
jué jiàng
  • stubborn;obstinate;unbending;unyielding;obduracy
倔强 [jué jiàng]
  • [stubborn;unbending;unyielding] 刚强,不屈服

  • 倔强劲

  • 倔强的脾气

倔强[jué jiàng]
  1. 他平日很自是,又倔强。

    He is always very opinionated and stubborn .

  2. 刘峰和他女儿性格都很倔强。

    Liu Feng and his daughter are both very stubborn .

  3. 她倔强地把下巴翘得高高的。

    She jutted her chin out stubbornly .

  4. 他的下巴倔强地翘着;他不会甘心被拒绝。

    His jaw jutted stubbornly forward ; he would not be denied

  5. 她非常倔强,又非常精干。

    She was very headstrong , and very together

  6. 马特看着休,从他坚挺的肩膀中看出了他的倔强。

    Matt looked at Hugh and saw the stubbornness in the set of his shoulders

  7. 严肃、严谨、倔强的他同时又冷漠、多疑、敏感、不会变通。

    Formal , exact and obstinate , he was also cold , suspicious , touchy and tactless .

  8. 平心而论,他太倔强了。

    To be honest , he is too aggressive .

  9. 难道你还不了解那个矮人的倔强吗?

    Have you learned nothing of the stubbornness of dwarves ?

  10. 她太倔强了,不会让任何人帮她的。

    She 's too obstinate to let anyone help her .

  11. 绝大多数成功人士都有共同的特质:脾气倔强,性格刚强。

    Most of successful men have the characteristics of contumacy and doughty .

  12. 我相信我自己,倔强不允许我退后!

    I believe oneself , I am obstinate disallow me to stay back !

  13. “是匹倔强的马,”作家解释道。

    Stubborn horse , explained the writer .

  14. 他又倔强地坐了下来

    He sat down again , restively .

  15. 偶尔也有个把聪明、倔强的姑娘坚决要求履行合同上的规定

    Occasionally a girl of intelligence andwould insist on the fulfilled of the terms of her indentures .

  16. 暗恋一个人的心情,就像是瓶中等待发芽的种子,永远不能确定未来是否是美丽的,但却真心而倔强的等待着。

    To love someone in secret is like a seed in bottle waiting for growing up , though not sure whether the future will be more beautiful , stillwaiting it earnestly and eagerly .

  17. 不久,狂风大作,柳树随风摇摆,终又恢复了原样,没有受到任何损伤。可是,橡树很倔强,宁愿被折断也不愿意弯腰屈身。

    The willow plied4 , and gave way to the gust5 , and still recovered itself again , without receiving any damage , but the oak was stubborn , and chose rather to break than bend .

  18. 那就是他们对邪恶牧师所做的。4.stubbornlyad.倔强地;

    That is what they do to wicked priests .

  19. 倔强的反:docile容易教的,温顺的虽然我仔细地跟他解说过较短的路线,那任性的年轻人还是走较长的那条路来。

    Though I had care fully explained the shorter route to him , the perverse youngster came by the longer way .

  20. 全书上半部分集中描写了倔强的族长以及他死后继承家族产业的儿子塞伦(salem)的故事。

    The first half of the story is dominated by the tough patriarch , and Salem , the son who takes over the family enterprises after his death .

  21. 关于变化中的技术公司,以及它们富于远见卓识的领导的出版物名单中,如今又多了一本——写的是硅谷性格倔强的灵魂人物与可能的救星——雅虎的玛丽莎·梅耶尔(MarissaMayer)。

    To the list of books about transformative technology companies and their visionary leaders we can now add one about Silicon Valley 's wayward soul and would-be savior : Yahoo 's Marissa Mayer .

  22. 梅丽莎·加德纳(MelissaGardner)来自菲尔菲尔德郡,是个叛逆的波西米亚女郎,不过和西格尔笔下那个倔强的女学生不一样,梅丽莎很有钱,而且她经常笨拙地这样提醒剧中被称为“安迪”的安德鲁。

    Melissa Gardner is a Fairfield County black sheep bohemian , though unlike Jenny Cavilleri , the feisty scholarship student in the Segal tale , she is rich , as she frequently , and bluntly , reminds Andy .

  23. 他总是斥责人们“jad”,印度话里的“怠惰”。他把古时的纪律概念带到年轻、倔强的西方信徒生活中,命令他们不要再用为所欲为的嬉皮举动,浪费自己(和其他人)的时间与精力。

    He was always scolding people for being jad , the Hindi word for " inert . " He brought ancient concepts of discipline to the lives of his often rebellious young Western followers , commanding them to stop wasting their own ( and everyone else 's ) time and energy with their freewheeling hippie nonsense .

  24. 顽固或倔强的行为或例子。

    The act or an instance of being stubborn or refractory .

  25. 不是,您没那么想,夏洛蒂倔强地说。

    " No , you don 't ," Charlotte said stubbornly .

  26. 我倔强的咬紧嘴唇忍着泪水。

    I obstinately bite the tight lips to endure the tears .

  27. 说白话。倔强是一个修饰词。

    Talk of words . A stubborn one repairs an excuse .

  28. 这个倔强的姑娘已变成一个可爱的妻子和母亲。

    The headstrong girl metamorphoses into the loving wife and mother .

  29. 我们想要利波夫斯基呆在非洲,但他很倔强。

    We wanted lipofski in africa , but he got stubborn .

  30. 他对人类社会总是表示那样的不信任,倔强,坚决,这是一种无可妥协的不信任。

    Always that same fierce , implacable defiance of human society !