
  • 网络Elemental;elemental creatures;Elementals
  1. 法师能够召唤各种元素生物作为宠物,虽然这些生物能保护召唤者和他的队伍,但但他们不能被玩家直接控制。

    The mage will also be able to summon a variety of elementals as pets , which won 't be directly controllable by the player , but will act as guardians to the mage and his allies .

  2. 简要介绍了全球元素生物地球化学循环研究的新进展。

    The recent advances in global biogeochemical cycling studies are overviewed .

  3. 天然沸石的微量元素生物有效性研究

    Study on the Micro - element Bio - availability of Natural Zeolite

  4. 贵州典型森林植被群落营养元素生物循环空间信息模型构建

    A forest nutrient cycling spatial model and its application

  5. 长江口营养元素生物地球化学研究

    Biogeochemical studies on nutrient elements in the Changjiang Estuary

  6. 对厌氧生物处理系统进行微量金属营养元素生物有效度的检定是非常必要的;

    It is necessary to determine the bioavailability of trace metals in the system .

  7. 一个测定土壤元素生物有效性的新方法

    A desorption method for assessing soil element bioavailability

  8. 微量元素生物效应及生产若干问题

    Summary and Anticipating Problems of the Biological Effect of the Trace Elements and Their Production

  9. 不同栽杉代数29年生杉木林净生产力及营养元素生物循环的研究

    Studies on the stand net productivity and biological cycle of nutrient elements in the 29 year old plantations of Chinese fir on different rotations

  10. 本文从养分吸收、归还和累积等方面综述了森林生态系统营养元素生物循环的某些研究成果;

    Research results on the biological cycling of the nutrient elements in forest ecosystems were summarized , in which uptaking , returning and accumulating of nutrient elements were included .

  11. 运用元素生物地球化学异常对比,作者进一步确认义县组化石与其围岩在有毒、有害元素异常方面存在的一定的耦合关系:其有毒有害元素含量均呈现一定的高异常。

    The special element comparison of biochemical abnormal indicates that the fossils of Yixian Formation couple with its fossil-bearing beds at the respect of the high level toxic element abnormal .

  12. 文章论述了元素生物有效性的含义,介绍了元素有效性的研究方法,即连续偏提取法和单提取法,并对一些相关问题进行了深入的分析讨论。

    The paper dissertates the conception of element bioavailability , introduces the method of sequential extraction and single extraction to reveal element availability , reviews some problems profoundly correlated with element bioavailability .

  13. 该群落氮、磷、钾元素生物循环中,年吸收量分别为:13240.095、1887.705、20736.11mg/m2;

    In the cycle of N , P and K of this community , the annual uptake was 13 240.095 mg / m2,1 887.205 mg / m2,20 736.11 mg / m2 , respectively .

  14. 全球变化是近年来人们关心的热点问题,土壤作为碳、氮的储库,在碳、氮元素生物地球化学循环及全球气候变化中起着非常重要的作用。

    In recent years , global changes are popular questions of common interest . Soil , as reserve depot of carbon and nitrogen , take extremely important effect during biogeochemistry cycles of C , N and global climatic change .

  15. Pb、Zn、Cd和Cr等元素的生物有效性研究&以胶州湾水生系统为例

    Bioavailability of Pb , Zn , Cd and Cr & Bioaccumulation in Clam from Aquatic Ecosystem in the Jiaozhou Bay

  16. 合金主要特点如下:(1)合金不含Ni、cd、Be等有毒元素,生物安全性良好。

    The properties of the alloy are as follows : ( 1 ) The alloy has nontoxic metallic elements which satisfy the required biological conditions .

  17. 与土壤有效态相比,矿质营养元素的生物富集系数非常高,特别是N元素,在根、枝、果实或茶叶中都得到非常高的富集。

    Compared with the soil effective component , the life-form enrichment modulus of the mineral nutritive elements is very high , especially N which is rich in the root , branch , fruit and tea .

  18. 群落Cu、Pb、Zn、Mn元素的生物循环为:年吸收量分别为10.17、4.32、49.14和2268.16mg/m2;

    The biocycle of the elements in the community were described as follows : Annual uptake of Cu was 10.17 , Pb 4.32 , Zn 49.14 and Mn 2268.16 mg · m - 2 ;

  19. 本文研究海南岛西南地区12种不同类型药用植物微量元素的生物吸收系数(Ax)及其含量水平变化特性。

    In this paper , the biologically absorbing coefficients and the contents in plants of trace elements were investigated for 12 medicinal plant species in southwest of Hainan .

  20. 植物氨基酸多元素肥料生物效应的研究进展

    A Review : Biological Effect of Plant Amino Acids Trace-Element Fertilizers

  21. 中国黄土地区土壤中天然放射性元素的生物地球化学

    Biogeochemistry of natural radioactive elements in soils of loess region in

  22. 木麻黄林微量元素的生物循环研究

    Study on Biological Cycling of Micronutrient Elements in Casuarina equisetifolia Plantation

  23. 海洋制品中稀土元素、生物活性及安全性

    Content , Bioactivity and Safety of Rare Earth Elements in Marine Products

  24. 森林生态系统营养元素的生物循环

    Biological Cycling of the Nutrient Elements in Forest Ecosystems

  25. 用黑麦幼苗法测定土壤中污染元素的生物有效性

    Determination of the bioavailability of pollutants in soils using the rye seedling method

  26. 土壤生态系统微量元素的生物有效性研究现状

    Status quo of research on the bioavailability of trace elements in soil environmental ecosystem

  27. 内蒙古羊草草原均腐土营养元素的生物积累

    Bioaccumulation of Different Nutritive Elements of Leymus chinesis Steppe in Isohumisol Soil Inner Mongolia

  28. 向食物中添加的这种营养元素是生物可利用的。

    The nutrient is bio-available from the food .

  29. 微生物在重金属元素的生物地球化学循环中扮演着重要的角色。

    The microbe plays a key role in the bio-geochemical cycle of heavy metals .

  30. 绿洲农田土壤中主要微量元素的生物地球化学特征及环境影响研究

    Studies on Biogeochemical Characteristics and Environmental Influence of Main Microelements in Farmlands of Oasis