
  1. 长城是集候望系统、驻军系统、屯田后勤系统、邮传交通系统而构成的综合性防御体系。

    The Great Wall is a all-around defense system that consist of presentiment system , garrison system , logistics system and liaison system .

  2. 第二部对汉代居延地区候望系统的运作方式进行研究,由侦察与巡逻、烽火传递与烽燧自身的防御等几个方面的内容构成。

    The second , research the acting means of presentiment system , this part is consist of spy and patrol signal fire transferring and recovery per se .

  3. 该防御体系的前沿即为长城的候望系统,研究候望系统对研究整个汉代长城防御体系有极为重要的价值,本文试用大批汉简,对汉代居延地区的候望系统进行分析论述。

    Presentiment system is the foreland of this defense system , research of this is very important in study of defense system of the great wall of Han dynasty .

  4. 候恩默默无言,望着将军的脸。将军的表情淡漠。

    Hearn was silent , watching the General 's face , which was remote .

  5. “想起近日薛宝钗在家养病,未去亲候,意欲去望他一望。”

    " Remembering that he had not gone in person to askafter baochai 's recent indisposition , he decided to pay her a visit . "