
  1. 那么,你的最佳指南是考虑一下食物提供者的动机。

    Your best guide , then , is to consider the incentives of the food supplier .

  2. 英语词汇深度知识习得过程初探&一项基于词义与搭配的研究介绍实用的时装来配搭及装扮知识,是应付各种场合着装需要的最佳指南。

    Exploring Chinese English Learners Development in the Depth of Vocabulary : on Meaning and Collocation ; Introduce pragmatic fashion coordination and dressing up for different occasions .

  3. 根据Guice的最佳实践指南,构造函数注入是询问依赖项的首选方式。

    According to the Guice best practices guide , constructor injection is the preferred way to ask for your dependencies .

  4. 本文将提供一系列以高效且可维护的方式配置SIBus的最佳实践指南,从而帮助您成功进行实现。

    This article presents a series of best practice guidelines for configuring the SIBus in an efficient and maintainable fashion that will help your implementation along the path to success .

  5. 这是介绍这一地区的最佳旅游指南。

    This be the best guide to the region .

  6. 请参阅最佳实践指南。

    See the best practices guide .

  7. 有关本指南引用的资源列表和可帮助您管理脱机通讯簿的其他资源,请参阅脱机通讯簿最佳实践指南资源。

    For a list of resources referenced in this guide and other resources that can help you manage offline address books , see offline address book best practices guide resources .

  8. 其中一节以最终用户的视角分析问题[③],我想大家在做原型、用户界面设计、最佳实践指南以及提供服务时都会遇到这个问题。

    I dedicate one section to the end-user perspective which is something I expect many others will address with mockups , user interface designs , best practices guides , and of course working services .

  9. 随着开发人员社区增加开发Ajax应用程序的经验,将会记录下最佳实践和指南。

    As the developer community gains experience developing Ajax applications , best practices and guidelines will be documented .

  10. 调试器帮助文件包含了怎样为您的程序选择最佳操作的指南。

    The debugger help contains instructions on how to choose what works best for your program .

  11. 通常,在创建解决方案之前,应该首先检查可用的内容,充分利用现有资产(方法、最佳实践、指南等等)。

    As a general rule , prior to creating the solution you should examine what is available first , and make the best use of the existing assets ( methods , best-of practices , guidance , and so on ) .

  12. RationalSOMA2.9提供了具体的最佳实践开发流程指南,用于成功实现IT服务解决方案设计。

    Rational SOMA 2.9 provides detailed best practices development process guidance for successful IT service solution design .

  13. 本文是这个5部分系列文章中的第3部分,本系列介绍了如何使用最新的Rational最佳实践开发流程指南和建模工具来设计和构造基于面向服务架构的健壮、灵活的IT解决方案。

    This is the third article in a five-part series on how to use Rational 's latest best-practices development process guidance and modeling tools to design and construct robust , flexible IT solutions based on service-oriented architectures .

  14. 结论为有效预防并发症发生和改善预后,应基于最佳临床证据和指南对aSAH患者实施治疗。

    Conclusions Therapies based on the best clinical evidence and guidelines should be given to effectively prevent complications and improve outcome of aSAH .

  15. 一份能让你发现它活力、动感的现在,你也可以将两张行程合二为一,形成一份最佳的定制旅游指南。

    Or , blend the two lists for a best-of bespoke guide .

  16. 珍妮·兰德里斯最近出版了一本关于伦敦最佳游泳地点的指南。

    Jenny Landreth recently published a guide to the best swimming spots in London .

  17. 关于包括放血和柳叶刀程序在内的最佳注射实践政策指南和准则已可供使用。

    Policy guidance and guidelines on best practices are available for all injections including phlebotomy and lancet procedures .

  18. 它采集流程和最佳实践,提供指南和规定信息,满足操作员和支持人员的需求。

    It captures procedures and best practices , gives guidance and prescriptive information , and serves the needs of operators and support personnel .