
  • 网络sinhalese;Sinhala;Singhalese
  1. 僧伽罗人(Sinhalese)构成人口的74%,集中于人口稠密的西南部。

    Sinhalese make up74 % of the population and are concentrated in the densely populated southwest .

  2. 大多数僧伽罗人是佛教徒;大多数泰米尔人是印度教徒。

    Most Sinhalese are Buddhist ; most Tamils are Hindu .

  3. 于是我选了坐面包车旅行,司机是个快活的僧伽罗人,名叫W·S·亚帕(W.S.Yapa),30多年来一直搭载旅客和记者们在斯里兰卡全境旅行

    I opted instead for a van with a cheerful Sinhalese driver named W. S. Yapa , who has been ferrying tourists and journalists throughout Sri Lanka for over three decades .

  4. 从历史上和政治上看斯里兰卡的僧伽罗人-泰米尔人冲突

    Historical and Political Analysis of Sinhalese-Tamil Conflict in Sri Lanka

  5. 很少僧伽罗人和泰米尔人是基督教徒,大多数是罗马天主教徒。

    Sizable minorities of both Sinhalese and Tamils are Christians , most of whom are Roman Catholic .

  6. 民族:(斯里兰卡)僧伽罗人、(印度的)达罗毗荼人、阿拉伯人和黑人的混合民族。

    Ethnic Composition : a mixture of Sinhalese , Dravidian , Arab and Black . of or relating to the Sinhalese languages .

  7. 在跟斯里兰卡外交部长罗希塔.波格拉加马举行联合记者会时,潘基文警告说,如果占人口大多数的僧伽罗人跟少数民族泰米尔人不能取得和解,那么历史将会重演。

    Mr. Ban , at a joint news conference with Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollogama , predicted that history could repeat itself if there is no reconciliation between the majority Sinhalese and the minority Tamils .