
  • 网络elementalism;On Elements;Theory of Element;elementarism
  1. 从教育三元素论研究生实验教育改革

    Discussion about the Graduate Experimental Education Reformation from the Three Elements of Education

  2. 会计元素论

    Research on Accounting Element

  3. 日韩偶像剧叙事元素论析&兼评24集校园青春剧《聚沙》

    On Narrative Elements of Idol Plays in Japan and South Korea & Comment on Campus Youth Play Gathering Sand ;

  4. 根据品牌服装共性设计元素论,将产品模块按产品构成角度划分为风格、款式、色彩、材料、图案、工艺模块。

    According to the branded apparel common design theory , the apparel module is divided into fashion look , style , color , material , pattern and technique modules from product composition perspective .

  5. 对于分类法的意义、元素论、物质的静态和动态、化学计量关系和浓度概念等在中学化学教学和教材中的地位和作用,也简要地进行了讨论。

    A brief discussion on the signification of the classification method , theory of elements , the static and dynamic states of matter , chemical stoichiometry and the concept on concentration is also covered .

  6. 在设计元素论的基础上,结合品牌服装设计的特点,本文认为品牌服装共性设计元素是品牌服装系列产品中的相同或类似的设计元素,可分为产品基因元素与流行趋势元素。

    Based on the design element theory and branded apparel design regulation , the branded apparel common design elements are the same or similar design elements in branded apparel product collection and can be specified into product gene elements and fashion trend elements .

  7. 它的最基本元素也是系统论最小、最简单的子系统。

    It 's the most basic element is also the minimum and the simplest subsystem of system theory .

  8. 宇宙论探讨的是万物的本原问题,寻找的是时间上在先的构成万物的基本元素,而本体论要探讨的是万物的原则和本质问题。

    Cosmology inquires arche of all things , it is in search of basic element which constitutes them , while ontology inquires the principle and nature of all things .

  9. 第三部分在情境模型研究的基础上,探讨我国会计舞弊中不可或缺的三大元素,进而建立会计舞弊的理论模型&三元素论,为后续的识别技术开发提供理论支撑。

    Thirdly , it discusses three elements that are indispensable in domestic accounting fraudulence cases and establishes the accounting fraudulence theoretical models & Three Element Theory , which provides theoretical support to the subsequent development of fraud identification techniques .