到无线电波。

    The radiant energy used in such measurements may vary from X rays , through visible light , to radio waves .

  6. 研制了小型X光二极管(XRD),可用于小型软X光能谱仪。

    The mini X-ray diode ( M-XRD ) was developed , and was used in mini soft X-ray spectrometer .

  7. 发光二级管(LED)是一种固态的半导体器件,它可以直接把电能转换为光能。

    A light emitting diode ( LED ) is a solid state semiconductor device . It can directly transform electrical energy into light energy .

  8. PSD用于近距离探测时的光能计算

    The calculation of optical energy received by PSD on close - range detect

  9. 介绍了用于软X光能谱测量的滤光片及X射线二极管能量响应均匀性研究。

    The study of surface uniformity of the response of the filter and X ray diode to measure soft X ray spectrum is reported .

  10. CF0质子传导对两光系统间光能分布的影响

    Effects of CF_0 Proton Flow on the Distribution of Light Energy Between PSI and PSII

  11. CO2浓度倍增对垂柳和杜仲叶绿体吸收光能和激发能分配的影响

    Effects of doubled co_2 concentration on light energy absorption and excitation energy distribution between PS ⅱ and PS ⅰ in chloroplasts of weeping willow and Eucommia

  12. 在催化剂TiO2的作用下,紫外光能有效降解纺织厂的印染废水中的染料;

    Dyes in wastewater from a textile factory can be effectively degraded by photocatalysis with TiO 2 and the ultraviolet light .

  13. 采用软X光能谱仪及平响应探测器分别测量腔靶诊断口辐射X光功率谱及其能量角分布。

    The broadband soft X-ray spectrometer and flat response detector are used to measure the soft X-ray spectrum and its angular distribution from the diagnostic hole on cavity target .

  14. 纳米级TiO2作为一种光催化材料,在环境保护、光能转换、纺织建筑、工业催化等领域有着极为广泛的用途,其制备方法也得到了深入系统的研究。

    Nano-TiO2 is applied widely in many fields such as environment protection , transition of light-energy , textile and architecture , industrial catalyst .

  15. 描述了一种测量激光等离子体发射的软X光能谱强度的宽带Ross滤片谱仪。

    A broadband Ross filter spectrometer is described for measuring soft X ray radiation ( 0.1 ~ 1 5keV ) emitted from laser plasma .

  16. 同时UV-B辐射植株叶片有较低的光能转化效率,其较对照低39.1%,叶片亦含有较低的叶绿素含量。

    The UV B treated plants also had lower efficiency of light energy conversion and chlorophyll content .

  17. 今年早些时候天合光能(TrinaSolar)–一家中国公司,放弃了一项新的大型硅生产车间的计划。

    Earlier this year Trina Solar , a Chinese firm , abandoned plans for a big new silicon plant .

  18. 之后,运用MATLAB软件,使用蒙特卡罗法模拟了积分球内光能的分布情况,检验了微光应力源系统设计的理论可行性。

    Then , used Monte Carlo method simulated the light within the integrating sphere with MATLAB , it also texts the theoretical feasibility of designed low-light level stress source system .

  19. 两种模式蓝藻CCM的运转及其对过剩光能的耗散作用

    The Operation of CO_2 Concentrating Mechanism of Two Model Cyanobacteria and Their Roles in Dissipating Excess Light Energy

  20. 在叶绿体中,光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)是类囊体膜上的一个大的色素蛋白质复合物,利用光能催化水的氧化以及质体醌的还原。

    Photosystem II ( PSII ), which catalyzes light-dependent water oxidation and plastoquinone reduction in chloroplasts , is a large pigment-protein complex in the thylakoid membrane .

  21. 文中提出:CE≥1.45为葡萄叶幕光能利用的最佳取值范围,并指出在不同条件下CE的取值范围有所变化。

    It is pointed out that CE ≥ 1.45 is a best range for canopy light utilization and this range should be adjusted in some special conditions .

  22. C3作物(水稻、大豆)叶片的光合速率对光强的响应在上午和下午存在明显差异,上午利用光能的能力明显大于下午。

    The responses of C3 crops ( rice , soybean ) to light were different in the morning and afternoon .

  23. 螺旋藻(Spirulinaplatensis)藻胆体在解离过程中荧光发射光谱和光能传递的研究

    Studies on the fluorescence emission spectra and energy transfer of phycobilisomes from Spirulina platensis in the course of dissociation

  24. 其中,光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)以其灵敏度高、光能利用率高、易复用、适用于工程等特点成为目前光纤传感领域的研究热点之一。

    In particular , the optical fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) sensors are widely used in engineering in virtue of their prominent characteristics .

  25. 衰老旗叶中叶绿素含量,饱和光合速率和叶绿素荧光的研究表明,灌浆初期和中期光系统II仍然有较完整的功能以继续有效的利用捕获的光能。

    The results of photosynthesis , chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence suggest that PSII apparatus remained functional to use the light energy more efficiently in the early and mid period . 4 .

  26. 太阳能的利用方法一般有以下几种:第一种是直接将光能转化成电能,即光伏电池(Photovoltaics)。

    The solar energy can be directly converted into electrical energy , namely , photovoltaics .

  27. 光合作用涉及光能的吸收、能量转换、电子传递、ATP合成、CO2固定等一系列复杂的物理和化学反应过程。

    Photosynthesis , which involves energy of light , absorption , energy conversion , electron transfer , ATP synthesis , CO2 fixation etc. , is a complex physical and chemical reaction process .

  28. 用可见紫外分光光度计测试研究了CNX薄膜的反射率和透射率谱,获得了CNX薄膜的光能隙。我们的实验工作,有很大部分花在寻找能够沉积较高质量CNX薄膜的衬底材料上。

    The study of the optical band gap of CNx film by UV-VIS spectrophotometer .

  29. 荧光特征参数反映了光系统(PSⅠ、PSⅡ)的光能转化、光能利用率、电子传递、光化学反应及光系统的潜在活性,在不同板栗品种之间具有显著差异性。

    Parameters of fluorescence reflect the transformation and utilization ratio of light energy , electron transport , light chemical reaction and potential activity of photo-system and have a large difference in different breeds .

  30. 但由于其光生电子-空穴对的复合几率较高,对太阳光能利用率低等缺点而严重阻碍了TiO2的工业化应用。

    However , fast recombination rate of photogenerated electron-hole pairs in the bulk TiO2 and the low quantum yield of photochemical conversion for solar severely hinder the industrial applications of TiO2 semiconductor material .