
  • 网络Bond financing
  1. 浅析可转换债券筹资策略分析

    A Brief Analysis of Transformable Bond Financing Tactics Research

  2. 债券筹资的纳税优势

    Tax advantage of bond financing

  3. 在上月中国内地股市跳水之际,平安保险(PingAnInsurance)宣布了通过增发新股和可转换债券筹资至多200亿美元的计划。

    As markets tanked last month , Ping An Insurance unveiled plans to raise up to $ 20bn through an issue of new shares and convertibles .

  4. 花旗集团(Citigroup)周二通过发行由政府提供担保的债券筹资50亿美元。这种政府担保机制将在6周后到期。随着市场状况的改善,花旗多数竞争对手都已放弃了这种融资方法。

    Citigroup raised $ 5bn in government-guaranteed bonds on Tuesday under a emergency facility that is set to expire in six weeks and has been abandoned by most of its rivals as market conditions improved .

  5. 企业期权债券筹资的风险与防范策略

    The Option Bonds Risks and Strategies for Enterprise to Raise Funds

  6. 市场经济条件下企业重要筹资方式&债券筹资

    Under Market Economy Condition , an Important Way of Enterprise Financing-Bonds Financing

  7. 可转换债券筹资风险的规避

    On avoidance to raise funds hazard about convertible security

  8. 但是利用期权债券筹资具有一些特定的风险。

    But it has some special risks .

  9. 国际债券筹资是包括中国在内的发展中国家争取外资的重要手段。

    This form is an important means of gaining foreign capital for the developing countries including China .

  10. 论述了上市公司为何会选择可转换公司债券筹资以及在筹资过程中应注意发行时机、条款设计和发行程序的问题。

    Timing of issue , design of terms and conditions and procedural issues critical to the financing process ;

  11. 爱尔兰能够通过较长期债券筹资,表明债市已对该国重新开放。

    The fact that Ireland could raise funds with long ( ISH ) dated paper is evidence that the bond market has reopened to Ireland .

  12. 外国资本正撤到欧洲和美国的核心地区,这限制了印度企业通过贷款或债券筹资的能力。

    Foreign capital is retreating to the core in Europe and the US , restricting the ability of Indian companies to raise capital through loans or bonds .

  13. 企业筹资风险主要有银行借款筹资风险、股票筹资风险、债券筹资风险、租赁筹资风险、联营及引进外资筹资风险等。

    The financing risks of enterprises are mainly bank loan , stock , bond , tenancy , joint operation , importment of foreign fund and so on .

  14. 从我国目前的融资情况来看,应鼓励债务融资,发展可转换债券筹资方式,改善公司的资本结构,使资本结构得到优化。

    According to our country 's present financing situation , we should encourage debt financing , develop convertible bond fund-raising , improve the capital structure of the company , and make the structure of the capital optimized .

  15. 贷款、债券组合筹资优化模型研究

    Study on the optimal Model for Fund Raising by Combining Loans and Bonds

  16. 通过购买美国政府债券而筹资支持对美国的出口,中国正是这样做的。

    After all , that is what China was doing when it was financing its exports to America by buying US government bonds .

  17. 在当前经济不景气、股市风险过大的情况下,大力发展可转换债券是筹资者和投资者的共同愿望。

    At present , under the condition of bleak economy and high risk of stocking market , it is a common desire for fund raisers and investors to devote major efforts to exchangeable bond .

  18. 北京方面还在鼓励中国企业对海外产业进行更多直接投资,并正在考虑允许外国机构通过在中国发售股票和债券进行筹资。这两方面的行动都鼓励资本流出中国。

    Beijing has also been encouraging more direct investment by Chinese corporations in offshore industries and is considering allowing foreign institutions to raise capital through equity and bond sales in China ; both actions encourage capital to flow out of the country .

  19. 西班牙官员昨天表示,bankia纾困筹资计划仍以从债券市场上筹资为基础。

    Spanish officials said yesterday that the plan to raise money for the Bankia rescue was still based on borrowing in the bond markets .

  20. 应当注意,它尚未对实际融资成本造成实质性的影响:无论CDS价格高低,美国政府仍能够以低于美国大公司的成本,从债券市场上筹资&其中包括利差更窄的那70家公司。

    And it should be noted it has not really affected actual funding costs yet : irrespective of CDS prices , the US government is still able to borrow money in the bond markets more cheaply than large American companies , including the 70 which now have tighter spreads .

  21. 国有商业银行以发行境外外币债券方式对外筹资,按国家对外发债有关管理法规办理。

    Where the state-owned commercial banks issue overseas foreign currency bonddebentures forfinancing , relevant regulations concerning the issuancee of foreign bonddebts of the State shall prevail .

  22. 负债性资本的筹集方式主要有银行借款、发生债券、融资租赁筹资、贸易性融资等。

    The liabilities raises capitally way primarily contain bank borrow funds , take place the bond , margin leases money raising , trade margin etc.

  23. 企业债券作为现代企业筹资、投资时必然涉及到的一种有价证券,正被广大的企业所接受。

    Being as a kind of valuable paper related inevitably to the financing and investment of the modern enterprises , the enterprise bond is received by numerous enterprises .

  24. 可转换债券是一种重要的金融衍生债券,兼具筹资与避险的功能。

    Convertible bond is one of the important financial derivatives .

  25. 由于债券发行成本低、激励和约束程度高、发行企业债券筹资便利等原因,应确立企业债券市场融资的主渠道地位。

    Since the cost of the circulation of stock is low and since the degree of inspiration and restriction is high and since the collection to issue enterprises ' stock is convenient , the capital circulation of enterprises ' bond market as the main channel should be established .

  26. 拖累银行债券发行的主要因素来自欧洲,欧洲各银行在债券资本市场筹资6390亿美元,为10年最低。

    The main drag on issuance came from Europe , where banks raised $ 639bn in debt capital markets , the lowest in 10 years .

  27. 过去一年,亚洲高收益债券市场的主导者是中国房地产开发商,由于国内交易放缓,这些开发商开始到海外债券市场筹资。

    The market has been dominated over the past year by Chinese property developers , who have looked to the offshore bond market to raise capital amid a slowdown in transactions at home .

  28. 根据不同期限贷款、债券的本息和风险情况以及项目各期末盈利水平,提出了一个使资金成本最低的贷款、债券组合筹资优化模型。

    Based on the interest and risk conditions of loans and bonds , and the profit levels of the project in different periods , an optimal model for fund raising by combining loans and bonds is proposed .