
jiǎ tuō
  • on the pretext of;pretend;by means of;under sb. elses name
假托 [jiǎ tuō]
  • (1) [on the pretext of]∶借故推托

  • 假托有事

  • (2) [under sb.elses name]∶冒名顶替

  • (3) [by means of]∶假借;凭借

  • 小品是假托故事来讽刺时弊的表演

假托[jiǎ tuō]
  1. 他假托生病缺勤。

    The ostensible reason for his absence was illness .

  2. 他假托喉痛不到校上课。

    He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to shool .

  3. 他假托名人写文章发表。

    He wrote and published the essay under notable 's name .

  4. 他假托有病没来开会。

    He absented himself from the meeting on the pretext of illness .

  5. 本书为上海泰东图书局出版,郭沫若与该书局关系密切,说明此文应非假托与伪造。

    This book was published by Shanghai Taidong Press .

  6. 故事中的每一样东西可能是另外一样东西,一种假托,一种前后矛盾的事物。

    Everything in the story is possibly something else , a masquerade , a paradox .

  7. 摩托车猛地撞在围栏上。他假托喉痛不到校上课。

    The motorcycle crashed into the fence . He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to shool .

  8. 另一些国家,其中有的在空间上与诗中假托的背景同样遥远,人们对此诗也作出了类似的反应。

    Other countries , some of them equally remote in space from the ostensible setting of the poem , have reacted in similar ways .

  9. 但是,家谱资料普遍存在攀附假托等不足,我们在利用家谱进行学术研究之时要去伪存真,保持客观全面的认识,从而形成科学准确的研究成果。

    However genealogical information is not completely true , we must remain objective and comprehensive understanding when we use them to form a scientific and accurate research .

  10. 幼儿园实行寄宿、日托、周末托、节假日托、寒暑假托为家长提供全方位服务。

    Limai Kindergarten provides parents with all kinds of nursery services such as boarding , day care , weekend care , festival care and summer / winter vacation care .

  11. 本文对它们的真伪问题重加考辨,认为判定它们为后人拟作或假托的证据都不能成立。

    This essay makes a careful study of the authenticity of the two works and finds no evidence which can prove that they were not written by Li Ling .

  12. 梅耶假托本书是丢失的华生的手稿,要解决福尔摩斯在莱辛巴赫瀑布后失踪多年的谜题。

    Meyer 's story , pretending to be a lost manuscript by the late Dr Watson , promises to solve the mystery of Holmes 's missing years after his Reichenbach fall .

  13. 20年代革命文学很重视对工农大众的描写,但由于革命作家自身实践经验的限制,他们对工农的描写大都还停留于主观的浮面,假托工农大众之口来言说知识分子的思想、理念。

    The " revolutionary literature " of the 1920 's attached importance to the descriptions of the workers and peasants , but owing to the limitations of the experiences of the revolutionary writers , their discriptions of the workers and peasants were limited to the subjective and surface level .