
ér sūn mǎn táng
  • have children and grandchildren
儿孙满堂[ér sūn mǎn táng]
  1. 然后再娶个好妻子成家立业儿孙满堂

    and marry a nice woman and have children

  2. 威玛·罗伊斯爵士出身贵族世家,在儿孙满堂的家里排行老幺。

    Ser Waymar Royce was the youngest son of an ancient house with too many heirs .

  3. 但是我们希望你和尼娅永远快乐,儿孙满堂。

    But we all wish you and nya many years of happiness , and many sons too .

  4. 他儿孙满堂,这在中国人看来是最大的福气。

    He had lots of children and grandchildren , which for Chinese people is the best luck possible .

  5. 如果你们在中国生活,你们的父母可以享受到儿孙满堂的天伦之乐。

    If you live in China , your parents aren 't going to see much of their grandchildren .