
fù kē bǎi
  • Foucault pendulum
  1. 关于傅科摆相对运动轨迹的讨论

    On the Relative Motion Track of Foucault Pendulum

  2. 光电控制补能的短线傅科摆

    A short Foucault pendulum to which the energy is supplied under the control of photoelectricity

  3. 本文介绍了在Visualc++6.0和OpenGL软件开发平台上应用面向对象的程序设计方法实现交互式计算机动态模拟傅科摆运动的具体过程,给出了基于上述计算机模拟的一个可供选择的教学方案。

    The method to realize interactive and dynamic computer simulation of the motion process of Foucault pendulum by OOP ( Object Orient Programming ) on Visual C + + 6.0 and OpenGL software platform is introduced , and a teaching scheme based on this computer simulation is presented .

  4. 对傅科摆振动面的分析与研究

    Research and Analysis on Vibration Plane of Foucault Pendulum

  5. 傅科摆运动轨迹的计算机动态模拟及其教学应用

    The dynamic computer simulation of the motion track of Foucault pendulum and its application in Teaching

  6. 用柱面坐标系求解傅科摆运动傅科摆的分析力学解法

    Solution to the Motion of the Foucault Pendulum in Cylindrical Coordinate System A Solution of Foucault Pendulum Using analysis mechanics

  7. 以诠释方式展开故事情节的后现代小说《傅科摆》是安贝托•艾柯充分利用其符号学知识专长精心设计的杰作。

    The plot of Umberto Eco 's postmodern novel Foucault 's Pendulum develops in a metaphorically hermeneutic way with Eco Hermeneutics as its theoretical guidance .

  8. 本文利用速度、加速度的定义,对傅科摆轨道进行了微机模拟,给出了具体、直观、完整的轨道图像。

    Using definition of velocity and acceleration , the orbits of Foucault Pendulum are Simulated , and its concrete . direct and complete graphs are obtained .

  9. 2008年,在纽约的一个文学研讨会上,坐在拉什迪旁边的艾柯面带嘲讽,读了《傅科摆》中的一段文字。

    Appearing alongside Mr. Rushdie at a literary panel in New York in 2008 , Mr. Eco wryly chose to read from " Foucault 's Pendulum . "

  10. 在他的第二本小说《傅科摆》中,艾柯讲述了19世纪初的物理学家里昂·傅科的故事,他发明了一种机械,演示地球的转动。

    In " Foucault 's Pendulum , " his second novel , Mr. Eco tells the story of L é on Foucault , a French physicist in the 1800s who devised a mechanism to demonstrate the rotation of the Earth .